
庫克表示iPhone X售價1000美元很值

庫克表示iPhone X售價1000美元很值

Don Reisinger 2017-09-22
iPhone X是蘋果有史以來最貴的智能手機,但蘋果的CEO認為物有所值。

蘋果的首席執(zhí)行官蒂姆·庫克表示,考慮到消費者買到的是iPhone X, 999美元其實相當劃算。

在本周四的《早安美國》節(jié)目上,庫克稱根據(jù)最近發(fā)布的iPhone X所采用的各項技術(shù),它的“價格很值”。他還表示,通過運營商提供的分期付款方式,iPhone X還顯得更加實惠。


蘋果上周公布的iPhone X將在11月3號開售。手機帶有接近覆蓋整個正面的5.8英寸屏幕,不設物理Home鍵。新型Face ID面部識別特色可以確認用戶的身份,并通過Apple Pay進行購物。設備還兼容無線充電,從而不再需要把手機插到電源上。

除了999美元的基礎款iPhone X,蘋果還提供了256GB版的iPhone X,售價1,149美元。這也讓該手機成為了蘋果銷售的最貴手機。

iPhone X的昂貴價格并未被忽視,一些批評者表示這太貴了。然而,蘋果認為iPhone X是智能手機的“未來”。

蘋果和美國的四大移動運營商威瑞森、美國電話電報公司、Sprint和T-Mobile都提供了抵價項目,iPhone X的購買者可以上交舊的智能手機獲得折扣。蘋果的零售伙伴如百思買和沃爾瑪也有類似的活動。


與此同時,據(jù)說,刨除掉裝配和運輸費用,蘋果每賣出一部iPhone X都可以獲得相當可觀的利潤。

本周一,市場研究公司Susquehanna International Group表示,iPhone X的部件成本是581美元。如果真的如此,不考慮那些額外成本,蘋果每部手機的利潤高達418美元。

因此,不管iPhone X是否真的“值得”,都是相對而言的。毫無疑問,美國和全球其他地方恐怕會有很多人不能認同庫克對于價值的觀點。(財富中文網(wǎng))


Apple CEO Tim Cook says his company’s $999 iPhone X is available at a great price considering what buyers get for their money.

On Good Morning America on Tuesday, Cook said that the recently announced iPhone X has a “value price” based on all the technology that comes with the device. He also said that the option to pay for the iPhone X over time through carrier-offered installment plans makes the iPhone X even more affordable.

“Most people are now paying for phones over long periods of time,” Cook said. “And so very few people will pay the price tag of the phone initially. Also most people actually trade in their current phone, and so that reduces the price further, and some carriers even throw in subsidies and discounts.”

Apple’s iPhone X, announced last week, will be available in Nov. 3. It comes with a 5.8-inch screen that nearly covers its face and no physical home button. A new facial-recognition feature called Face ID can verify the users’ identities and their purchases via Apple Pay. The device is also compatible with wireless charging, eliminating the need to plug the phone in to charge its battery.

In addition to the base $999 iPhone X, Apple is selling a 256GB version for $1,149. That makes the iPhone X the most expensive smartphone Apple has ever sold.

The iPhone X’s lofty price hasn’t gone unnoticed, and some critics have said it’s too expensive. Apple, however, has argued that the iPhone X the “future” of smartphones.

Apple, along with all four major mobile carriers—Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, and T-Mobile—all offer trade-in programs that let iPhone X buyers get credits on their purchase by turning in old smartphones. Apple’s retail partners, like Best Buy and Walmart, offer similar options.

And by offering installment plans, Apple and its carrier partners can help customers spread the cost of an expensive iPhone over one or two years. But even installment plan aren’t cheap, with monthly payments starting at nearly $50 through Apple.

Apple, meanwhile, is said to be making a healthy profit off the sale of each iPhone X, excluding costs like assembly and shipping.

On Monday, market researcher Susquehanna International Group said the iPhone X’s components cost Apple $581. If correct, that suggests Apple will make a $418 profit on every iPhone X sold, excluding those extra costs.

So, whether the iPhone X is really a “value” is relative. And there are undoubtedly many people both in the U.S. and around the globe who may not share Cook’s thoughts about value.

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