


AARON PRESSMAN 2018年01月10日






游戲迷們獲得了一個名為GeForce Now的新流媒體服務。即便是筆記本并未配置強大的圖形芯片,這一服務也能夠讓游戲粉絲們以最精美的畫質來角逐各類游戲賽事。英偉達將利用云端服務器上的顯卡來處理所需的海量運算,然后通過互聯(lián)網(wǎng)將顯示內(nèi)容傳輸至玩家端筆記本屏幕。借助這一技術,即便是顯卡配置較差的筆記本也能運行復雜的游戲。

該公司還推出了新型PC游戲監(jiān)視器標準,名為Big Format Gaming Display(BFGD)。這一標準能夠讓游戲以4K分辨率在65英寸的顯示屏上運行,并提供更廣泛的色域,也就是人們所熟知的高動態(tài)范圍。最終,人們將在大屏幕上看到更大、更清晰、更賞心悅目的游戲畫面。??










英特爾試圖通過與AMD合作,搶奪英偉達的些許人氣。在于11月份首次發(fā)布與AMD合作這一令人震驚的消息之后,英特爾表示將推出5款融合自家CPU與AMD Vega圖形芯片的筆記本芯片。


這家移動芯片巨頭在周一CES上所宣布的內(nèi)容涉及多個領域。它針對有意在新設備上整合智能數(shù)字語音助手的硬件制造商,打造了一款工具包。高通表示,這一技術兼容市場上三大主流語音助手:Amazon Alexa、Microsoft Cortana和Google Assistant。





To kick off the new year, the leading chipmakers all appeared at the annual CES technology show in Las Vegas, hoping to take the spotlight on(off)the bad news by introducing new products. Their new chips make video games play faster, allow for even thinner notebook computers, and speed the way for self-driving cars.

Nvidia, Intel, Advanced Micro Devices and Qualcomm were among the first to show off new products at CES. The announcements came even as Qualcomm remains enmeshed in litigation with one of its biggest customers, Apple, and is trying to fend off an unwanted takeover bid from Broadcom.

And Intel and AMD would love customers to forget about the recently revealed security flaws known as Spectre and Meltdown. But considering the seriousness of the problem, the companies have their work cut out for them.

Nvidia’s CES announcements

Nvidia had a couple of announcements for its traditional customer base of avid video gamers, but most of the emphasis was on the future self-driving car market.

Gamers got a new streaming service called GeForce Now that will let them play titles with the most complex imagery even on laptops without powerful graphics chips. Nvidia will do the massive calculating needed on graphics cards running on cloud servers and then send the result that determine what the laptop should display on the screen back to the game player over the Internet. That should allow even a laptop with a relatively wimpy built-in graphics card to run complex games.

The company also introduced a new PC gaming monitor standard dubbed the Big Format Gaming Display, or BFGD, which allows games to run on 65-inch screens at 4K resolution with support for a broader range of colors known as high dynamic range. The end result should be larger, sharper and better looking gaming images on a big screen.

But gamers couldn’t help but notice that the cloud system is still in beta and that the price consumers will have to pay wasn’t announced. Nor was pricing available for BFGD monitors, which are expected to hit the market this summer.

And Nvidia (NVDA, +2.97%) did not release a consumer-oriented version of its line of graphics cards featuring its newest Volta chip, which has thus far been reserved for corporate-oriented machine learning and artificial intelligence products. Gamers have been waiting for months to hear about when they’ll get access to Volta in mainstream products.

The main focus at CES was on Nvidia’s autonomous car effort and its Xavier chipset, announced last year and now ready for manufacturers to test. The microprocessor packs 9 billion transistors onto a chip in a small package that can power all of a car’s self-driving features.

Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang bragged that it took 2,000 engineers and cost $2 billion to develop Xavier. Volkswagen said it would use Nvidia chips for its self-driving vehicles and Uber disclosed it has been using Nvidia in its fleet of autonomous Volvos.

Advanced Micro Devices’ CES announcements

Among the major chipmakers, AMD had the most announcements of updated chips for this year for ordinary consumers and corporate customers.

New central processors based on last year’s groundbreaking Ryzen design that also integrate built in graphics chips are coming this month for laptops and next month for desktop computers. A second generation of Ryzen chips that will be even faster arrives in April, while an update to AMD’s super-speedy Threadripper processor, best for handling complex tasks like video and photo editing, are expected for the second half of the year.

AMD (AMD, +3.37%) also said that by the end of the year it would be able to reduce the scale of its Vega graphics chips to just 7 nanometers, down from 12 and 14 nanometer designs now in use. The smaller scale allows more transistors to be packed into the same space, speeding up performance and likely saving energy.

Intel’s CES News

Intel tried to steal some of Nvidia’s spotlight by teaming up with AMD. Following up on a surprise deal first disclosed in November, Intel said it would sell five versions of a chip aimed at laptops that combine its own central processor with AMD’s Vega graphics chip.

Qualcomm’s CES announcements

The mobile chip giant had news on several fronts at CES on Monday. Qualcomm created a kit for hardware makers that want to incorporate smart digital voice assistants into new devices. And Qualcomm said its effort would be compatible with all three major assistants on the market: Amazon Alexa, Microsoft Cortana and Google Assistant.

The company also announced deals to supply chips and antennas to bring gigabit speed and faster cellular service to upcoming smartphones made by Google, HTC, LG, Samsung, and Sony. Noticeably missing from the announcement, however, was the world’s most profitable smartphone maker, Apple, which has been increasingly relying on Intel for the cellular components in iPhones.

On the automotive front, Qualcomm (QCOM, -0.33%) unveiled deals to add more technology to cars from Honda and Land Rover. The 2018 Honda Accord will feature Internet connectivity, navigation and entertainment systems powered by Qualcomm chips. And Land Rover will use Qualcomm chips to offer cellular Internet connectivity in some of its models, too.

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