fussbudget; Fur will fly!
??? 今日單詞:
單詞 | 中文釋義 | 英文釋義 | 例句 |
fussbudget | 吹毛求疵者(名詞,非正式、幽默用語) | (noun, INFORMAL NEGATIVE HUMOROUS) A person who is overly concerned with details, and may be given to complaining about the inadequacies of everyone else (NOTE: not related to "budget" in accounting) | EXAMPLE: The office manager was an old fussbudget who never believed that any of her employees did adequate work, so they often became discouraged and quit. 經(jīng)理一貫吹毛求疵,從不相信員工能把工作做好,所以員工們也心灰意冷,紛紛辭職。 |
短語 | 中文釋義 | 英文釋義 | 例句 |
Fur will fly! | 鬧翻天 | Mildly humorous expression meaning "there will be a big, explosive argument" (reference to pieces of fur bursting from a fight such as between dogs and cats) | EXAMPLE: If I come home late after the office party without first telephoning my wife, I know that fur will fly! 如果我在公司聚會(huì)后回家晚了,又沒有打電話通知太太,她肯定會(huì)鬧翻天。 |