


Bernhard Warner 2019-08-19

7月25日,德國法蘭克福證券交易所,一名交易員正在撓頭,他身后的圖表顯示的是德國DAX股指。德國負(fù)面經(jīng)濟(jì)數(shù)據(jù)公布后,DAX指數(shù)在午后交易中下跌70.56點(diǎn),至3529.36點(diǎn),再創(chuàng)四年半新低。圖片來源:Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images


由于陷入全球貿(mào)易戰(zhàn)的夾擊,又因英國脫歐的不確定性而受到嚴(yán)重影響,嚴(yán)重依賴出口的德國經(jīng)濟(jì)毫不意外地在第二季度收縮了0.1%,而且似乎看不到任何緩和的跡象。Capital Economics的安德魯·肯寧厄姆對路透社(Reuters)表示,“總之,德國經(jīng)濟(jì)正徘徊在衰退邊緣?!?/p>


德國聯(lián)邦統(tǒng)計(jì)局(German Federal Statistics Office)將全年經(jīng)濟(jì)增長預(yù)期下調(diào)至0.5%,這個(gè)歐盟最大的經(jīng)濟(jì)體因此成為又一個(gè)歐洲病夫。盡管分析師對糟糕的數(shù)字早有預(yù)期,但這一消息還是讓投資者進(jìn)行了拋售。歐洲主要交易所下跌,德國DAX指數(shù)早盤下跌近0.5%,隨后有所回升。10年期政府公債跌至負(fù)值,-0.624%的數(shù)據(jù)為史上最低。


目前外界普遍預(yù)計(jì),歐洲央行(European Central Bank)將不得不在9月份的會(huì)議上發(fā)揮更大的創(chuàng)造力,推出新的刺激措施,防止歐元區(qū)進(jìn)入衰退。在即將離任的歐洲央行行長馬里奧·德拉吉主持的最后一次會(huì)議上,可能會(huì)推出新一輪降息和/或購買債券。



如果馬特奧·薩爾維尼領(lǐng)導(dǎo)的極右翼民族主義聯(lián)盟黨在新的選舉中獲勝,歐洲的經(jīng)濟(jì)可能遠(yuǎn)會(huì)更糟糕,而該黨目前已經(jīng)在意大利民調(diào)中領(lǐng)先。薩爾維尼長期對歐元和歐盟持懷疑態(tài)度,他希望通過減稅和增加支出來對抗歐盟,此舉幾乎肯定會(huì)進(jìn)一步增加意大利已經(jīng)占GDP 130%的驚人債務(wù)。



Germany, the engine of Europe, is sputtering. And it could take the continent down with it.

Caught in the crossfire of a global trade war and paralyzed by an uncertain Brexit showdown, the export-heavy German economy, as expected, contracted 0.1% in the second quarter, and there doesn’t appear to be any relief in sight. “The bottom line is that the German economy is teetering on the edge of recession,” Andrew Kenningham of Capital Economics, told Reuters.

German manufacturing was down across the board, with the auto sector seeing a particular slump, declining to its worst point since 2009, during the worst days of the Great Recession.

The German Federal Statistics Office lowered its full-year forecast to 0.5%, making the EU’s largest economy its new sick man of Europe. Even though analysts expected the gloomy numbers, investors sold on the news. The major European exchange sank, with Germany’s DAX down nearly 0.5% in early trading, before recovering somewhat. The 10-year government bond sunk to a record low, further into negative territory, at –0.624%.

The euro, however, held firm in early trading. Germany’s economic performance is usually the bellweather for the health of the eurozone, and its GDP numbers offer up a good indicator for how the bloc will manage fiscal policy in the months ahead.

It’s now largely expected that the European Central Bank will have to get more creative at its September meeting, introducing new stimulus measures to keep the bloc from sliding into a recession. On the cards could be a fresh round of interest-rate cuts and/or bond purchases in what would be the last meeting helmed by outgoing ECB chief Mario Draghi.

Any such move by the ECB would likely put further pressure on the euro, a move that could put Europe further in the Trump Administration’s dog house. Washington has been complaining for months that its biggest trading partners are actively engaged in currency manipulation tactics to try to goose exports at the expense of America’s trade balance.

At least some of the euro’s weakness, though, can be blamed on local politics. Italy, the euro zone’s No. 3 economy, is facing a crisis that could sink the government and set markets further on edge. The country’s fractious coalition partners are heading for a rocky split, and that too has shaken Europe’s bond market and squeezed the euro. Next week there should be some clarity in Rome about whether the country is heading for snap elections.

Europe’s economic fortunes could get much worse should Matteo Salvini’s far-right nationalist League party, already leading in the Italian polls, claim top spot in new elections. Salvini is a longtime euro- and EU-skeptic who wants to defy Brussels by cutting taxes and boosting spending, a move that would almost certainly add to the country’s staggering debt pile of more than 130% of GDP.

In thrifty Germany, the problem has long been the opposite—not enough stimulus spending. That too though has changed though. The latest economic figures show that German household and government spending were among the few bright spots in the quarter. The usually reliable trade data though dragged on results. “The development of foreign trade slowed down economic growth because exports recorded a stronger quarter-on-quarter decrease than imports,” the statistics office said in a statement.

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