


Benjamin Katz, Sveinung Sleire, 彭博社 2019-07-17

挪威航空公司的首席執(zhí)行官和創(chuàng)始人之一比約恩·科約斯表示他會(huì)在7月10日退休。圖片來源:HEIKO JUNGE—AFP/Getty Images

廉價(jià)航空的先驅(qū)、挪威航空公司(Norwegian Air Shuttle ASA)的聯(lián)合創(chuàng)始人比約恩·科約斯在緩解公司債務(wù)危機(jī)上取得重大進(jìn)展后決定退休。


曾經(jīng)是戰(zhàn)斗機(jī)飛行員的科約斯將挪威航空打造成了歐洲短途市場(chǎng)的主力軍,和以瑞安航空控股(Ryanair Holdings Plc)為首的廉價(jià)航空巨頭展開了競爭。在發(fā)現(xiàn)這個(gè)市場(chǎng)難以攻破后,他改變策略,轉(zhuǎn)而主打低成本的長途航班,在跨大西洋航線上向英國航空(British Airways)等公司發(fā)起了挑戰(zhàn)。




盡管如此,截至撰文當(dāng)日的上午11:48,挪威航空在奧斯陸證券交易所的股價(jià)仍舊下跌了5.8%至42.1克羅納,過去12個(gè)月里股票收益降低了69%。在此期間,英國航空的所有者國際航空集團(tuán)(IAG SA)放棄了收購要約,而今年2月宣布的新股增發(fā)也稀釋了股權(quán)。

DNB的分析師認(rèn)為,挪威航空更換首席執(zhí)行官且并非正式繼任者,再加上發(fā)展計(jì)劃的進(jìn)一步削減和低于預(yù)期的現(xiàn)金結(jié)存,對(duì)股票會(huì)產(chǎn)生負(fù)面影響,可能導(dǎo)致對(duì)全年收益預(yù)期的修正。Goodbody的分析師在另一份照會(huì)中表示,波音公司(Boeing Co.)737 Max禁飛給挪威航空帶來了7億克羅納的損失,再加上公司較低的燃油對(duì)沖,也讓公司暴露在風(fēng)險(xiǎn)之中。


Davy Stockbrokers的分析師斯蒂芬·弗隆表示,科約斯是這家航空公司背后的推手,并“讓它從無到有”。





德國漢莎航空(Deutsche Lufthansa AG)也在考慮收購挪威航空??萍s斯的伙伴、前董事長比約恩·基斯已經(jīng)于5月離職,隨著他也離開公司,業(yè)內(nèi)的主要競爭者可能會(huì)產(chǎn)生更大的興趣。





Bjorn Kjos, a pioneer of low-cost travel as co-founder of Norwegian Air Shuttle ASA, is stepping down as chief executive officer after making progress toward resolving the carrier’s debt crisis.

Kjos, who helped found Norwegian in 1993 and led its rapid growth, will leave the post immediately, the company said last Thursday in a statement. Chief Financial Officer Geir Karlsen will become interim CEO until a permanent successor is found.

A former fighter pilot, Kjos established Norwegian as a major force in the European short-haul market, taking on no-frills giants led by Ryanair Holdings Plc. After that market proved tough to crack, he altered course to target low-cost long-haul flights, challenging giants such as British Airways on trans-Atlantic routes.

His heavily discounted fares proved popular with the public but margins were thin and fleet costs stretched the balance sheet to breaking point. Over the past year, Kjos, 72, has tempered growth to stabilize the company and preserve profit.

“You shouldn’t lead an airline past your 70s,” Kjos said on a video call after the company reported second-quarter results. “I’m way overdue to retire.”

The turnaround picked up pace in the second quarter, as earnings before interest and tax more than tripled to 622.8 million kroner ($73 million). The improvement has been secured by dropping the worst-performing routes, slowing aircraft deliveries and generally reining in the pace of growth. Capacity gained 6% in the period versus a 48% surge a year ago.

Still, Norwegian shares declined 5.8% to 42.10 kroner as of 11:48 a.m. in Oslo, dragging the return to negative 69% in the past 12 months, during which British Airways owner IAG SA dropped a takeover bid and a rights offering announced in February diluted equity.

Analysts at DNB suggested the CEO change without a permanent replacement, along with further cuts to growth plans and a smaller cash balance than expected, were negatives for the stock and would trigger a revision to full-year earnings estimates. A 700 million-kroner hit from the grounding of the Boeing Co. 737 Max, as well as Norwegian’s low fuel hedges, have also left the carrier exposed, Goodbody analysts said in a separate note.

Succession Plan

Kjos was the driving force behind the airline and “built it from nothing,” said Davy Stockbrokers analyst Stephen Furlong.

He has been CEO since 2002, while taking stints as chairman, guiding the company from a regional operator with 130 staff and four planes to a global airline employing more than 11,000 people and operating 162 aircraft.

“This was my last presentation, you can be happy with that,“ Kjos said with a wide grin, his arms outstretched. “Geir is awesome,” he said in a subsequent interview.

He had been saying for months that he wanted to retire after earnings showed signs of a recovery. Kjos will remain an adviser to Chairman Niels Smedegaard, 57, who plans to take on a more active role as the company shifts its focus toward profitability.

The ultimate fate of Norwegian remains unclear, with a report two weeks ago suggesting IAG is planning a fresh bid after earlier approaches were rejected -- though the London-based group said that wasn’t the case.

Deutsche Lufthansa AG also examined a purchase and the departure of Kjos following the exit in May of his ally, former chairman Bjorn Kise, may stoke further interest among major industry players.

“Whether it’s IAG or someone else, all this must be dealt with by the board,” Kjos, a significant owner, told Bloomberg. “We’re just a shareholder with less than 20%, so we’ll follow the stream.“

Another major item on the to-do list is securing a joint-venture plan that would bring in new financing for the airline’s fleet and help fund a bond maturity later this year. Interim CEO Karlsen said last Thursday that talks on the JV are progressing and the company expects clarity within weeks.

“We’ve had many interested parties who wanted to be part of this, and we chose one that we believe is a good fit and has good penetration in Asia, that was a criterion,” Kjos said.

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