


Natasha Bach 2018-05-15


F-150是福特最暢銷的車型,也是美國這四十多年來銷量最好的車型之一,但它如今面臨著停產(chǎn)。福特宣布,由于一家零部件工廠5月2日遭遇火災(zāi),所有F-150的生產(chǎn)都被暫停,同樣停產(chǎn)的還有皮卡Super Duty。

大火發(fā)生在子午線輕量化技術(shù)公司(Meridian Lightweight Technologies)位于密歇根州Easton Rapids的工廠中,生產(chǎn)F-150所需的許多關(guān)鍵部件都受此影響。子午線負(fù)責(zé)給福特供應(yīng)多項部件,其中就包括安置皮卡冷卻水箱的鎂制散熱器支架。子午線也是福特這一支架在美國的唯一供應(yīng)商,沒有支架,皮卡的生產(chǎn)就無法繼續(xù)。



F-150是福特的重要品牌。《底特律自由報》(The Detroit Free Press)稱,一位分析師發(fā)現(xiàn)這款皮卡的企業(yè)價值比福特整個公司還要高。去年該皮卡的銷量為90萬輛,今年至今的銷量則是287,295萬輛。




通用汽車(General Motors)、菲亞特克萊斯勒(Fiat Chrysler)和梅賽德斯(Mercedes)的生產(chǎn)線也因為子午線公司的火災(zāi)受到了影響。(財富中文網(wǎng))


There won’t be the usual number of new F-150 pickup trucks rolling off the Fordproduction lines, at least for now.

The F-150, a top seller for Ford and one of the top-selling vehicles in the U.S. for more than 40 years, is facing a production halt. Ford announced that it was suspending production of all F-150s, as well as the Super Duty, due to a May 2 fire at a parts factory.

The fire, which took place at Meridian Lightweight Technologies’ facility in Easton Rapids, Mich., compromised a number of critical components for the production of the F-150. Among other items, Meridian supplies Ford with the magnesium radiator support structure, which holds radiators on the trucks. It is Ford’s only supplier of this product in the U.S., and without it, the truck’s production is unable to continue.

Earlier?last week, Ford sent home close to 3,600 workers at its plant in Kansas City. The other assembly plant where the F-150 is built, in Dearborn, Mich., will also face temporary lay-offs, affecting approximately 4,000 workers.

Ford estimates that it still has an 84-day supply of the trucks, meaning that the shortage will not be felt by consumers in the immediate-term. However, that may change depending on the length of the production halt, which has not yet been determined.

The F-150 is a critical brand for Ford. According to The Detroit Free Press, an analyst found that the enterprise value of the trucks is greater than that of Ford overall. Close to 900,000 were sold last year, with an additional 287,295 sold so far this year.

The truck is responsible for about 28% of Ford’s total sales, generating $41 billion in revenue last year. According to one analyst, just a two-week production halt of the truck could cut as much as $310 million from Ford’s second quarter profits.

Last month, Ford issued a safety recall on the F-150, affecting nearly 350,000 new trucks.

Following the last?Wednesday announcement, Ford shares closed down 1.9% at $11.06.

Production at General Motors , Fiat Chrysler, and Mercedes was also disrupted due to the Meridian fire.

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