


Anne Fisher 2011年10月25日

????重返校園:學(xué)習(xí)相關(guān)課程不僅能夠獲得目標(biāo)領(lǐng)域的相關(guān)知識(shí),結(jié)識(shí)新朋友,而且“可以把這項(xiàng)經(jīng)歷作為相關(guān)經(jīng)驗(yàn)寫入簡歷,因?yàn)檫@是學(xué)習(xí)此領(lǐng)域知識(shí)的證明,”馬克?多里奧說。馬克?多里奧是一位有著豐富咨詢經(jīng)驗(yàn)的人事管理專家,著有《完美傻瓜指南之求職》(The Complete Idiot's Guide to Getting the Job You Want)等多部求職類書籍。

????多里奧在這方面頗有經(jīng)驗(yàn):起初,作為天主教神父的多里奧同時(shí)兼任天主教一所高中的主管。后來,他重返校園,攻讀組織行為及工業(yè)心理學(xué)碩士學(xué)位。這些資歷以及他掌握的團(tuán)隊(duì)組織及咨詢等通用技能讓他成功地進(jìn)入一家咨詢公司工作。如今,多里奧開辦了自己的指導(dǎo)和咨詢公司,擁有眾多客戶,其中不乏《財(cái)富》(Fortune)500強(qiáng)企業(yè),如默克公司(Merck )及強(qiáng)生公司(Johnson & Johnson)等。


????這種做法確實(shí)聰明。但同時(shí)還有一點(diǎn)不容忽視——也許在你的身邊就蘊(yùn)藏著大量機(jī)會(huì)。史蒂芬?凱默若還是西雅圖華盛頓大學(xué)(University of Washington)的實(shí)習(xí)生時(shí),就以網(wǎng)站開發(fā)者的身份開始了自己的職業(yè)生涯;然后,在此領(lǐng)域全職工作了三年時(shí)間;直到大約一年前,他終于意識(shí)到這份工作并不適合自己。“整天坐在電腦前并不符合我的性格。我更喜歡與人打交道?!?/p>

????于是,他開始考慮跨行從事銷售工作。當(dāng)時(shí),凱默若的家鄉(xiāng)帕洛阿爾托對辦公場地的市場需求正在迅速擴(kuò)大,而他的幾位家人和朋友就在當(dāng)?shù)氐姆康禺a(chǎn)行業(yè)工作。一位親戚的朋友了解到全球房地產(chǎn)公司仲量聯(lián)行(Jones Lang Lasalle)在當(dāng)?shù)剞k事處有一租賃專員的空缺,就立即通知?jiǎng)P默若前去面試。







????Go back to school.Taking courses in your chosen field not only teaches you the business and introduces you to new people, but "the classes count as experience on your resume, since you're learning the business," says Marc Dorio, author of several career books including The Complete Idiot's Guide to Getting the Job You Want.

????Dorio knows a thing or two firsthand about changing careers: He started out as a Roman Catholic priest and superintendent of Catholic high schools, before returning to college for graduate degrees in organizational behavior and industrial psychology. Those credentials -- plus his transferable experience in team-building and counseling -- led to his being hired by a consulting firm. He now runs his own coaching and consulting company, with Fortune 500 clients like Merck (MRK) and Johnson & Johnson (JNJ).

????Network, network, network. When she first moved to Raleigh, Stacey Hilton recalls, "I started cold calling anyone and everyone, from PR firms to police department media relations teams, even if I knew they weren't hiring. It was a chance to meet people, hand off my resume, and hope they would remember my face if an opening came up."

????Smart. But don't forget to look close to home as well. Steffan Kammerer launched a career as a web developer while still an intern at the University of Washington in Seattle, then worked full-time in the field for three years before deciding about a year ago that it just wasn't for him. "I have the wrong personality for sitting in front of a computer all day. I like human interaction," he says.

????So he started thinking about a sales job. Several family members and their friends were in commercial real estate in Kammerer's hometown of Palo Alto, where the market for office space is booming. A friend of a relative knew of an opening for a leasing associate at the local office of global real estate firm Jones Lang Lasalle (JLL) and referred Kammerer for an interview.

????He got the job, and loves it. "All I did was ask around to see if anyone knew of anything," he says. "Sometimes it really is who you know, and how well you know them."

????Look for the right match. Big-company denizens looking to change careers often overlook smaller firms, including startups, notes Carolyn Hughes. That's a mistake. "Big companies usually have more rigid job descriptions," she says. "Your best bet might be companies with between 100 and 300 employees, which are big enough to have opportunities but small enough that individual roles are more broad, fluid, and flexible."

????Marc Dorio agrees: "Employers are not all the same. Some want a specific background and set of experiences, but others define jobs more creatively and are interested in how you present your own approach to the work." Dorio coached one former financial analyst who was hired by a market research firm because "they liked the way he proposed to apply his financial acumen to the role. It added a different dimension."

????Some employers actually prefer people who, lacking industry experience, are also free of the bad habits and stale thinking that experience can engender. "We don't pay much attention to industry-specific experience," says Kenneth Wisnefski, founder and CEO of WebiMax, a search-optimization company in Mount Laurel, N.J. "We train them to become the type of employees we want." WebiMax has more than doubled its headcount so far in 2011, from 70 to 150.

????Keep trying. "Don't be afraid to knock on doors and tell people why you would be valuable in their company," Stacey Hilton says. "My boss tells me that what finally won her over was my persistence. I would call her every week to see if they were hiring yet -- but without crossing the line into being annoying."

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