


Alice Tozer 2018年08月07日
雖然手機銷量未達(dá)到預(yù)期,但iPhone 724美元的平均售價仍遠(yuǎn)高于外界預(yù)測的694美元。


市場研究機構(gòu)IDC、Canalys、Counterpoint Research和IHS Markit公布的數(shù)據(jù)顯示,2018年第二季度華為的手機出貨量超過了蘋果。





雖然手機銷量未達(dá)到預(yù)期,但iPhone 724美元的平均售價仍遠(yuǎn)高于外界預(yù)測的694美元。

分析師認(rèn)為,華為取得成功的原因在于其智能手機的新配置,比如華為P20 Pro的三攝像頭,以及華為在歐洲和亞洲的品牌知名度不斷上升。





Apple is now a bronze medal winner, at least when it comes to smartphone sales.

Huawei has outperformed Apple in terms of units shipped for the second calendar quarter of 2018, according to data released by market research firms IDC, Canalys, Counterpoint Research and IHS Markit.

The Chinese smartphone maker now occupies second place among the world’s smartphone vendors, leaving Apple to tumble into third position — the first time it has been there for seven years. Samsung remains the market leader.

While Apple reported strong results for its fiscal third quarter on end of July, the iPhone-maker narrowly missed Wall Street’s estimate of 41.79 million devices shipped for the quarter, shipping 41.3 million units instead. Huawei, meanwhile, shipped some 54.2 million handsets, according to preliminary IDC data.

Huawei registered a 40.9% year-on-year growth, whereas Apple logged a 17% revenue jump. The numbers lend Huawei a 15.8% market share, with Apple eating up 12.1%, according to IDC. South Korean Samsung enjoys a 20.9% slice of the pie.

Whilst it was the first time Apple had not been the number-one or number-two smartphone company in terms of market share since the second quarter of 2010, CEO chief executive Tim Cook said “We couldn’t be happier with how things are going,” according to a BBC report.

While Apple sold fewer devices than expected, the average iPhone price was $724, well above the expected $694.

Analysts attribute Huawei’s success to new features it has added to its smartphones, such as three cameras on its P20 Pro device, as well as ever-greater brand recognition in Europe and Asia.

The cameras recently built by Samsung, on the other hand, have been less successful. While the company is still in pole position in the smartphone race, it saw a 10.4% annual decline in its shipments, which it attributed to “l(fā)ower-than-expected sales” of its flagship Galaxy S9 smartphone which, when launched in February, looked promising because of multiple camera tricks and slow-motion video capacities.

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