


Rachel Sugar 2017-04-27


《第二選擇》(Option B),作者:雪莉·桑德伯格、亞當·格蘭特



《軟木塞的秘密》(Cork Dork),作者:比安卡·博斯克

記者比安卡·博斯克本是葡萄酒的外行,但生性執(zhí)著的她進行了一次瘋狂之旅。她耗費18個月時間,深入這個行業(yè)的酒鬼圈中,回答了休閑飲酒者的一個永恒的問題:葡萄酒究竟是怎么回事?從西部的納帕到東部的弗吉尼亞海灘,博斯克接觸了全球最棒的味覺大師,鍛煉了自己的味蕾,與潮人侍酒師、氣味科學家、葡萄酒經(jīng)濟學家、附庸風雅之徒和內(nèi)行們交談(并共飲),只為準備那最終的測驗:世界侍酒大師協(xié)會(Court of Master Sommeliers)認證侍酒師(Certified Sommelier)考試。作為一名一絲不茍的研究者,博斯克對這個主題的熱情極具感染力。我們可以把這本書看作對這個“熱愛胡扯”的領域的一封情書。



《美國首腦:追蹤“絲綢之路”幕后黑手》(American Kingpin: The Epic Hunt for the Criminal Mastermind Behind the Silk Road),作者:尼克·比爾頓

一個聰明、親切的得克薩斯州男孩——英俊、和善,當然,還是個頑固的自由主義者——是怎么從賓夕法尼亞州立大學的博士研究生,變成規(guī)模達數(shù)十億美元的網(wǎng)絡毒品交易的幕后黑手?《名利場》(Vanity Fair)雜志記者、前《紐約時報》(New York Times)專欄作家尼克·比爾頓對此提出了疑問。通過多方調查,他還原了羅斯·烏爾布里奇[也就是“恐怖海盜羅伯茨”(Dread Pirate Roberts),當時年僅26歲的“絲綢之路”(Silk Road)創(chuàng)始人]和最終打倒他的政府特工的神奇事跡。這個網(wǎng)站在鼎盛時期完全實現(xiàn)了烏爾布里奇的自由主義理想:一個匿名、不受監(jiān)管的黑暗網(wǎng)絡市場,任何人都可以在這里買到任何東西。不過,隨著“絲綢之路”迅速壯大,它的直接危險性同樣暴增,為了保護他的王國——以及他自己,烏爾布里奇也日益走向極端。



《黑色邊緣:信息、非法贓款,以及打倒華爾街的最高通緝犯》(Black Edge: Inside Information, Dirty Money, and the Quest to Bring Down the Most Wanted Man on Wall Street),作者:希拉·科爾哈特卡爾

本書雖然出版于2月,不過隨著天氣轉暖,它依然可以待在你的書單前列。它講述了1992年成立SAC Capital,震驚華爾街的傳奇人物史蒂文·科恩。2013年,SAC Capital被指控內(nèi)線交易。告發(fā)者稱,公司“大量交易內(nèi)幕消息,其規(guī)模在對沖基金的歷史上從無先例”?!都~約客》(New Yorker)特約撰稿人希拉·科爾哈特卡爾嫻熟地解構了華爾街運作的巨大網(wǎng)絡,以莎士比亞的寫實風格,驚險地展現(xiàn)了政府歷時七年調查,打垮這家公司——盡管不是他本人——的過程。對于故事中的主要人物,如調查先鋒聯(lián)邦調查局(FBI)特工B. J. 康、陰險的SAC投資組合經(jīng)理馬修·馬爾托馬以及同情他的年邁教授,作者都予以了電影般的細致描寫。盡管科爾哈特卡爾沒有提供什么巨大的爆料——科恩否認自己參與其中——但是她對于一個萎靡不振的行業(yè)令人恐懼的描述,使得本書無論作為人類故事還是經(jīng)濟故事,都吸引力十足。


《職業(yè)女性:重寫成功的規(guī)則》(Women Who Work: Rewriting the Rules for Success),作者:伊萬卡·特朗普



《不可動搖:你的財務自由指南》(Unshakable: Your Financial Freedom Playbook),作者:托尼·羅賓斯

感染力十足的演講者和財富管理的平民主義者羅賓斯把他那本接近700頁的投資作品《金錢:游戲的主宰》(Money: Master the Game)進行了濃縮,在本書中詳盡闡述了他的投資策略,這是許多金融巨頭的智慧結晶。本書擁有一系列極易理解的案例,盡管在實現(xiàn)不可動搖的財務自由上,羅賓斯提供的許多方式都難稱獨創(chuàng)(投資指數(shù)型基金,市場波動時不要驚慌,避免各種費用蠶食你的財產(chǎn)),而且他的建議也存在爭議,不過他的做法很實際,為那些新手投資者或憂心忡忡的投資者提供了可靠的投資路線圖。


《人人都會說謊:大數(shù)據(jù)、新數(shù)據(jù),以及因特網(wǎng)告訴我們自己究竟是誰》(Everybody Lies: Big Data, New Data, and What the Internet Can Tell Us About Who We Really Are),作者:賽斯·史蒂文斯-大衛(wèi)德維斯


(Dey Street,5月2日出版)

《自滿的階級:對美國夢弄巧成拙的追尋》(The Complacent Class: The Self-Defeating Quest for the American Dream),作者:泰勒·科文



《華爾街為何重要》(Why Wall Street Matters),作者:威廉·科漢




Option B by Sheryl Sandberg and Adam Grant

No one lives a life immune from disappointment, grief, failure, and pain. The question isn’t how to avoid them. It's: What happens next? Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg uses her own grief as a springboard for a research-backed study of human resilience. Writing with Wharton professor Adam Grant in the aftermath of her husband’s sudden death, Sandberg offers herself as a gut-wrenching case study to explore the own for hope (and growth) after loss. Resilience, they argue, isn’t a state of mind but a skill to be developed—and now or later, it’s imperative that we do. Adversity comes to us all. With nuance and compassion, Sandberg and Grant offer a gentle how-to manual for making the most of it.

(Knopf, April 24, 2017)

Cork Dork by Bianca Bosker

Journalist, wine rube, and obsessive personality Bianca Bosker embarks on a madcap eighteen-month journey into the booze-soaked belly of the wine industry to uncover the answer to the casual drinker’s perennial question: what is the deal with wine? By embedding herself with some of the finest palates in the world, Bosker sets to work cultivating her own tastebuds, talking (and drinking) with hipster sommeliers, smell-obsessed scientists, wine economists, snobs and anti-snobs from Napa to New York in preparation for the ultimate test: the Court of Master Sommeliers’ Certified Sommelier Exam. A meticulous researcher, Bosker’s gleeful enthusiasm for her subject is contagious; call it a skeptical love letter to a “bullshit-prone” field.

Plus, buyers beware: A wine’s price matters for quality up to $60, one expert tells Bosker. After that, you're mostly paying for branding.

(Penguin Books, March 28)

American Kingpin: The Epic Hunt for the Criminal Mastermind Behind the Silk Road by Nick Bilton

How did a smart, sweet kid from Texas—handsome, kind, and sure, a die-hard libertarian—go from Penn State PhD student to kingpin of a billion dollar cyber drug-dealing operation? That’s Vanity Fair correspondent and former New York Times columnist Nick Bilton's question, as he pieces together the implausible saga of Ross Ulbricht, a.k.a. Dread Pirate Roberts, the then-26-year-old founder of the Silk Road, and the team of government agents who eventually brought him down. At its peak, the site was the ultimate realization of Ulbricht’s libertarian ideals: an anonymous, unregulated dark web marketplace where anyone could buy anything. But as Silk Road exploded, so did the immediate danger, and Ulbricht went to increasing extremes to protect his empire—and himself.

The result is as good a primer as any on seamier side of the internet. Silk Road, Bilton argues, is emblematic of a new era, where anonymous figures from the shadows of the internet to go toe-to-toe with the government. It’s a little frustrating that Bilton declines to dig into the broader implications of the digital underground, though the question swirls in the background. Like Ulbricht, he notes, some of the people running the current generation anonymous markets believe they’re contributing to a better world. “Maybe it’s just a justification,” Bilton offers. “Or maybe it’s not.”

(Penguin/Portfolio, May 2)

Black Edge: Inside Information, Dirty Money, and the Quest to Bring Down the Most Wanted Man on Wall Street by Sheelah Kolhatkar

Out in February, this book should still be at the top of your list as the weather warms up. It follows the legendary Steven Cohen, who launched SAC Capital in 1992 and shook Wall Street. In 2013, SAC Capital was indicted for insider trading; according to prosecutors, the company “trafficked in inside information on a scale without any known precedent in the history of hedge funds.” Masterfully deconstructing a massive web of Wall Street operating, New Yorker staff writer Sheelah Kolhatkar retraces the seven-year government investigation that took down the firm—though not the man—in a true-life thriller with Shakespearian stakes. She draws her major players with cinematic precision, from FBI Special Agent B.J. Kang, who spearheaded the investigation, to sinister SAC portfolio manager Mathew Martoma and the aging professor who becomes his sympathetic source. Though Kolhatkar offers no grand revelation here—Cohen himself declined to participate — her chilling account of a blighted industry is as mesmerizing as a human story as it is as a financial one.

(Random House, Feb. 7)

Women Who Work: Rewriting the Rules for Success by Ivanka Trump

Ivanka Trump started Women Who Work before the election, but its safe to say it will find a broader audience now. How exactly the book will fit in with Trump’s evolving brand, though, remains to be seen. Details about the content of the book have been hard to come by (the press isn't getting early galleys), the release was delayed from March to May, and the Trump camp says the proceeds will go to charity, but the recipients have not yet been identified. What we do know, we can read in the dust jacket, on which the first daughter writes, “When it comes to women and work, there isn’t one right answer." The book promises to equip millennial women with “the best skills I’ve learned from some of the amazing people I’ve met.” With chapters on topics like “identifying opportunities,” “managing work and family,” and “starting companies”—as well as “helping change the system to make it better for women.”

(Portfolio, May 2)

Unshakable: Your Financial Freedom Playbook by Tony Robbins

In this slim distillation of his nearly 700-page investing opus, Money: Master the Game, motivational speaker and wealth-management populist Robbins—a coach to the core—offers a play-by-play of his investment strategy, gleaned from the wisdom of financial giants. Illustrated with a host of ultra-accessible examples, Robbins’s mass prescription for unshakable financial freedom is hardly revelatory (invest in index funds, don’t panic as the market fluctuates, avoid fortune-eating fees) and his advice has not been without controversy, but his no-nonsense approach lays out a reassuring road map for new and anxious investors alike.

(Simon & Schuster, Feb. 28)

Everybody Lies: Big Data, New Data, and What the Internet Can Tell Us About Who We Really Are by Seth Stephens-Davidowitz

Big data reveals previously untapped insights about the human condition—or so says economist and data scientist Seth Stephens-Davidowitz in his quippy new book, which argues for its revolutionary possibilities. Positioning himself in opposition to “Big Data skeptics,” Stephens-Davidowitz makes the case that the way to our hearts is through our Google searches. In example after highly quotable example, he illustrates the observational power of massive data sets. Study late-night PornHub searches and discover a wealth of unexpected (and, uh, sometimes expected) insights into adult sexuality; study racist Google searches and come to the unsettling conclusion that a lot of what we think we know about racism in America is wrong. (Think racism is endemic to the South? Think again.) But while the book is brimming with intriguing anecdotes and counterintuitive facts, Stephens-Davidowitz does his level best to help usher in a new age of human understanding, one digital data point at a time.

(Dey Street, May 2)

The Complacent Class: The Self-Defeating Quest for the American Dream by Tyler Cowen

Americans move less than they used to. This is true when measured in moving vans: Interstate migration is about 50% lower today than in the 1960s. It's also true in economic terms, says Tyler Cowen in his compelling new book, The Complacent Class. There are fewer startups now as a percent of business activity, less corporate "creative destruction," and less development in cities. Cowen's takeaway: The stasis can't hold. Postponing the big changes that would combat rising inequality and segregation is just a recipe for crisis down the line.

(St. Martin's Press, Feb. 28)

Why Wall Street Matters by William Cohan

This is the book everyone in finance is going to buy as a gift for their friends—especially their friends who rag on them for working in finance. Seasoned journalist (and Fortune contributor) William Cohan writes a spirited and convincing defense—not exactly of Wall Street, but of the critical role it plays in the economy. Part history and part industry cheat sheet, Cohan's book explains why reform is still needed but breaking up the Wall Street titans is a bad idea. A quick read at just 147 pages, it's a good primer for anyone who wonders just what the big banks are good for, anyway.

(Random House, Feb. 28)

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