


Don Resinger 2019-09-11

在周二近兩個(gè)小時(shí)的發(fā)布會(huì)上,蘋(píng)果公布了新iPhone 11系列手機(jī)、以健康為主打的第五代蘋(píng)果手表,以及有關(guān)其即將面世的游戲服務(wù)Apple Arcade和視頻流服務(wù)Apple TV Plus的重要細(xì)節(jié)。不過(guò),一切盡在意料之中。


但發(fā)布會(huì)還是得到了提姆·庫(kù)克和蘋(píng)果公司的傾情演繹。以下是iPhone 11發(fā)布會(huì)上蘋(píng)果公司公布的新產(chǎn)品和服務(wù)。

iPhone 11:價(jià)格、顏色、參數(shù)和大小

如預(yù)期的那樣,蘋(píng)果在周二的媒體發(fā)布會(huì)上公布了iPhone 11。

作為iPhone XR的繼任者,iPhone 11擁有6.1英寸的屏幕和后置雙攝的配置。這些攝像頭能夠?yàn)檎掌鸵曨l拍攝提供廣角和超廣角模式。蘋(píng)果對(duì)其前置自拍鏡頭進(jìn)行了改進(jìn),添加了慢動(dòng)作新功能。

在機(jī)身內(nèi)部,iPhone 11則搭配了蘋(píng)果新A13仿生芯片,公司稱(chēng)是全球智能手機(jī)界“最快”的處理器。公司還宣稱(chēng)新iPhone的視頻游戲圖形處理性能也要好于其他任何智能手機(jī)。

蘋(píng)果的iPhone 11提供高達(dá)26小時(shí)的續(xù)航時(shí)間,有6種配色可供選擇,包括綠、黃、紅等。新手機(jī)將于9月20日上線,起價(jià)699美元,9月13日周五開(kāi)始接受預(yù)訂,9月20日開(kāi)賣(mài)。

iPhone 11 Pro:更加高端的手持設(shè)備

為了吸引那些希望購(gòu)買(mǎi)更高端 iPhone 11手機(jī)的用戶,蘋(píng)果發(fā)布了iPhone 11 Pro 和iPhone 11 Pro Max。

iPhone 11 Pro 配備5.8英寸OLED屏,而iPhone 11 Pro Max的屏幕為6.5英寸,兩者的對(duì)比度均為200萬(wàn):1,能夠?yàn)槠聊粠?lái)更好的亮度和觀感。

除了太空灰、銀和金色之外,蘋(píng)果表示還將在 iPhone 11 Pro后續(xù)產(chǎn)品中發(fā)布暗夜綠配色。與iPhone 11一樣,Pro系列也將搭配 A13仿生芯片,以獲得比去年iPhone XS和iPhone XS Max機(jī)型更好的性能。


iPhone 11 Pro售價(jià)999美元,iPhone 11 Pro Max售價(jià)1099美元。9月13日開(kāi)始接受預(yù)訂,9月20日開(kāi)賣(mài)。








蘋(píng)果在iPhone 11發(fā)布會(huì)上公布了第七代iPad。


不出意料,iPad采用了蘋(píng)果最近宣布的iPadOS操作系統(tǒng),能夠讓設(shè)備使用Apple Pencil觸筆,以及新的多任務(wù)處理功能,后者可以讓用戶在操作系統(tǒng)中輕松地在多個(gè)應(yīng)用中切換。


Apple TV Plus:價(jià)格、發(fā)布日期和驚喜交易

蘋(píng)果接下來(lái)將注意力轉(zhuǎn)至Apple TV Plus,并播放了即將登陸該服務(wù)的原創(chuàng)節(jié)目《See》的新預(yù)告片。這部由杰森·莫瑪主演的電視劇發(fā)生在未來(lái),那時(shí),人類(lèi)已經(jīng)失去視力,直到有一天,生來(lái)具有視力的新生兒出現(xiàn)了。

蘋(píng)果首席執(zhí)行官提姆·庫(kù)克表示,Apple TV Plus 的第一部電視劇將于11月1日上線,而且蘋(píng)果每個(gè)月都將增添更多的原創(chuàng)節(jié)目。與Apple Arcade一樣,Apple TV Plus的家庭訂閱費(fèi)用為4.99美元/月。

庫(kù)克還表示,購(gòu)買(mǎi)蘋(píng)果硬件的所有用戶,包括新iPhone或Apple TV,都將在購(gòu)買(mǎi)時(shí)獲贈(zèng)1年的Apple TV Plus服務(wù)。

Apple Arcade:“游戲開(kāi)始”,9月19日上線

蘋(píng)果在iPhone 11發(fā)布會(huì)伊始介紹了其新游戲訂閱服務(wù)Apple Arcade。公司稱(chēng),該服務(wù)將推出100多款專(zhuān)屬游戲,可通過(guò)iPhone、iPad、Macs和Apple TV在內(nèi)的蘋(píng)果設(shè)備暢玩。


在演示中,蘋(píng)果邀請(qǐng)游戲開(kāi)發(fā)商登臺(tái)展示其游戲,包括游戲開(kāi)發(fā)商Konami的新作《Frogger》以及游戲開(kāi)發(fā)公司卡普空的恐怖生存游戲《Shinsekai: Into the Depths》。

Apple Arcade將于9月19日上線。該服務(wù)在推出后將提供一個(gè)月的免費(fèi)試用期,其家庭訂閱費(fèi)用為4.99美元/月。



首先,其實(shí)體店面將設(shè)立Apple Watch工作室功能,客戶可借此搭配與其選購(gòu)表帶顏色相匹配的iPhone外殼。蘋(píng)果還將在推出該體驗(yàn)的線上互動(dòng)服務(wù)。



Over a period of nearly two hours on Tuesday, Apple unveiled its new iPhone 11 lineup, the health-focused Apple Watch Series 5, and important details on its forthcoming Apple Arcade and Apple TV Plus services. But we expected that.

Indeed, the annual Apple event lacked the element of surprise. Prior to the show, word leaked on what Apple would name its newest iPhone, the features it would have, and even what its design would look like. Word also surfaced on Apple's new seventh-generation iPad. Even the health-focused Apple Watch Series 5 couldn't escape the churn of the rumor mill to create an element of surprise.

But Tim Cook and company did their level best. Here are the new products and services that Apple announced during its iPhone 11 event:

iPhone 11: Cost, colors, specs, and sizes

As expected, Apple unveiled the iPhone 11 at its press event on Tuesday.

The iPhone 11 is the successor to Apple's iPhone XR, with a 6.1-inch screen and dual cameras on the back. Those cameras offer wide and ultra-wide camera modes that can be used for both photos and videos. On the front, Apple has improved the selfie camera with a new slow-motion feature.

Inside, iPhone 11 boasts Apple's new A13 Bionic processor, which the company called the "fastest" processor in any smartphone in the world. Apple's device also promises better graphics performance for video games than any other smartphone.

Apple's iPhone 11, which will offer up to 26 hours of battery life, comes in six colors, including green, yellow, and red, among others. It'll be available on Sept. 20 with a starting price of $699. Pre-orders for the iPhone 11 start on Friday, Sept. 13. The device will go on sale on Sept. 20.

iPhone 11 Pro: A higher-end handset

In a bid to attract those who want a higher-end version of the iPhone 11, Apple showcased the iPhone 11 Pro and iPhone 11 Pro Max.

The iPhone 11 Pro has a 5.8-inch OLED screen to complement the 6.5-inch display in the iPhone 11 Pro Max. Both screens offer a contrast ratio of 2 million to 1, which should translate to bright and good-looking visuals on the screen.

In addition to the Space Gray, Silver, and Gold models, Apple said that it will also deliver a "midnight green" color for its iPhone 11 Pro lineup. And like the iPhone 11, the Pro models will run on Apple's A13 Bionic chip to deliver better performance than last year's iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max models.

The Pro lineup's three cameras will include wide and ultra-wide cameras, along with a telephoto lens for zoom far into the distance. Apple said that the cameras will combine to offer "pro photography" performance.

Apple will offer the iPhone 11 Pro for $999 and the iPhone 11 Pro Max at $1,099. Pre-orders will begin on Sept. 13 and the devices will go on sale on Sept. 20.

Apple Watch Series 5: An always-on screen, at last

The new Apple Watch Series 5 is the first wearable from the company to have an always-on display. This breakthrough comes from a new screen technology that makes it more power-efficient, so it can stay on without draining the device's battery. Apple is promising an 18-hour battery life in the Apple Watch Series 5.

A new compass feature in the Apple Watch Series 5 could make it easier to navigate on hikes and Apple said that the device has new safety features that allow for international emergency calling in times of need.

In addition Apple revealed plenty of Apple Watch Series 5 colors to choose from. For the first time, the company is offering a titanium model with a brushed coating. A new ceramic white version will also be available.

Apple Watch Series 5 will start at $399 for the non-cellular versions and $499 for the cellular options. The device will be available for purchase on Tuesday and in stores on Sept. 20.

Apple is also keeping the Apple Watch Series 3—not Apple Watch Series 4—on store shelves for a starting price of $199.

iPad: Bigger, better, and cheaper

Apple unveiled the seventh-generation iPad during its iPhone 11 event.

The new iPad comes with faster performance than the previous model and for the first time, a Smart Connector port, so users can attach a keyboard to the device to use it like a notebook. It also boosts the size of the screen from 9.7 inches in the sixth-generation model to 10.2 inches in this version.

Not surprisingly, the iPad works with Apple's recently announced iPadOS, allowing it to utilize the Apple Pencil stylus and a new multitasking feature that makes it easier to switch between multiple apps on the operating system.

Apple's new iPad will start at $329 for consumers and $299 for education customers. It's available to purchase now and will start shipping at the end of the month.

Apple TV Plus: Price, launch date, and a surprise deal

Apple next turned its attention Apple TV Plus with a new trailer for an upcoming original show for the service called See. The Jason Momoa-helmed show is set in a future in which humans can no longer see, until children are born with sight, that is.

Apple CEO Tim Cook said that the first Apple TV Plus shows will be available on Nov. 1 and the company will add more original programming each month. Like Apple Arcade, Apple TV Plus will be available for $4.99 per month with a family subscription.

Cook also added that anyone who buys Apple hardware, including a new iPhone or Apple TV, will get one free year of Apple TV Plus with their purchase.

Apple Arcade: 'Game on,' starting Sept. 19

Apple kicked off its iPhone 11 event with talk of its new game-streaming service Apple Arcade. The company said that Apple Arcade will be available with more than 100 exclusive games that will all be playable Apple's hardware, including iPhone, iPad, Macs, and Apple TV.

To access Arcade games, users will go to the App Store and tap the "Arcade" option in the marketplace. Those with a subscription will be able to download and play those games without an additional charge.

During the presentation, Apple invited game developers on stage to showcase their games, including a new Frogger title from developer Konami and Shinsekai: Into the Depths, a survival horror title from developer Capcom.

Apple Arcade will be available starting Sept. 19. The service will be available on a family subscription for $4.99 per month, and will offer one month free at launch.

Apple Stores: A fitting experience

In addition to its product news, Apple said Tuesday it is making some improvements to its retail locations.

First, its physical stores will now have an Apple Watch studio feature, where customers will be able to pair the iPhone case they want with a watchband of their choice. An interactive version of the experience will also be available online.

Also, Apple's glass cube Fifth Avenue store in Manhattan, one of its flagship locations, will finally re-open—after more than two years of renovations—on Sept. 20, the company said.

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