


Jonathan Vanian 2018年04月02日


沃爾瑪正在測試的這些機器人是由博薩諾瓦機器人公司(Bossa Nova Robotics)設(shè)計制造的。測試的目的也很明顯:如果機器人也能執(zhí)行庫存管理工作,何必再給工人發(fā)工資呢?為了與在線零售巨頭亞馬遜抗衡,包括沃爾瑪在內(nèi)的一眾大型零售商都在加緊采用新技術(shù)。而與此同時,亞馬遜也在一些倉庫里使用了機器人等先進技術(shù)。

塔吉特百貨和勞氏公司也已經(jīng)在實體店內(nèi)測試用機器人執(zhí)行掃描貨架等簡單任務(wù)。其中,塔吉特使用的是初創(chuàng)公司Simbe Robotics的機器人服務(wù)。












Inside 50 of Walmart’s U.S. stores, robots resembling vacuum cleaners affixed with small, sleek towers, patrol the aisles, checking whether the shelves are stocked with enough toilet paper and that laundry detergent has the correct price tag.

Walmart is testing the robots, built by Bossa Nova Robotics, to see if they can monitor store inventory more cheaply than human workers. The test reflects the increasing adoption of technology by big retailers as they try to keep up with online retail giant Amazon , which uses robots in some of its warehouses in addition to other cutting-edge technology.

Target and Lowe’s are already testing robots in physical stores for handling mundane jobs like scanning shelves. Target, for example is using the robotic services of the startup Simbe Robotics to scan aisles.

Every day, one of Walmart’s robots rolls down every aisle three times to check that over 150,000 products are where they should be on store shelves, Martin Hitch, chief business officer for Bossa Nova Robotics, said Monday at the MIT Technology Review’sEmTech Digital conference in San Francisco. The robot will keep a record whether there isn’t enough toilet paper, or if an item doesn’t have the right price tag. From there, a human store clerk will either re-stock the aisle or put the right price tag on the product, because the robots are not physically capable of doing so.

Among the findings from Walmart’s test is that people’s perceptions change the longer they see the robots in action. For example, two years ago when Bossa Nova first installed a robot at a Walmart store in rural Pennsylvania, local residents were very curious about the machines and spent time gawking at them, Hitch said, but they now completely ignore them.

“It’s allowed to do its job,” Hitch said.

When asked how different types of people react to the robots, Hitch said that children, particularly school children, tend to be “very respectful of the robot.” Adults, on the other hand, sometimes either goof around with the robots by asking how they are doing or other silly questions, or ignore them.

Teenagers, however, pose a challenge for Bossa Nova’s Walmart robots because of their “mischievous” nature, Hitch said.

“We’ve been hit with shopping bags,” Hitch said about the robots. “We’ve been deliberately kicked.”

Hitch said that Bossa Nova has gotten used to teenagers playing pranks on robots, and that the company has taken that into account in its robot designs. Presumably, these robots must be built in a way that they can withstand having cans of tomato soup thrown at them by high schoolers.

Another thing Bossa Nova did was to design the robots to look more “friendly” to humans by installing a small display screen and lighting on its small body. The screen and lighting, which is also where the robot’s main computer resides, helps distract people from the larger mini-tower affixed to the robot, on which is affixed sensors that scan items on the shelf.

Hitch said that when the company asked customers to describe the robot, “nobody realized it was two meters tall” because they focused on the smaller robot body (resembling the Star Wars cylindrical robot R2-D2) and not its tower, which comprises the bulk of the robot’s height of around 6.5 feet.

Walmart hasn’t revealed if it’s saving money by using Bossa Nova’s robots, but considering it’s testing them out in more stores, the retail company appears to be pleased its spending money on the startup.

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