


Brittany shoot 2019-03-27


近20年里,中國吸收了全球海量的垃圾,然后靠廉價勞動力處理。今年2月,由舊金山公共廣播電臺KALW和美國建筑師協(xié)會駐舊金山分會聯(lián)合成立的獨立廣播99 Percent Invisible的一期節(jié)目介紹,具體來說,中國在2001年加入世界貿(mào)易組織(WTO)時開始接收全世界的廢紙和可回收塑料。新媒體網(wǎng)站Vox的新近報道稱,截至2016年,中國每年進口可回收制品4000萬公噸。




在《WasteDive》的追蹤對象當中,印第安納州的廢料處理公司Republic Services便是一例,其客戶超過3萬名,去年賬單金額翻了一倍,達到了法律規(guī)定的最高水平。與此同時,懷俄明等州的一些城市和縣還在堆積可回收廢品,等待市場環(huán)境好轉(zhuǎn)。

各種應(yīng)對方式導致政策的影響更為劇烈也更持久。Vox引用美國科學促進會旗下期刊《Science Advances》發(fā)布的一項研究稱,由于中國的進口廢品禁令,到2030年,垃圾的累積將是一個天文數(shù)字。(財富中文網(wǎng))



Curbside garbage and recycling pickup tends to seem a bit magical, with waste removed and sent away without most consumers ever seeing where it goes. But many U.S. cities are struggling with an overload of recyclables and may soon change their pickup programs, if they haven’t already. The reason behind that big shift has to do with pollution in China and how the global recycling market disproportionately impacts other nations that buy imported paper and plastic refuse and recyclables.

For nearly two decades, China has taken in extraordinary quantities of the world’s trash and relied on cheap labor to process it. More specifically, China joined the World Trade Organization in 2001, at which point the country began accepting paper and plastic recycling from around the world, according to a February episode of the podcast 99 Percent Invisible. And according to a new report from Vox, by 2016, China was importing 40 million metric tons of recyclable products every year.

Then in 2018, due to vast pollution issues, China put an end to the practice of importing so much junk, a ban on foreign recyclables the media sometimes called “National Sword.”

The U.S. used to make a fair bit of money from selling off its trash and recyclable goods. But the real issue is what the country will do now, with its recyclable products piling up. There is no national recycling policy in the U.S., which means cities are without a plan to work together to manage domestic waste.

As a result, hundreds of cities nationwide have begun scaling back or altogether scrapping with their recycling programs. Trade publication WasteDive maintains a comprehensive tracker of exactly how this policy impacts each of the 50 U.S. states. Its examples cross cities of all size and demographic and illustrate the breadth of the problem.

One WasteDive example includes the more than 30,000 recycling customers of Republic Services in Indianapolis seeing their bills double in 2018, up to the maximum amount allowable by law. Meanwhile in states such as Wyoming, cities and counties are stockpiling recyclable materials until market conditions improve.

All of this is leading to even more extreme, longer-term effects. Vox points to an alarming study published in the journal Science Advances that says China’s ban on imported recyclables will lead to a pileup of garbage by the year 2030.

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