


Jaclyn Trop 2018年12月01日



It’s not your imagination: Cars really are becoming more capable. A walk through the 2019 Los Angeles Auto Show reveals new models in the pipeline that can drive themselves around town, on the racetrack and even farther afield, using electricity to get there.

Automakers lifted the veil on several next-generation mobility concepts at the annual show, which opens to the public on Friday. Here are five of the most exciting concepts that may come to a road near you within the next few years.

奧迪e-tron GT概念轎跑

Audi Sport e-tron GT concept

奧迪e-Tron GT概念車

奧迪發(fā)布了其即將面世的電動概念跑車——e-Tron GT,其外觀類似于轎跑般的奧迪A7。590馬力的e-Tron GT在滿電狀態(tài)下的續(xù)航能達到248英里(約400公里),而且有望在2021車型年登陸經(jīng)銷商展廳。在這款動感的四門轎車上市之前,奧迪在今年早些時候已發(fā)布了純電動e-Tron跨界車型。e-Tron GT被定位為特斯拉的競爭對手,與保時捷的新電動車Taycan共享生產(chǎn)平臺。它的出現(xiàn)有助于這家德國汽車制造商實現(xiàn)其在2025年之前向全球市場投放十二款電動車型的目標。

Audi revealed its forthcoming electric sports car, the e-Tron GT, in concept form. Similar in appearance to Audi’s A7 coupe-like sedan, the 590-horsepower e-Tron GT will be able to travel up to 248 miles on a fully charged battery and is expected to arrive in dealer showrooms for the 2021 model year. The sporty four-door will follow the all-electric e-Tron crossover the German automaker revealed earlier this year. Tasked as a Tesla competitor, the e-Tron GT shares its platform with Porsche’s new EV, the Taycan, and helps the German automaker reach its goal of offering a dozen fully electric models worldwide by 2025.

寶馬Vision iNext

BMW Vision iNext

寶馬Vision iNext概念車為其新一代純電動自動駕駛汽車的發(fā)展指明了方向。“Shy Technology”通過跟蹤乘客在車艙木質和織物表面所畫的手勢符號,讓乘客來操控信息娛樂系統(tǒng)。該車的內飾從頂級起居室和豪華酒店吸取靈感,用木質咖啡桌取代了中央控制臺,后排座位則采用了沙發(fā)設計。“智能投影”能夠將任何表面轉化為一個交互式顯示器,可播放電影、書籍和照片。同時,可跟蹤用戶手指位置的虛擬鍵盤將允許乘客輸入內容并撰寫郵件。寶馬將于2021年推出iNext的量產(chǎn)車型,它將是一款電動跨界中型車,擁有半自動駕駛功能。

The BMW Vision iNext concept will guide the automaker’s next generation of all-electric self-driving vehicles. “Shy technology” allows passengers to operate the infotainment system by tracing symbols with their fingers into the cabin’s wood and cloth surfaces. Inspired by high-end living rooms and luxury hotels, the interior features a wooden coffee table instead of a center console and a couch as second-row seating. “Intelligent projection” turns any surface into an interactive display to project movies, books, and photos, while a virtual keyboard lets passengers type and write emails by detecting the user’s finger position. In 2021, BMW will launch a production version of iNext, a mid-size, battery-powered crossover with semi-autonomous driving capabilities.

拜騰 K-Byte

Byton K-Byte

中國電動汽車制造商拜騰以K-Byte概念轎車首次亮相洛杉磯汽車展。該車展示了公司在整合實現(xiàn)4級自動駕駛所需感應器方面的心得,其量產(chǎn)版將于2021年在全球上市。公司由寶馬和英菲尼迪前任高管創(chuàng)建,專注于向市場推出電動自動駕駛汽車。拜騰還將帶來其M-Byte SUV概念車,最初亮相于今年1月的美國消費電子展,該車配備了1個4英尺(約1.2米)長的顯示屏,以及用手勢操控的儀表盤。M-Byte的量產(chǎn)版將于明年年底之前在中國上市,并于2020年年中在美國和歐洲上市。公司將在2019年消費電子展發(fā)布相關細節(jié)。

Chinese electric vehicle-maker Byton makes its LA Auto Show debut with a concept for its K-Byte sedan, which demonstrates the company’s view on integrating sensors for Level 4 autonomous driving. A production version will go on sale globally in 2021. The company, founded by former executives from BMW and Infiniti, is focused on bringing battery-powered, self-driving vehicles to the marketplace. Byton will also bring its M-Byte SUV concept, originally shown at CES in January to reveal a four-foot-long display screen and hand gesture controls to operate the dashboard. A production version of M-Byte will go on sale in China by the end of next year and in the US and Europe in mid-2020, which details to be announced at CES 2019.

沃爾沃360c concept

Volvo 360c concept

沃爾沃 360c內部構造


Rather than use its display space at the auto show to highlight a car or two, the Swedish automaker featured its 360c concept, a driverless car designed with the comforts of a first-class airplane cabin. Conceived as a space to work, sleep or unwind during long road trips, the 360c offers full connectivity, mood settings, and a sleeper configuration. The concept is fully electric and designed for Point A to B service on demand.

大眾I.D. Buzz Cargo

Volkswagen I.D. Buzz Cargo

大眾不斷增長的純電動半自動駕駛I.D.家族又添新成員。在洛杉磯車展展示的I.D. Buzz Cargo概念車基于原創(chuàng)的Transporter車型,是一輛工作面包車,其續(xù)航為340英里(約550公里)。該概念車配有太陽能車頂,后者能夠提供9英里(約14公里)的日常行駛里程,并能夠提供230伏的電壓供工人為其工具充電。大眾表示,該面包車最快可能會于2022年在歐洲開始生產(chǎn)。大眾I.D.系列的第一款車型——I.D.緊湊車,將于2020年上市,其預計其續(xù)航將超過370英里(約600公里)。(財富中文網(wǎng))



Volkswagen adds another configuration to its growing I.D. family of all-electric, semi-autonomous vehicles. Based upon the original Volkswagen Transporter, the I.D. Buzz Cargo concept shown at the Los Angeles Auto Show is a work van with an electric range of 340 miles. The concept features a solar roof that can add 9 miles of daily range and a 230 volt plug for workers to charge their tools. VW says the van could go into production in Europe as soon as 2022. The first model from VW’s I.D. line, the I.D. compact car, is due in 2020 with an expected range of more than 370 miles.

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