


Carson Kessler 2018-12-17


2017年摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)的一份預(yù)測認(rèn)為,到2020年,餐廳總銷售額可能有40%都來自送餐業(yè)務(wù)。而就科技和物流效率的關(guān)注程度而言,這項業(yè)務(wù)還處于初期階段。Cowen & Co.公司的分析師托馬斯·錢皮恩表示:“該領(lǐng)域的創(chuàng)新空間可能比乍看之下還要更廣闊?!?/p>




誰將贏得下一輪對決?答案部分取決于與國內(nèi)連鎖店保持高利潤的獨家合作伙伴關(guān)系。由于手握Wendy’s和Cheesecake Factory的合作,DoorDash似乎占得了上風(fēng)。徐對《財富》雜志表示:“DoorDash如今是該領(lǐng)域里增長最快的公司”,他指的是支付量上。





Can you build a billion-dollar business on the backs of cyclists weaving through traffic with tacos in tow? According to Silicon Valley, absolutely. The rise of a new breed of delivery company, fueled by algorithms and venture capital, is making it easier than ever to get a hot meal (or anything else) brought to your door.

Direct delivery of food could devour 40% of total restaurant sales, or $220 billion, by 2020, according to a 2017 Morgan Stanley estimate. And it’s still early days as far as technology and logistical efficiency are concerned. “There may be room for more innovation than appears at first blush,” says Cowen & Co. analyst Thomas Champion.

The list of delivery contenders is long, and several—like Amazon, GrubHub, and IPO-bound Uber—are large, as measured by both revenue and market share. But two private companies in San Francisco, DoorDash and Postmates, have established a rivalry so intense that it sometimes seems they’re ignoring the rest of the field as they exchange blows.

In March, DoorDash announced a $535 million investment and vowed support for 1,000 new cities by year’s end. In July, Postmates activated service in more than 100 cities; the next week, DoorDash CEO Tony Xu promised hundreds more. In August, DoorDash announced another $250 million fundraising; the following month, Postmates CEO Bastian Lehmann bounced back with $300 million of his own and talk of an IPO.

In April the CEOs were reported to have engaged in merger discussions, but it didn’t come to pass. Today both consider themselves to be market leaders, though they disagree on the definition of the market. DoorDash is focused on food but mulling more options; Postmates will deliver anything but emphasizes food. Neither is keen on comparisons to the other.

Who will win the next round of this bout? The answer in part depends on securing lucrative exclusive partnerships with national chains. With Wendy’s and the Cheesecake Factory in its corner, DoorDash appears to have the upper hand. “DoorDash is now the fastest-growing company in this space,” Xu tells Fortune, pointing to its payments volume.

Still, “the fastest car at any moment in time may not win the race,” Lehmann, ever the pugilist, said on CNBC in September.

Get ready to rumble.

A version of this article appears in the December 1, 2018 issue of Fortune with the headline “Punches, Delivered.”

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