


Sarah Gray 2018-05-27


這些數(shù)據(jù)來自招聘網(wǎng)站Glassdoor的4月份當(dāng)?shù)匦匠陥蟾妫↙ocal Pay Report)。該報告分析了數(shù)百萬人匿名向該網(wǎng)站提交的薪酬信息。

Glassdoor首席經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)家安德魯·張伯倫在報告中寫道:“根據(jù)數(shù)百萬美國人在Glassdoor 上分享的最新實時薪酬數(shù)據(jù),4月份是2018年工資漲幅最高的一個月,但仍低于近幾年2%-3%的增速?!?


1. 財務(wù)顧問:55296美元,上漲6.4%

2. 銀行柜員:30066美元,上漲5.5%

3. 律師:101817美元,上漲4.7%

4. 卡車司機(jī):53878美元,上漲4.5%

5. 快遞員:38955美元,上漲4.4%

6. 網(wǎng)站開發(fā)人員:65414美元,上漲3.9%

7. 網(wǎng)絡(luò)工程師:71433美元,上漲3.6%

8. 收銀員:27923美元,上漲3.4%

9. 網(wǎng)站設(shè)計師:51875美元,上漲3.4%

10. 保安:35321美元,上漲3.3%



1. 教授:86166美元,下跌3.3%

2. 媒體經(jīng)理:65882美元,下跌2.5%.

3. 質(zhì)量工程師:71467美元,下跌1.5%

4. 酒吧招待:31668美元,下跌1.4%

5. 維護(hù)工人:39907美元,下跌1.4%.

6. 研究助理:30391美元,下跌1.2%.

7. 技術(shù)員:45318美元,下跌1.1%

8. 用戶體驗設(shè)計師:76003美元,下跌0.9%

9. 項目經(jīng)理:73575美元,下跌0.6%

10. 顧問:72120美元,下跌0.6%





The 10 jobs with the fastest growth in pay over the past year may surprise you — because many of them are not high-paying jobs. Of 84 occupations tracked, the top gainers included truck drivers, bank tellers, and cashiers.

The data comes from the job and recruiting site Glassdoor’s April Local Pay Report, which analyzes millions of salaries that are anonymously self-reported to the site.

“April’s pay gains are the fastest we’ve seen in 2018 so far,” Glassdoor chief economist Andrew Chamberlain wrote in the report, “however, it’s still below the 2-3 percent pace seen in recent years, according to the latest real-time salary data shared by millions of Americans on Glassdoor.”

The top 10 jobs with the fastest year-over-year growth in median base pay for full-time employment are as follows:

1. Financial Advisor: $55,296, up 6.4%.

2. Bank Teller: $30,066, up 5.5%.

3. Attorney: $101,817, up 4.7%.

4. Truck Driver: $53,878, up 4.5%.

5. Delivery Driver: $38,955, up 4.4%.

6. Web Developer: $65,414, up 3.9%.

7. Network Engineer: $71,433, up 3.6%.

8. Cashier: $27,923, up 3.4%.

9. Web Designer: $51,875, up 3.4%.

10. Security Officer: $35,321, up 3.3%.

Glassdoor attributed growth in pay for some of these jobs to e-commerce (delivery drivers, truck drivers), an improving labor market for lower-paying occupations (security officer, cashier, bank teller), growth in engineering jobs (with some exceptions, see below), and the fact that it’s tough to automate the skills needed for financial advisors.

The 10 occupations with the lowest year-over-year growth in median base pay for full-time employment are as follows:

1. Professor: $86,166, down 3.3%.

2. Communications Manager: $65,882, down 2.5%.

3. Quality Engineer: $71,467, down1.5%.

4. Bartender: $31,668, down 1.4%.

5. Maintenance Worker: $39,907, down 1.4%.

6. Research Assistant: $30,391, down 1.2%.

7. Technician: $45,318, down 1.1%.

8. UX Designer: $76,003, down 0.9%.

9. Project Manager: $73,575, down 0.6%.

10. Consultant: $72,120, down 0.6%.

“While all pay growth is the result of both supply and demand for workers, these jobs offer useful clues about where any remaining pockets of weakness are in today’s otherwise strong labor market,” Chamberlain wrote.

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