


Lisa Eadicicco 2017年06月15日


不過有人認(rèn)為,目前這種程度的互聯(lián)性并沒有完全解決智能家居領(lǐng)域最大的問題。為了使智能家居發(fā)揮最大的效益,消費者必須選擇一個特定的平臺——比如蘋果的HomeKit或谷歌的Works With Nest平臺。而這就限制了他們在購買智能家居產(chǎn)品時的選擇。



今年6月7日,安迪·魯賓在連線商業(yè)大會(Wired Business Conference)上演講時,將各種智能家居平臺比作一個個“孤島”,并表示他的產(chǎn)品能在這些“孤島”之間架起“橋梁”。魯賓對記者們表示:“只要我能模擬(這些孤島),我就能讓它們實現(xiàn)互聯(lián),并且可以控制10萬臺設(shè)備?!?/p>







Most smart home devices, like smart light bulbs or connected door locks, are most useful when they're capable of communicating with one another. That's why companies like Apple and Google have developed their own respective "languages" for enabling these devices to stay in sync.

But some argue that this interconnectivity hasn't completely solved the smart home's biggest issues. In order to get those benefits, consumers must choose one specific platform, like Apple's HomeKit or Google's Works With Nest, which could limit the choices they have when shopping for smart home products.

Andy Rubin, the creator of Android and CEO of newly launched tech company Essential, is trying to change that. One of his company's first products is a voice-enabled smart home assistant called, appropriately enough, Home. He hopes to make the gadget compatible with any smart home device, regardless of whether it runs on an Apple, Google, or Samsung-operated platform.

The trick, says Rubin, is to use application programming interfaces, or APIs, to create a sort of emulator that allow his product to support gadgets on different platforms. An API is a set of protocols that makes it possible for apps and services to integrate with one another. They make it possible to use your Facebook credentials to sign up for a new website, for instance.

Speaking on stage at the Wired Business Conference on June 7, Rubin compared the various smart home platforms to individual islands, saying his product would provide a bridge between them. "If I can emulate [these islands], I can turn it on and control 100,000 devices," Rubin told reporters.

Following Rubin's May announcement of Essential, observers have questioned whether it will be possible to create a device that can offer cross functionality between competing platforms. Such doubts Apple doubly so to Apple, which is known for keeping its software and hardware ecosystems closed. The iPhone maker only allowed third-party developers to integrate their apps with Siri and iMessage last year, long after rivals like Amazon and Facebook made similar moves.

But alongside the rise of smart home technology, tech giants have shown an increasing willingness to allow their devices and software to play nice with others. Google recently debuted its Google Assistant on the iPhone, while Microsoft's Cortana has been on iPhone and Android since 2015. Amazon in particular says it's willing to embrace even deeper collaboration, saying it's open to the idea of making Alexa compatible with Siri. "You should be able to tell Alexa, 'Ask Siri X,'" David Limp, Amazon's senior vice president of devices, told reporters at the conference. "If Apple or Google want to call, my number is out there."

Even if Rubin's gadget succeeds at building those aforementioned bridges, there are plenty of other ways smart home tech could stand to improve. Rubin says he's already thinking about how the installation and setup process can become more accessible to those who aren't tech-savvy. Companies like Control4 offer remote device installation and management services, but Rubin feels customers should be able to handle their gear on their own.

"That's an outdated approach," said Rubin. "The [people] that are doing the user interface are the same ones drilling holes in your wall . . . So I need to change who the installer is, and I think we've developed enough technology to make it very easy."

This article was originally published at Time.com

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