


Jeff John Roberts 2019年01月20日



泰勒在視頻訪談欄目《Balancing the Ledger》中說:“我們認(rèn)為,基于比特幣的公司應(yīng)該設(shè)立完善、且不會妨礙創(chuàng)新的規(guī)章制度。人們對加密貨幣的優(yōu)勢充滿信心,只是不知道如何在不受到傷害的情況下參與相關(guān)交易。我們想說的是,Gemini為人們提供了這樣一個理想場所?!?/p>


兄弟二人指出,Gemini能夠像其他金融機構(gòu)一樣,為消費者提供保障和保護(hù),同時,他們剛剛成立的交易組織Virtual Commodity Association可能會成為加密貨幣行業(yè)的美國金融業(yè)監(jiān)管局(這是一個自律的實體機構(gòu),致力于監(jiān)管證券交易商)。



在談及當(dāng)前的加密貨幣熊市時,兄弟二人認(rèn)為業(yè)界所稱的穩(wěn)定幣(與美元掛鉤的數(shù)字代幣)是一個亮點。卡梅隆稱,至少有60%的百元面值美鈔都在海外,如果持有者使用Gemini Dollar等穩(wěn)定幣,那么使用起來將會更加簡便。







The crypto markets are in a slump but Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss aren’t discouraged. The twin brothers, who are longtime fixtures in the Bitcoin world, believe digital currency has a bright future—so long as we have banking-style regulations that will help people trust it.

That’s the message behind their first marketing campaign, titled “Revolution Needs Rules,” which has featured a full-page New York Times ad and splashy billboards around Wall Street. The campaign also aims to promote the twins’ crypto exchange, Gemini, and the service’s newly launched app.

“The idea is that companies that build on top of things like Bitcoin should have regulation that’s thoughtful and that doesn’t stifle innovation,” said Tyler on Balancing the Ledger. “People believe in the dream of crypto, they just don’t know how to engage in it without getting burned. We’re here to say Gemini’s a place you can do that.”

Cameron added that cryptocurrency’s growth has been impeded by negative press that associated it with criminals, and by a misperception that Bitcoin is totally anonymous.

The twins say Gemini provides the same safeguards and consumer protections as other financial institutions, and that a fledgling trade group they launched, the Virtual Commodity Association, can become the crypto industry’s version of FINRA (a self-regulated body that oversees securities dealers).

When pressed whether regulators might also be hurting the growth of crypto—notably the state of New York and its ham-fisted management of a digital currency license—the Winklevoss twins didn’t take the bait. Both praised regulators, including the SEC, even though the agency soundly rejected Gemini’s proposal to offer a Bitcoin ETF.

“We get the Commission being conservative on this as it’s the first of many products, and we have to get it right,” said Cameron, adding that Gemini is not currently pursuing a new ETF application.

In terms of the current bear market for crypto, the twins agreed that so-called stablecoins (digital tokens pegged to the U.S. dollar) are a bright spot. According to Cameron, at least 60% of U.S. $100 bills are held overseas—a practice that could be simplified if the holders used stablecoins, including the Gemini Dollar, instead.

Cameron added that stablecoins amount to “dollars on the blockchain,” and can be used for paying for other crypto services or for issuing dividends.

The twins are also sticking to their longtime thesis that Bitcoin is poised to supersede gold one day, thanks in part to the digital currency’s fungibility and divisibility.

“The only thing gold has over bitcoin is a 3000 year head start,” said Cameron.

At the close of the show, the twins confirmed an oft-reported claim that they are the biggest Bitcoin holders in the world—except for the currency’s mysterious creator, Satoshi, who has a vast stash but has not moved his coins for over eight years. And in a moment of true sibling rivalry, Tyler and Cameron each claimed to hold at least slightly more Bitcoin than the other.

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