


Mahita Gajanan 2017-04-19










Florida restaurant inspectors found 13 violations this year at the kitchen of Mar-a-Lago, President Donald Trump’s private club in Palm Beach, according to a new report.

Although state inspectors decided the kitchen at the resort—which Trump once told Nancy Reagan was designed to be the “southern White House”—met the minimum standards, they found more code violations than they had in previous years, the Miami Herald reports.

Among the findings were three “high priority” violations, meaning they could potentially lead to the presence of harmful bacteria on plates served to dining room patrons. Inspectors found that fish designated to be served raw or undercooked had not gone through proper parasite destruction, The Herald reports. Staffers in the kitchen were told to cook the fish immediately, or throw it away.

In another violation, inspectors discovered that some raw meats were stored in coolers that were too warm. Mar-a-Lago was cited for not maintaining the coolers and ordered to empty them and have them repaired immediately.

In the past, Trump was known to personally check on the kitchen. On Wednesday, he was very complimentary of the club’s food, citing that he told Chinese President Xi Jinping about his decision to launch a missile strike on Syria over “the most beautiful piece of chocolate cake that you’ve ever seen” during dinner there.

Mar-a-Lago’s general manager did not comment to The Herald. The 13 violations sets a record for the club, which had 11 violations in 2016 and just two in 2015.

This article originally appeared on People.com

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