
IBM聯(lián)手網(wǎng)絡安全“獨角獸” 挑戰(zhàn)亞馬遜

IBM聯(lián)手網(wǎng)絡安全“獨角獸” 挑戰(zhàn)亞馬遜

Robert Hackett 2018年03月19日


IBM的高管顯然希望,通過這次合作能讓IBM云成為亞馬遜云服務Amazon Web Services(AWS)更有力的競爭者,而AWS是當今云計算領(lǐng)域的領(lǐng)頭羊。達成合作后,IBM可以將多種信息技術(shù)安全的功能外包給Cloud flare,同時授權(quán)Cloudflare通過簽訂分銷商協(xié)議接觸IBM的客戶群。



這已是近年來Cloudflare與大型云供應商簽訂的第三份第三方經(jīng)銷商協(xié)議。此前該公司已跟谷歌云計算服務Google Cloud和微軟云計算平臺Azure達成類似合作關(guān)系(請注意,Cloudflare沒有和亞馬遜合作)。


IBM is teaming up with Cloudflare, a billion-dollar tech startup headquartered in San Francisco, to provide a new set of cybersecurity offerings to its cloud computing customers.

Big Blue’s executives no doubt hope the partnership will make IBM Cloud a more compelling alternative to Amazon Web Services, the present-day cloud computing king. The deal will enable IBM to outsource various IT security functions while granting Cloudflare access to IBM’s network of customers through a reseller agreement.

John Considine, IBM’s general manager for cloud infrastructure, tells Fortune that the product bundling will “hugely simplify things for end users.” The integration, he says, will let IBM customers easily add Cloudflare’s defenses, including shields against distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks and firewalls for filtering out malicious Internet traffic.

IBM customers will be able to use Cloudflare’s services, branded under IBM Cloud Internet Services, by “most of the time just clicking a button in the dashboard,” says Matthew Prince, Cloudflare’s co-founder and CEO. Access to the features is set to open on March 19.

For Cloudflare, the deal represents the third reseller agreement it has inked with big cloud providers in recent years. The company already has similar relationships in place with Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure. (Note Amazon’s absence.)

“The easiest way to bring a product to market,” says Chris Merritt, Cloudflare’s chief revenue officer, describing the reasoning behind the deal, is to have customers “buy through existing relationships, as they’ve had with IBM for long time.”

得州達拉斯,IBM云數(shù)據(jù)中心內(nèi)部。Courtesy of IBM

據(jù)今年2月內(nèi)華達州里諾市市場研究公司Synergy Research Group發(fā)布的報告,目前IBM是第三大云供應商,2017年底市場份額約為8%。 亞馬遜仍然占據(jù)云計算市場頭把交椅,市場份額約三分之一,微軟市場份額約占13%。







IBM was the third biggest cloud provider with about 8% market share at the end of 2017, according to February report by Synergy Research Group, a Reno, Nevada-based market research firm. Amazon claimed the top spot with roughly one-third of the cloud computing market, while Microsoft held about 13%.

The IBM-Cloudflare alliance comes shortly after IBM posted its first revenue growth in long while, reversing a downward trend that afflicted the company for 22 quarters. The deal also comes in the wake of a spate of record-shattering DDoS attacks that targeted businesses with massive floods of bogus Internet traffic aimed at web servers.

Prince says that defending businesses against those types of attacks is an “anchor feature” for Cloudflare, which was one of the first companies to call attention to the new, force-amplifying DDoS attack method last month.

“That’s something that is right in our wheelhouse of being able to stop,” he says.

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