
騰訊引NBA 2K聯(lián)賽入華,中國(guó)球隊(duì)征戰(zhàn)聯(lián)賽或已不遠(yuǎn)

騰訊引NBA 2K聯(lián)賽入華,中國(guó)球隊(duì)征戰(zhàn)聯(lián)賽或已不遠(yuǎn)

Lisa Marie Segarra 2019-08-06

從外面看去,NBA 2K電競(jìng)聯(lián)賽的工作室仿佛只是長(zhǎng)島市的一個(gè)不起眼的倉(cāng)庫(kù),既沒(méi)有明顯的標(biāo)志,也沒(méi)有華麗的裝修。而走進(jìn)工作室,從室內(nèi)的大屏幕上卻能夠看見(jiàn)很多人,玩家們圍成了一個(gè)圈,眼睛緊盯著電腦的顯示器。球迷們則在為2K聯(lián)賽里自己最喜歡的隊(duì)伍加油鼓勁——這便是NBA 2K電競(jìng)聯(lián)賽的現(xiàn)場(chǎng)了。



NBA 2K電競(jìng)聯(lián)賽在7月下旬宣布,它將進(jìn)軍作為全球最大的電競(jìng)市場(chǎng)之一的中國(guó)。NBA 2K的中國(guó)合作伙伴,正是中國(guó)游戲業(yè)的巨頭騰訊。

騰訊已經(jīng)獲得了NBA比賽的轉(zhuǎn)播權(quán),很快,它也將獲得授權(quán)轉(zhuǎn)播NBA 2K的賽事。NBA 2K電競(jìng)聯(lián)賽的所有權(quán)由NBA和《NBA 2K》游戲的發(fā)行商TakeTwo公司共同擁有。

NBA 2K聯(lián)賽已經(jīng)做好贏得中國(guó)觀眾青睞的準(zhǔn)備了,因?yàn)檫@款游戲早已吸引了很多中國(guó)游戲玩家的興趣。NBA 2K聯(lián)賽的總經(jīng)理布蘭登·多諾霍對(duì)《財(cái)富》雜志表示:“在中國(guó),玩家玩這款游戲最常見(jiàn)的方式是玩2K online,也就是這款游戲的一個(gè)免費(fèi)版本。到目前為止,我們還沒(méi)有辦法與那些玩家進(jìn)行互動(dòng)。但通過(guò)與騰訊的合作,我們得以接觸到這部分玩家,并且在本賽季進(jìn)行一些測(cè)試,以后再做更多的事情?!?/p>

考慮到電競(jìng)在中國(guó)的風(fēng)靡,將2K聯(lián)賽推廣到中國(guó)也是一個(gè)自然而然的選擇。根據(jù)IHS Markit公司2017年的一份報(bào)告顯示,中國(guó)已經(jīng)成為全球最大的電子競(jìng)技市場(chǎng),去年有57%的電競(jìng)比賽在中國(guó)舉行。就在2K online流行的同時(shí),中國(guó)人對(duì)籃球這項(xiàng)運(yùn)動(dòng)的熱情也越來(lái)越高,加之中國(guó)人對(duì)電競(jìng)的巨大興趣,多諾霍認(rèn)為,NBA 2K聯(lián)賽入華后,聯(lián)賽的收視率必將迎來(lái)大幅增長(zhǎng)。

不過(guò),NBA 2K聯(lián)賽想做的,并不僅僅是在中國(guó)轉(zhuǎn)播自己的比賽。目前,NBA 2K聯(lián)賽的所有球隊(duì)都與傳統(tǒng)NBA的球隊(duì)有關(guān)聯(lián),不過(guò)NBA 2K聯(lián)賽的玩家都是以自己的虛擬形象出現(xiàn)在游戲里的,而并非是NBA球員的形象。比如,波特蘭開拓者隊(duì)在NBA 2K聯(lián)賽中的隊(duì)伍是Blazer5 Gaming隊(duì),但是球隊(duì)里并沒(méi)有一個(gè)人的球風(fēng)跟開拓者隊(duì)的控衛(wèi)達(dá)米安·利拉德一樣。




早在聯(lián)手騰訊之前,多諾霍就設(shè)想過(guò)在中國(guó)舉辦NBA 2K聯(lián)賽的活動(dòng)。本賽季,NBA 2K聯(lián)賽就曾經(jīng)在香港舉辦過(guò)一場(chǎng)資格邀請(qǐng)賽,以更好地吸引美國(guó)以外的電競(jìng)?cè)瞬拧?/p>


隨著NBA 2K聯(lián)賽的長(zhǎng)島市工作室日益火爆,看臺(tái)區(qū)似乎已經(jīng)擠不下越來(lái)越多的球迷了,搬家對(duì)于聯(lián)賽總部來(lái)說(shuō)貌似是一個(gè)最好的選擇。(財(cái)富中文網(wǎng))


From the outside, the NBA 2K League studio looks like an unassuming warehouse in Long Island City. There’s no big signage or pomp. But inside there are screens above the crowds, the players are in a circle focusing on their monitors, and fans are cheering for their favorite teams in the 2K League, the e-sports competition scene for the NBA 2K video game.

For those not interested in e-sports, it can be hard to grasp the atmosphere, with its bleachers of fans and the decked out red and blue walls, until you’re actually immersed in its excitement and light trash talking.

But soon that experience will open up to even more people.

The NBA 2K League announced in late July that it is coming to China, one of the world’s largest e-sports markets, and it’s doing so with the help of Tencent, a massive Chinese conglomerate and a leader in gaming.

Tencent already broadcasts NBA games, and similar to its deal with the league, it will begin showing 2K League events, too. The NBA 2K League is owned by the NBA and NBA 2K maker TakeTwo.

The 2K League is poised to score points with Chinese viewers, because there’s already interest from gamers there. “In China, the more common way for players to engage in the game is actually 2K online, which is a free version of the game,” Brendan Donohue, managing director of the 2K League tells Fortune. “Up until this point, we haven’t been able to engage that audience. This deal, by partnering with Tencent, it allows us to unlock that audience and test that this season before doing more in the future.”

Expanding 2K League to China also a natural move, considering the popularity of e-sports there. According to a 2017 report by IHS Markit, China is the largest global market for e-sports, streaming 57% of all matches last year. Between the popularity of 2K Online, growing Chinese interest in traditional basketball, and the massive appetite for e-sports, Donohue expects viewership for the league to see a substantial increase.

But the league is looking to do more than merely show its games in China. Currently, all of the 2K League teams are linked to ones in the traditional NBA, but 2K League players appear as digital avatars of themselves, and not as NBA players. For example, the Portland Trail Blazers’ counterpart is Blazer5 Gaming, but no one plays as the NBA team’s point guard Damian Lillard.

Donohue sees the league expanding, and China is one place they’re looking to move into. How the non-NBA teams will be named or styled is still undecided, but the 2K League is willing to make the expansion happen.

“This is part of a much broader strategy here,” Donohue said explaining that they want to continue finding potential e-sports players in China, reaching fans there through game streaming and live events, and eventually setting up Chinese-based teams.

“We are having active conversations with people who are interested in joining the league that are not NBA owners. It might too early to talk about a timeline, but we know in the near future there’s going to be teams outside of NBA-owned teams in the league,” Donohue said.

Even before that, Donohue envisions the NBA 2K League putting on events in China. For the current season, the league hosted an invitational qualifying event in Hong Kong in order to better attract non-U.S.-based talent.

“We think this is a great test for us to start to expose the league to the region,” Donohue noted.

As the 2K League’s Long Island City studio gets more popular, and the bleachers start to overflow with fans, moving seems like the best option.

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