
蘋果iPhone 11將至,有哪些細節(jié)值得注意?

蘋果iPhone 11將至,有哪些細節(jié)值得注意?

Don Reisinger 2019年08月21日

最近,觀察人士并不像往常一樣主要關注蘋果的iPhone手機,而是轉(zhuǎn)向了Apple Card之類的新副業(yè),以及關稅對公司的影響等。不過,可能命名iPhone 11的蘋果新款iPhone發(fā)布時間消息在上周外泄,重新變成了人們關注的焦點。






蘋果向測試者發(fā)布最新的iOS 13測試固件,可能就已經(jīng)透露了iPhone 11的發(fā)布時間,在固件的iOS日歷應用里,9月10日(星期二)標有“HoldForRelease”字樣,與之前傳聞的新手機發(fā)布日期吻合。

去年,蘋果的日歷應用里同樣暴露了一張帶有日期的圖片,后來確實是iPhone XS的發(fā)布日期。


三星Galaxy Note同款顯示技術?

上周有報道稱,iPhone 11的顯示屏跟三星最近發(fā)布的Galaxy Note 10使用相同的材料。該顯示材料叫M9,采用了能夠讓顏色明亮又準確的有機發(fā)光二極管技術。報道稱,蘋果iPhone 11的屏幕質(zhì)量將類似于Galaxy Note 10。不過,由于面板可以實施調(diào)整改變亮度和顏色,因此兩款手機的屏幕效果并不一定完全相同。


上周特朗普政府給蘋果和其他智能手機制造商提供了“特赦”,原計劃對中國制造并進口到美國的智能手機征收10%關稅,現(xiàn)在推遲到12月15日。但是, Mac、AirPods、Apple Watch和Apple Watch腕帶等產(chǎn)品仍然將從9月1日起被征收10%的關稅。如果蘋果決定將關稅成本轉(zhuǎn)嫁給消費者,相關產(chǎn)品的價格可能會上漲。

iPhone 11 Pro?

蘋果尚未透露今年新款iPhone的名稱,但法國一家新聞網(wǎng)站在上周獲取的外泄文件顯示,蘋果將給手機起名iPhone 11。報道稱,蘋果今年將發(fā)布三款新手機:iPhone 11、iPhone 11 Pro和iPhone 11 Pro Max。顯然iPhone 11對應的是去年的iPhone XR,Pro版對應iPhone XS,Pro Max則對應iPhone XS Max。

高盛Apple Card成本

上周有幾位分析師表示,高盛可能因為與蘋果合作推出新的Apple Card信用卡而賠錢。據(jù)CNBC報道,野村證券的分析師比爾·卡凱奇表示,Apple Card能夠產(chǎn)生的收入將低于行業(yè)平均水平,虧損則高于業(yè)內(nèi)均值。他補充稱,高盛Apple Card每吸引一位新用戶的成本就高達350美元,要花四年才可以收回成本。



上周所有與iPhone 11相關消息都讓我不禁想起過去。所以,我分析了蘋果過去幾年發(fā)布iPhone的時間表,也研究了iPhone 11的傳言,最后得出的結(jié)論是,現(xiàn)在并不適合出手買臺新iPhone。(財富中文網(wǎng))



Recently, Apple watchers switched their attention to Apple’s new side businesses like Apple Card and the impact of tariffs on the company, instead of their usual focus: the iPhone. But Apple’s smartphone returned front and center last week because of leaks about when the next version, expected to be called the iPhone 11, may be unveiled.

The phone, it turns out, will debut in September, according to a leak by Apple itself. Additional reports also disclosed what is said to be the phone’s name, details about its screen, and more.

But this week’s Apple news wasn’t just limited to the iPhone. A Trump administration decision about tariffs on products produced in China means that it will cost Apple more to manufacture devices like Mac computers, starting on Sept. 1, and iPhones starting on Dec. 15.

And in another development, Apple sued a company last week called Corellium for allegedly infringing on its iOS technology.

It was a decidedly mobile-focused week for Apple. Read on for more:

Get ready for Sept. 10

In releasing its latest iOS 13 beta software to testers, Apple may have revealed when it will unveil the iPhone 11. An image with the words “HoldForRelease” in the software showed the date Tuesday, Sept. 10 on the iOS calendar app icon. The date coincides with a previously rumored date for the new phone’s premiere.

Last year, Apple similarly failed to hide an image with a date on its calendar app that ended up being the date of its iPhone XS debut.

Apple watchers now say that Apple will hold its press event for new iPhones on Sept. 10, offer pre-orders on its new devices on Sept. 13, and make the phones available on Sept. 20. Apple, of course, hasn’t disclosed its plans.

A Galaxy Note display?

Apple will use the same materials for its iPhone 11 display that Samsung tapped for its recently unveiled Galaxy Note 10, according to a report last week. The display material, called M9, is an organic light-emitting diode (OLED) technology that can produce bright and accurate color. The report suggests Apple’s iPhone 11 screen quality will be similar to the Galaxy Note 10’s. However, since panels can be tweaked in a way that impacts brightness and color, there’s no guarantee that their visual quality will be the same.

The Trump tariff impact

The Trump administration last week gave Apple and other smartphone makers a reprieve by pushing a planned 10% tariff on smartphones manufactured in China and imported to the U.S. to Dec. 15. However, a variety of other products, including Macs, AirPods, Apple Watch, and Apple Watch bands, are still subject to the 10% tariffs starting on Sept. 1. If Apple decides to pass on those tariff costs to consumers, prices on those products may increase.

An iPhone 11 Pro?

Apple hasn’t disclosed the name of this year’s new iPhones, but documentation leaked last week to a French news site this week that said Apple will use iPhone 11 branding in this year’s phones. The report said Apple will release three iPhones this year, according to the report: The iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Pro, and iPhone 11 Pro Max. The iPhone 11 will ostensibly replace last year’s iPhone XR, and the Pro versions will replace the iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max.

Goldman Sachs’ Apple Card cost

Several analysts last week said that Goldman Sachs could lose money on its partnership with Apple on their new Apple Card credit card. Nomura analyst Bill Carcache said that Apple Card would generate lower revenues and face higher losses than the industry average, according to CNBC, which reported about the note. He added that Goldman Sachs will spend $350 per Apple Card user just to get them to get the credit card. It will take four years before Goldman will get that much back in revenue.

Apple files suit against iOS “replicas”

Apple filed a lawsuit last week against the company Corellium, alleging that its technology, which creates a virtual version of iOS for security experts to use for research, “is blatant infringement.” Apple said that Corellium “has simply copied everything,” including the iOS code, design, and icons to develop its technology. Apple asked the court for an injunction against Corellium, which has yet to publicly respond to the lawsuit.

All of this talk about the iPhone 11 had me thinking about the past last week. So, I analyzed Apple’s iPhone release schedule over the previous couple of years, researched iPhone 11 rumors, and concluded now is a really bad time to buy a new iPhone.

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