


Nin-Hai Tseng 2011年06月02日


????EMC Research受舊金山藝術(shù)大學(xué)(Academy of Art University)委托進(jìn)行的一項調(diào)查顯示,3/4的公司計劃聘用應(yīng)屆畢業(yè)生。調(diào)查涉及從醫(yī)療保健到金融業(yè)的267家美國公司。受訪公司中有23%計劃在去年的基礎(chǔ)上增加招聘人數(shù)。

????前兩年就業(yè)前景異常慘淡,而此次調(diào)查結(jié)論卻給2011屆畢業(yè)傳遞了積極的信號。2009年20-24歲大學(xué)畢業(yè)生的失業(yè)率為9.1%,2010年為9.4%——創(chuàng)下美國勞工統(tǒng)計局(U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics) 1995年有統(tǒng)計以來該年齡段的新高。

????那么,招聘公司對2011屆畢業(yè)生有何期待呢?EMC調(diào)查顯示,熟練運用計算機是招聘公司最關(guān)注的技能(84%的受訪公司),其次是分析技巧 (79%)和寫作能力(75%)。在受訪公司中,72%的公司希望有運用最新技術(shù)的經(jīng)驗,67%重視創(chuàng)造力,45%希望應(yīng)聘者有互動媒體經(jīng)驗。

????雖然獲得工作的希望上升,但也并非都是好消息。2011屆畢業(yè)生的起薪收入是否會大大改善仍有待觀察。羅格斯大學(xué)(Rutgers University) John L. Heldrich Center for Workforce Development本月發(fā)布的一項研究顯示2009年和2010年,四年制大學(xué)畢業(yè)生的起薪中值是27,000美元,低于2006-2008年進(jìn)入就業(yè)市場的畢業(yè)生的30,000美元。


????To all recent college grads still tending bar, there's hope in today's tough job market. At least according to a new survey that shows many companies are planning to hire new graduates in the coming year.

????Three out of four companies plan to hire recent college grads, according to a report by EMC Research and commissioned by Academy of Art University in San Francisco, which surveyed 267 U.S. employers across a spectrum of industries from health care to finance. Of those surveyed, 23% plan to hire more than last year.

????The findings suggest optimism for the class of 2011, following pretty bleak job prospects during the past two years. The annual unemployment rate for 20- to 24-year-olds with college degrees in 2009 was 9.1% and 9.4% in 2010 – the highest recorded for this age group since the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics began tracking the data in 1985.

????So what are employers looking for from the class of 2011? The EMC survey shows that computer proficiency ranked highest on their list of desired skills (84% of respondents), followed by analytical skills (79%) and writing ability (75%). Of those surveyed, 72% wanted experience using the newest technologies while 67% valued creative ability and 45% wanted employees with experience with interactive media.

????But while the chances of landing a job might improve, it's not exactly good news all around. It remains to be seen if the earnings prospects for the class of 2011 will get much better. In 2009 and 2010, the median starting salary for students graduating from four-year colleges was $27,000, down from $30,000 for grads entering the job market from 2006 to 2008, according to a study released this month by the John L. Heldrich Center for Workforce Development at Rutgers University.

????And while potentially better jobs picture might be good news for the class of 2011, it could mean bad news for graduates of previous years still waiting tables or stuck at a temp job answering phones. Jobs might be opening up, but far too many 20-somethings with college degrees are still waiting in line for their big break.

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