
新任白宮聯(lián)絡(luò)辦公室主任安東尼·斯卡拉穆奇走馬上任剛剛十天,就被白宮解雇了。 斯卡拉穆奇在白宮的任期雖然短暫,卻著實惹出了不少麻煩。每一天都有人爆出他的新料,要么就是他本人成為了爭議的焦點——比如在接受《紐約客》采訪時大飆臟話。 現(xiàn)在,我們就來回顧一下這位短命的白宮聯(lián)絡(luò)辦主任在短短10天任期內(nèi)的高光時刻。 7月21日:頂替肖恩·斯派瑟 斯卡拉穆奇的任職決定宣布后,他在白宮簡報室召開了一場新聞發(fā)布會。會上,他表示接下來會花幾周的時間與“白宮群英”們熟悉起來。 針對坊間關(guān)于他與時任時特朗普幕僚長的雷恩斯·普里伯斯關(guān)系緊張的傳聞,他也專門做了澄清,表示這一傳聞并無根據(jù)。 斯卡拉穆奇表示:“我們的關(guān)系有點像兄弟,我們有時看起來互相很粗魯似的,不過這對兄弟來說是很正常的。這里很多人都有兄弟,所以你們應(yīng)該懂的。不過他是一個很好的朋友?!? |
Anthony Scaramucci was axed as the White House communications director Monday—just 10 days after he assumed the role. Scaramucci had a tumultuous —albeit brief — tenure in the White House. Each day, it seemed, brought either a new revelation about him or a controversy of his own making, such as his profanity-laced interview with the New Yorker. Here is a look at the highlights of his 10-day career as Trump's communications director. July 21: Scaramucci steps in for Sean Spicer After being announced as the new communications director, Scaramucci held a press conference in the White House briefing room, where he said he will spend the next few weeks getting acquainted with the employees in the West Wing. He also addressed reports of tension with Reince Priebus,Trump's then-Chief-of-Staff, saying their rivalry was unfounded. "We are a little bit like brothers where we rough each other up once in a while, which is totally normal for brothers. There’s a lot of people in here who have brothers, and so you get that. But he’s a dear friend," Scaramucci said. |

7月22日:刪推文 斯卡拉穆奇在推特上表示,作為白宮聯(lián)絡(luò)辦主任,為了確保坦率透明,他要把以前發(fā)過的老推文都刪了。 斯卡拉穆奇任職白宮前,曾經(jīng)在推特上發(fā)表過不少與白宮意見相左的言論。比如他支持過希拉里,聲援過控槍。就此,他在推特上寫道:“以前的觀點是會變的,它們不應(yīng)該成為現(xiàn)在的干擾?,F(xiàn)在我一切為美國總統(tǒng)服務(wù),這是最重要的?!? “完全透明:我要刪掉以前的推文。以前的觀點是會變的,它們不應(yīng)該成為現(xiàn)在的干擾。現(xiàn)在我一切為美國總統(tǒng)服務(wù),這是最重要的。 ——- Anthony Scaramucci (@Scaramucci),2017年7月22日” 7月23日:提到了薩拉·哈克比·桑德斯的頭發(fā)和妝容 這一天他上了幾個周日的脫口秀,討論了他即將采取的宣傳戰(zhàn)略,以及計劃如何禁絕白宮的新聞泄密問題。 在談及白宮的員工時,他對福克斯新聞的克里斯·華萊士表示:“我們得看看在我的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)下,大家相處得怎么樣。如果泄密問題沒有停止,我就要開始裁員了,因那肯定是有什么問題的?!? 在接受CNN的《國情咨文》節(jié)目采訪過程中,他在談到新任白宮新聞發(fā)言人薩拉·哈克比·桑德斯時,他的言論被很多人指責(zé)存在性別歧視的意味: “薩拉,如果你也在看這個節(jié)目,我想說,我喜歡周五晚上給你做頭發(fā)和化妝的那個人,所以我打算繼續(xù)用他?!? 斯卡拉穆奇后來在在推特上表示,他指的其實是自己的發(fā)型和化妝。 “鄭重聲明,我說的是我自己的頭發(fā)和化妝,我喜歡那位化妝師。我需要各種能獲得的幫助!#幽默 ——Anthony Scaramucci (@Scaramucci),2017年7月23日” 7月24日:白宮新聞簡報會重啟電視轉(zhuǎn)播 在白宮凍結(jié)了新聞簡報會的電視轉(zhuǎn)播后,斯卡拉穆奇在推特上宣布,他將改變白宮的宣傳政策,重新把電視轉(zhuǎn)播提上議事日程。 這一天,他還隨特朗普去了西弗吉尼亞。也就是同一天,特朗普在童子軍大會上發(fā)表了一篇現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)臭大街的演講。 斯卡拉穆奇在“空軍一號”上上傳了幾張照片到推特,并配文字道:“永不變老?!? |
July 22: 'The Mooch' deletes old tweets Scaramucci, also known as "The Mooch", announced on Twitter that he was deleting his old tweets in an effort to be fully transparent as communications director. He had previously tweeted about issues at odds with the White House's agenda, like support for Hillary Clinton and advocating for gun control. "Past views evolved and shouldn't be a distraction," he wrote on Twitter. "I serve POTUS agenda and thats all that matters." Full transparency: I'm deleting old tweets. Past views evolved & shouldn't be a distraction. I serve @POTUS agenda & that's all that matters - Anthony Scaramucci (@Scaramucci) July 22, 2017 July 23: He refers to Sarah Huckabee Sanders' hair and makeup Scaramucci made the rounds on network and cable Sunday talk shows, discussing his upcoming strategy and plans to clamp down on leaks from the White House. "We’ll see how they do with me at the helm," he told Fox News' Chris Wallace about White House staffers. "If the leaks don't stop, I’m going to pare down the staff because it's just not right." While discussing Sarah Huckabee Sanders' new role as press secretary, he made a comment that drew criticism for sexist undertones during an interview on CNN's "State of the Union." “Sarah, if you're watching, I love the hair and makeup person that we had on Friday, so I'd like to continue to use the hair and makeup person," he said. Scaramucci later took to Twitter, saying that he was referring to his own hair and makeup. For the record, I was referring to my hair and make up and the fact that I like the make up artist. I need all the help I can get! #humor - Anthony Scaramucci (@Scaramucci) July 23, 2017 July 24: The return of on-camera press briefings After weeks of the White House prohibiting televised press briefings, Scaramucci announced on Twitter that he was changing the policy and would revive the on-camera updates. He also traveled with Trump to West Virginia, where the president gave his now-infamous political speech at the Boy Scout Jamboree. Scaramucci posted several pictures from Air Force One on Twitter. "It will never get old," he wrote of the experience. |

7月25日:“空軍一號”上的生活 這一周,斯卡拉穆奇是“空軍一號”上的??汀? 在隨同特朗普結(jié)束了西弗吉尼亞的行程后,他又陪著特朗普去了俄亥俄州,并且又在總統(tǒng)專機(jī)上發(fā)了幾張照片。 登上“空軍一號”。圖片:pic.twitter.com/juZo3runTo ——Anthony Scaramucci (@Scaramucci),2017年7月26日 7月26日:白宮大戰(zhàn)普里伯斯 斯卡拉穆奇在推特上暗示,他的白宮勁敵雷恩斯·普里伯斯有意泄露了他的財務(wù)披露表,而這份財務(wù)披露表則出現(xiàn)在了政客新聞網(wǎng)的一篇報道中。 “泄露我的財務(wù)披露信息的行為已涉嫌犯罪。我將聯(lián)系FBI和司法部。” 斯卡拉穆奇在這則推文中還@了普里伯斯的賬號。 這則推文令外界紛紛猜測,斯卡拉穆奇是不是要叫執(zhí)法部門來針對普里伯斯展開調(diào)查。對此,斯卡拉穆奇又發(fā)布了一則推文: “不對!那則推文是公開告誡泄密者,所有高級幕僚官員都在協(xié)助解決非法泄密問題。@Reince45,pic.twitter.com/AB0reseuX1” ——Anthony Scaramucci (@Scaramucci),2017年7月27日 7月27日:接受《紐約客》采訪 這一天,斯卡拉穆奇先是接受了CNN的《New Day》欄目的專訪,將泄密一事告訴了媒體。此時普里伯斯仍然是特朗普的幕僚長。斯卡拉穆奇表示,他和普里伯斯的關(guān)系就好比是“該隱與亞伯”的關(guān)系。 這一天晚些時候,斯卡拉穆奇繼續(xù)言辭激烈地攻擊普里伯斯。在接受《紐約客》電話采訪時,他稱普里伯斯是“精神病、偏執(zhí)狂”,“背后下黑手”,言辭極為粗俗。 也是在這次電話采訪中,斯卡拉穆奇聲稱要燒死整個白宮的通訊團(tuán)隊,以一勞永逸地解決“泄密者”。 “那天我發(fā)現(xiàn)了一個家伙。我明天就要炒掉三四個人,我會去找那個向你們泄密的人。雷恩斯·普里伯斯,如果你想泄密的話——他很快就會被要求辭職的。”他在采訪中表示。 7月28日:老婆申請離婚,政敵宣布辭職 在斯卡拉穆奇上任一周后,他似乎終于打敗了自己的老對手普里伯斯,因為就在這一天,普里伯斯辭去了白宮幕僚長的職務(wù)。 就在斯卡拉穆奇貌似在政壇開始得意的時候,《紐約郵報》又爆料稱他的私人生活出了問題。據(jù)該報報道,由于受不了他“赤裸裸的政治野心”,與他結(jié)婚才三年的妻子已經(jīng)遞交了離婚申請。 看到相關(guān)報道后,斯卡拉穆奇發(fā)推文表示,這事兒不要讓“老百姓”摻合進(jìn)來。 “不要把老百姓摻合進(jìn)來。我能承受這些打擊,我只希望你考慮一下我的家人。” ——Anthony Scaramucci (@Scaramucci),2017年7月28日 7月29日:關(guān)于老婆的更多信息被爆出 這一天,更多關(guān)于他老婆的消息見諸報端。他老婆名叫黛德麗·鮑爾,今年38歲,申請離婚時已經(jīng)有了九個月的身孕。 據(jù)《紐約郵報》稱,當(dāng)他老婆7月24日生產(chǎn)時,斯卡拉穆奇并沒有陪老婆,而是跟隨總統(tǒng)到西弗吉尼亞出差去了。 據(jù)說老婆生下兒子之后,他只給老婆發(fā)了個短信:“祝賀你!我會為我們的孩子祈禱的?!辈贿^有一個代表黛德麗·鮑爾的人對《紐約時報》表示,這種說法并不屬實。 7月30日:約翰·凱利接管特朗普團(tuán)隊 就在斯卡拉穆奇被解雇的前一天,前海軍陸戰(zhàn)隊將軍約翰·凱利擔(dān)任了特朗普團(tuán)隊的新幕僚長。人們都想知道白宮的這些幕僚們(包括斯卡拉穆奇)會不會向這位新長官匯報工作。 在普里伯斯當(dāng)政期間,斯卡拉穆奇曾明確表示,他只會直接向總統(tǒng)匯報,而不會向普里伯斯匯報。 在接受媒體采訪時,白宮管理與預(yù)算辦公室主任米克·馬爾瓦尼、白宮高級顧問凱莉亞妮·康威都表示會代表其他同事說話,但他們也會執(zhí)行新領(lǐng)導(dǎo)的命令。 |
July 25: Life on Air Force One For the week, Scaramucci was a regular fixture on Air Force One. One day after traveling with the president to West Virginia, he accompanied him to Ohio, posting several more pictures from the plane on Twitter. Aboard Air Force One pic.twitter.com/juZo3runTo - Anthony Scaramucci (@Scaramucci) July 26, 2017 July 26: White House infighting with Reince Priebus Scaramucci sent a tweet insinuating that his White House rival Reince Priebus had leaked his financial disclosure form, which was the subject of a Politico report. "In light of the leak of my financial disclosure info which is a felony. I will be contacting the @FBI and @JutsiceDept #swamp @Reince45," Scaramucci tweeted. His tweet sparked speculation that he was asking law enforcement to investigate Priebus for the leak, causing him to send a follow-up tweet disputing that. Wrong! Tweet was public notice to leakers that all Sr Adm officials are helping to end illegal leaks. @Reince45 pic.twitter.com/AB0reseuX1 - Anthony Scaramucci (@Scaramucci) July 27, 2017 July 27: The New Yorker interview Scaramucci started the day with a call into CNN’s New Day, blasting leaks to the media and comparing his relationship with Reince Priebus, who was still serving as Trump's chief of staff, to Cain and Abel. Later in the day, the Mooch continued his tirade against Priebus, calling him a “paranoid schizophrenic” who had “cock-blocked” him in a vulgar call with the New Yorker. In that same conversation, Scaramucci threatened to fire the entire White House communications team in an effort to rid it of “l(fā)eakers.” “I fired one guy the other day. I have three to four people I’ll fire tomorrow. I’ll get to the person who leaked that to you. Reince Priebus — if you want to leak something — he’ll be asked to resign very shortly," he said in the interview. July 28: Scaramucci's wife files for divorce and Reince Priebus resigns One week into Scaramucci’s role as communications director, it appeared that he’d won the battle against his longtime rival Priebus, who resigned White House Chief of Staff on Thursday. While things seemed to be smoothing over in Scaramucci’s professional life, the New York Post reported there was also turbulence in his personal life. According to the tabloid, his wife of three years had filed for divorce because of his “naked political ambition.” Amid the reports, the Scaramucci tweeted that “civilians” should be off limits. Leave civilians out of this. I can take the hits, but I would ask that you would put my family in your thoughts and prayers & nothing more. - Anthony Scaramucci (@Scaramucci) July 28, 2017 July 29: More details about his wife, Deidre Ball, emerge More details emerged about Scaramucci’s wife Deidre Ball, 38, who reportedly filed for divorce in the ninth month of pregnancy. When his wife gave birth to their son on July 24, Scaramucci wasn’t there and was instead on the road in West Virginia with Trump, according to the Post. He allegedly texted his wife, “Congratulations, I’ll pray for our child,” when their son was born, but a representative for Ball told the New York Times that was not true. July 30: John F. Kelly takes over Team Trump One day before retired Marine Gen. John Kelly was set to take helm of the Trump's team, questions began swirling about if White House staffers, including Scaramucci, would report to the new chief of staff. When Priebus was in charge, Scaramucci made clear that he reported directly to the president, not Priebus. In interviews, both Mick Mulvaney, director of the Office of Management and Budget, and Senior White House Adviser Kellyanne Conway would speak for their other colleagues, though they said they would follow the new chief’s orders. |

7月31日:被炒魷魚 約翰·凱利剛剛上任幾個小時,《紐約時報》就報道稱,斯卡拉穆奇已經(jīng)卸任白宮聯(lián)絡(luò)辦主任一職。 據(jù)《紐約時報》稱,正是約翰·凱利要求將他解雇的。 白宮新聞發(fā)言人薩拉·哈克比·桑德斯在一份聲明中表示,斯卡拉穆奇之所以離職,是因為他覺得“最好讓約翰·凱利幕僚長能夠從頭打造自己的團(tuán)隊”。(財富中文網(wǎng))? 譯者:樸成奎 |
July 31: Scaramucci is fired A few hours after Kelly was sworn in, the New York Times reported that Scaramucci was out as communications director. According to the Times, General Kelly had requested his removal. In a statement, White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Scaramucci was leaving his role because he thought it was “best to give Chief of Staff John Kelly a clean slate and the ability to build his own team.” |