
蘋果高管認(rèn)為,F(xiàn)ace ID技術(shù)完勝基于安卓手機(jī)的競(jìng)爭(zhēng)技術(shù)

蘋果高管認(rèn)為,F(xiàn)ace ID技術(shù)完勝基于安卓手機(jī)的競(jìng)爭(zhēng)技術(shù)

Don Reisinger 2017年12月14日
蘋果宣稱,它的Face ID技術(shù)的誤差率只有百萬(wàn)分之一,完勝對(duì)手。

蘋果的Face ID識(shí)別技術(shù),可以掃描iPhone X用戶的面容來(lái)確定是否解鎖手機(jī),這項(xiàng)技術(shù)領(lǐng)先于競(jìng)爭(zhēng)對(duì)手手機(jī)中使用的類似技術(shù)。


據(jù)科技網(wǎng)站BGR表示,相反,按照席勒的說(shuō)法,蘋果的Face ID是“獨(dú)一無(wú)二的”,因?yàn)樗馁|(zhì)量不差。

蘋果在9月份發(fā)布iPhone X的同時(shí)推出了Face ID技術(shù)。蘋果宣傳的行話是,F(xiàn)ace ID技術(shù)的誤差率只有百萬(wàn)分之一,因此使其變成一種非常有效的技術(shù)。

雖然很難說(shuō)除了Face ID以外其他所有面部掃描技術(shù)是否全都“很糟糕”,但蘋果的技術(shù)采用3D掃描,這意味著它可以分析一個(gè)人面部的輪廓和深度,再去決定是否允許其訪問(wèn)iPhone手機(jī)。而在三星Galaxy S8或Galaxy Note 8等手機(jī)中使用的面部掃描技術(shù),只會(huì)捕捉2D人臉信息,因此可靠性更差,更容易被欺騙。


上周,高通公布了新一代驍龍(Snapdragon)845處理器,用于明年的最高端安卓智能手機(jī)。這款處理器可兼容3D面部掃描儀,支持掃描和分析比Face ID技術(shù)更多的面孔識(shí)別點(diǎn),因此很有可能比蘋果的傳感器更為準(zhǔn)確。(財(cái)富中文網(wǎng))


Apple’s Face ID technology that scans the faces of iPhone X users to determine whether to unlock the device is superior to similar technology in rival phones.

At least that’s according to Apple senior vice president of worldwide marketing Phil Schiller. In a recent interview with Dutch website Bright, he argued that face-scanning for unlocking rival smartphones or accessing protected data like credit cards and passwords “all stink.”

In contrast, Apple’s Face ID is “unique” because it, well, doesn’t stink, Schiller said, according to tech site BGR.

Apple unveiled Face ID in September at the same time it introduced the iPhone X. The company’s pitch is that Face ID’s can be duped just once in one million tries, making the technology highly effective.

While it’s difficult to say whether all face-scanners “stink” aside from Face ID, Apple’s technology uses 3D scanning, which means it can analyze the contours and depth of a person’s face before determining whether to give him or her access to the iPhone. Competing facial scanners in devices like Samsung’s Galaxy S8 or Galaxy Note 8 only capture faces in 2D, making them far less reliable and easier to dupe.

Some hackers have shown how a photograph of a person can fool the face scanners into unlocking the smartphones. Still, Apple’s self-described advantage may not last long.

Last week, Qualcomm unveiled the new Snapdragon 845 processor for next year’s highest-end Android smartphones. The processor is compatible with 3-D facial scanning and analyzing more points on a person’s face than Face ID, raising the possibility that it’s more accurate than Apple’s sensor.

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