


Sy Mukherjee 2017年06月06日


定下宏偉目標(biāo)的是2017年TED大獎(jiǎng)得主,醫(yī)療工作者培訓(xùn)和管理機(jī)構(gòu)Last Mile Health首席執(zhí)行官拉杰?潘賈比博士(他也被《財(cái)富》雜志評(píng)為全球最偉大領(lǐng)袖之一,而且作為特邀嘉賓出席了去年在梵蒂岡召開的《財(cái)富》+《時(shí)代》全球論壇)。今年4月《財(cái)富》雜志率先獨(dú)家觀看了潘賈比博士的TED演講,這段視頻于上周二上午向公眾播出。潘賈比博士在演講中描述的前景是社區(qū)醫(yī)療工作者掌握30種能拯救生命的醫(yī)療技能,“到2030年可挽救3000萬人”,技能中包括注射疫苗和監(jiān)測(cè)血糖水平。

非營利機(jī)構(gòu)Last Mile Health已經(jīng)展示邊遠(yuǎn)地區(qū)社區(qū)工作者如何提供簡(jiǎn)便的基本醫(yī)療服務(wù),要知道那些地方的人們往往得走上兩天才能找到診所和醫(yī)生。在潘賈比博士出生地利比亞,Last Mile Health培訓(xùn)的1萬名醫(yī)療工作者挨家挨戶提供服務(wù),為遏制2014年的艾博拉疫情做出了貢獻(xiàn)。潘賈比博士接受《財(cái)富》雜志采訪時(shí)指出,從那時(shí)起,利比亞政府開始投入更多的資源培訓(xùn)社區(qū)醫(yī)療人員。

作為TED百萬美元大獎(jiǎng)得主,潘賈比博士還為世界許了個(gè)愿:“幫助我們通過全球性培訓(xùn)、聯(lián)絡(luò)和授權(quán)平臺(tái)Community Health Academy,建立有史以來規(guī)模最大的社區(qū)醫(yī)療工作者隊(duì)伍吧?!?/p>

Community Health Academy將成為數(shù)字樞紐,也可用來擴(kuò)大社區(qū)醫(yī)療工作者培訓(xùn)規(guī)模。潘賈比博士介紹說,數(shù)字化的好處是希望接受培訓(xùn)的當(dāng)?shù)厝司筒槐叵褚郧耙粯右獎(jiǎng)澲?dú)木舟趕過去。潘賈比博士把平臺(tái)定義為數(shù)字教育和社區(qū)醫(yī)療工作革新的結(jié)合體,可以幫助印度和非洲其他國家等地提高公眾健康水平,而且通過降低基本醫(yī)療資質(zhì)認(rèn)證的門檻,創(chuàng)造大量?jī)?yōu)質(zhì)體面的工作崗位。




Making sure the poor have access to health care is a difficult prospect even in advanced nations like the U.S. In low-income countries with few resources, it can be a near impossible feat. But what if a digital health education platform could revolutionize the way medicine is taught and delivered in the most rural, isolated settings—and wind up saving 30 million lives in the process?

That's the ambitious goal set out by 2017 TED Prize winner and Last Mile Health CEO Dr. Raj Panjabi (who is also on Fortune's list of World's Greatest Leaders and was one of the featured participants in the FORTUNE + TIME Global Forum at the Vatican last year). Fortune got an exclusive first look at Panjabi's TED Talk from April, which was released to the public this morning, and where he laid out the promise of community health workers to "save the lives of 30 million people by 2030" by learning 30 life-saving medical skills, such as how to administer vaccines and monitor blood sugar.

Panjabi's nonprofit, Last Mile Health, has already demonstrated how these community workers can change the face of rural health by giving people easily-accessible primary care in regions where you may have to trek for two days to find a clinic or doctor. The group trained 10,000 workers who went door to door in Panjabi's birth country of Liberia to help stem the spread of the Ebola virus during the 2014 outbreak. The Liberian government has been pouring more resources into training these community health professionals since then, Panjabi noted in an interview with Fortune.

As a $1 million TED Prize recipient, Panjabi got to make a wish for the world: "Help us recruit the largest army of community health workers the world has ever known, by creating the Community Health Academy, a global platform to train, connect and empower," he said during his TED Talk.

This Community Health Academy would be a digital hub that could be used to scale community health worker training so that interested locals wouldn't have to journey by canoe just to get to a training center, as one participant described by Panjabi had to. It would sit at the nexus of the digital education and community health worker revolutions, as Panjabi puts it, and allow nations like India and other African countries to bolster public health while also creating a massive number of prestigious jobs by putting basic medical accreditation within everyday people's reach.

But Panjabi acknowledges that government cooperation and private sector technological investments will be necessary to make such a system possible. Ensuring cellular and Internet connectivity so that workers can receive their training will be critical. However, as Panjabi notes, just as technology is crucial to improving public health and medical education, it can also create big new markets for medical devices and digital health apps in countries that have long been ignored.

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