
每一屆美國總統(tǒng)都是新聞界的寵兒,在搶頭條上,特朗普更是自成一家。從他參加大選,到他最近的一條推文,他每說一句話、爆的每一次粗口,每次白宮招聘和解聘了誰,他在每次活動上的演講,都會被媒體不遺巨細(xì)地解讀。不管你愛他還是恨他,特朗普的曝光度都是杠杠的。 就算你平時不愛看政治新聞,你也可能已經(jīng)對特朗普當(dāng)選后的幾個大動作有所耳聞。比如他任命了尼爾?戈薩奇作為最高法院的大法官,他即將簽署一項稅改法案,他還廢除了奧巴馬時代的很多規(guī)定。你或許還聽說了,特朗普打算把美國駐以色列使館遷至耶路撒冷,而且他還下令美國退出了《巴黎氣候協(xié)定》。只要你多多少少看過電視,你肯定也知道了他“推特治國”的風(fēng)格,聽說了特朗普內(nèi)閣中多數(shù)高官的名字。 大多數(shù)人也都知道,特朗普迄今尚未兌現(xiàn)廢除奧巴馬醫(yī)改和建造美墨邊境墻的承諾。大多數(shù)人也知道,美國股市現(xiàn)在正在一路飆升,美國的失業(yè)率也降低到了17年以來的最低點(diǎn)——不管你是不是把這些成功歸結(jié)到特朗普身上。特朗普上臺不到一年,關(guān)于他的新聞已經(jīng)鋪天蓋地,讓人無處躲藏。 這一年,特朗普取得了很多政治上的成功,多得連媒體都可能有遺漏的時候。在特朗普執(zhí)政的第一年,白宮和他的內(nèi)閣也確實取得了一些了不起的勝利。 特朗普自從上臺起就跟非法移民較上了勁兒,不得不說,他的移民治理政策還是頗見成效的。這一年,美國移民局抓獲了10萬多名進(jìn)入美國的非法移民,其中有70%涉嫌違法犯罪活動。上一財年,美國移民局還打掉了近2800名犯罪團(tuán)伙成員。另外,特朗普還聯(lián)合國際力量,逮捕和起訴了3800多名“MS-13”和“18街”幫會成員,這兩個幫會也是全球最暴力的犯罪團(tuán)伙之一。 特朗普另一個不為人知的成功是在能源領(lǐng)域。首先他批準(zhǔn)了“基石XL”管道建設(shè),此舉也帶來了42,000個工作崗位。明年春天,內(nèi)政部還將賣掉墨西哥灣7700萬英畝海域的油氣開采權(quán),其規(guī)模創(chuàng)下了歷史記錄,其產(chǎn)量或可達(dá)到11.2億桶石油。美國環(huán)保局也表露出廢除導(dǎo)致就業(yè)下降的《清潔能源計劃》的意向,另外美國政府還簡化了開采液化天然氣的審批流程。 歸功于這些媒體報道不多的政策,美國能源產(chǎn)業(yè)已經(jīng)到了爆發(fā)式增長的邊緣。 美國老兵們也終于等來了他們盼望已久的退伍軍人制度改革。特朗普已經(jīng)頒布了三項針對退伍軍人事務(wù)部的重大改革法案。 第一項是《退伍軍人訴求改進(jìn)和現(xiàn)代化法案》,它將在一定程度上緩解退伍軍人長期以來面臨的訴求被擱置的問題?,F(xiàn)在退伍軍人服務(wù)變得更高效簡潔,他們的訴求也將更快得到裁定。這也是自20世紀(jì)30年代以來,退伍軍人訴求流程的首次重大改進(jìn)。第二項是《退伍軍人教育援助法案》,它再次重申并改善了“9?11”事件后的《退伍軍人權(quán)利法案》中規(guī)定的教育福利。最后是《退伍選擇與高質(zhì)量就業(yè)法案》,它為退伍軍人的醫(yī)療保健提供了更多選擇。 這一年,特朗普簽署了70多個法案,其中很多并未得到媒體的廣泛報道,而且媒體也并未宣傳特朗普政府出臺的很多政策的積極影響。不過在移民、能源和退伍軍人問題上,特朗普確實還是干了實事的。對于這樣一個貌似以“搶頭條”為樂的總統(tǒng),我們有時的確想不到他竟然做成了這么多事,然而這卻是真的。 (財富中文網(wǎng)) 譯者:賈政景 |
Every president makes news, but Trump is in a class by himself in this regard. From the outset of his campaign to his most recent tweet, the press has dissected and analyzed every word, every squabble, every White House hiring and firing, and every rally speech. Love him or hate him, he gets great ratings. Even if you’re not an avid consumer of political news, you’re probably aware of the major accomplishments of his presidency. Trump put Neil Gorsuch on the Supreme Court, he’s about to sign a tax-reform bill into law, and he’s dramatically rolled back President Obama’s regulations. You probably know that he’s moving the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem and that he pulled the country out of the Paris Climate Accord. Indeed, if you’ve watched one minute of cable television, you’re aware of his Twitter (TWTR, +0.44%) style and know the names of most of his Cabinet and senior staff. Most people also know that the president has yet to make good on promises to repeal Obamacare and build a wall between the U.S. and Mexico. And most people know that the stock market is currently soaring and that unemployment numbers are crashing to a 17-year low, whether or not you connect these successes to Trump. Not even a year into his presidency, Americans have been highly exposed to the Trump story. Yet, President Trump has had a plethora of policy successes that the media hasn’t fully covered. His White House and his Cabinet have spent the first year of their administration racking up a few quiet wins. The president has put his focus on immigration enforcement, and the effect is beginning to take shape, telling a major success story. ICE has arrested more than 100,000 people who entered the U.S. illegally, 70% of whom were already convicted criminals. ICE removed nearly 2,800 criminal gang members in the last fiscal year. Additionally, President Trump led an international effort to arrest and charge 3,800 MS-13 and 18th Street gang members, two of the most violent gangs on the planet. Another undercover success story is found in the energy sector. President Trump approved the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline, a move that will lead to the creation of 42,000 jobs. In the spring, the Department of the Interior will sell 77 million acres of leases for oil and gas production on the Gulf of Mexico. That’s the largest such offering in history and could lead to 1.12 billion barrels of oil. The EPA has signaled its intent to repeal the job-killing Clean Power Plan, and the administration has streamlined the approval process for exporting liquefied natural gas. The American energy industry is on the brink of a growth explosion thanks to these underreported policies. America’s cherished veterans are also finally getting the reform effort they deserve. The president has enacted three major reform bills for the Department of Veterans Affairs. The first, the Veterans Appeals Improvement and Modernization Act, will alleviate the claims backlog that veterans have long suffered through. Now they’ll have access to a more efficient, streamlined service and can have their claims adjudicated much quicker. This is the first update to the appeals process since the 1930s. The second, the Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act, reauthorizes and improves the post- 9/11 GI Bill that helps veterans get education benefits. The last, the VA Choice and Quality Employment Act, opens up more options for veterans’ health care. The press hasn’t covered many of the 70 bills that President Trump has signed into law, and they haven’t covered the positive effect of many of his administration’s policies. On immigration, energy, and veterans, the president has made a huge impact in his first year. That’s hardly what we’d expect with a president that makes news so often, but it’s true. |