


Aric Jenkins 2019年06月25日

帶有美元符號的計算機電路板。圖片來源:blackred Getty Images/iStockphoto


Plaid之類的硅谷初創(chuàng)公司有望提供新解決方案,解決金融領(lǐng)域過時的操作,不過一些在全球規(guī)模更大更傳統(tǒng)的銀行也在努力創(chuàng)新金融服務(wù)。與佩雷特同臺出席會議的還有幾位華爾街代表: 摩根士丹利的董事總經(jīng)理兼業(yè)務(wù)轉(zhuǎn)型主管西格爾·扎米,以及高盛旗下消費者在線銀行Marcus的產(chǎn)品主管亞當·戴爾。

戴爾表示:“我真心相信,高盛在推動該行業(yè)進步方面具有獨特的地位,就像亞馬遜革新零售業(yè)、Uber革新交通出行、蘋果革新音樂行業(yè)一樣?!比ツ闙arcus收購了利用人工智能和機器學習創(chuàng)建個性化金融工具的應(yīng)用Clarity Money,便是推進的具體舉措之一。





Despite a slew of mobile apps designed to help us budget better, it still wouldn’t be considered shocking to bring “a shoebox full of documents” to apply for a mortgage. That’s according to fintech startup Plaid CEO Zach Perret, who spoke at Fortune’s inaugural Brainstorm Finance event in Montauk, N.Y., on last Thursday.

A Silicon Valley startup like Plaid would be expected to work on solutions to this antiquated behavior, but some of the bigger and more traditional banks in the world are working to innovate financial services as well. Joining Perret on stage at the conference were a couple of representatives from Wall Street: Sigal Zarmi, managing Director and head of transformation at Morgan Stanley, and Adam Dell, head of product at Marcus by Goldman Sachs, an online bank for consumers.

“I really believe that Goldman Sachs is uniquely positioned to push the industry forward in the same way that retail has been transformed by Amazon, Uber has transformed transportation, Apple’s transformed music,” Dell said. One proponent of this push is Marcus’ acquisition last year of Clarity Money, an app that using artificial intelligence and machine learning to create personalized finance tools.

Meanwhile, Zarmi from Morgan Stanley says the company is looking at more than a 1,000 startups a year for potential partnerships. “We are evaluating the product. We are giving them advice on the roadmap, how do we see the roadmap fitting within our environment?” she explains. “Asking questions, learning from them.” A recent example she mentions is Zoom, a video conferencing company. “We think that technology can really change the way we interact with our customers and clients.”

Perret’s Plaid wants to be in the middle of it. His says the company has integrated with over 15,000 banks working on backend development on apps and related tools. “We have a unifying theory: Make money easier for everyone,” he says. “We believe in giving consumers more access to products, tools, choices.”

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