


Chris Morris 2019-09-15



其他知名度可能沒那么高的名字包括Blinger, Blume Doll和Coding Critters。





Furreal品牌好奇的熊貓(Curious Panda)






Poopsie 彩虹驚喜娃娃



Labor Day might still be a very recent memory, but Amazon is already looking to the holiday season. And parents who are hoping to grab hard to find toys might want to as well.

The retailer has issued its picks for what it believes will be the 100 most in-demand toys for holiday 2019. And, while the usual suspects, like Marvel, Star Wars, Harry Potter and Lego, make their usual appearances, there are several … unusual names on the list as well – names like Hairdorables and Poopsies.

Other names that may not be known by every household include Blinger, Blume Doll and Coding Critters.

Amazon is the largest online retailer and its picks (even unranked) certainly carry some weight with shoppers, but it’s worth noting that several of the items on its list are Amazon exclusives, this year more than ever, which could compromise its objectivity. That said, some are already sold out.

Here are some of the items on Amazon’s list for Holiday 2019.

LEGO Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire Hogwarts Clock Tower

Lego is always a hit with kids and some adults during the holidays. The company is going deep with Star Wars toys this year (even announcing a 4,700 piece Imperial Star Destroyer on Thursday), but Amazon’s betting on the continuing popularity of Harry Potter.

Furreal Plum, the Curious Panda

The Furreal toy line is a reliable name in annual toy lists. This $99 Amazon exclusive is an interactive stuffed animal that plays with kids during the day and plays music at night.

Monopoly Voice Banking

The board game has been adding more and more modern elements over the past few years. This latest update puts Mr Monopoly in charge of the money. When you have to pay rent, you press his top hat and give a command (i.e. “Pay rent on Boardwalk”) and the money is transferred. So much for cheating.

Wildluvs Juno My Baby Elephant

Already sold out, this interactive toy with a moving trunk responds to touch and plays games with your young child. And its personality evolves as you spend more time with it. It’s an early favorite to be the biggest toy of the holiday season.

Poopsie Rainbow Surprise

Good news, despite the name, there’s nothing poop-related about these $50 dolls. Bad news: There is slime involved, which most parents have come to dread. The slime is used to give the dolls; fashions a unique look, using shimmer powder and glitter.

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