


Megan Hustad 2011年11月01日







????但《高風(fēng)險(xiǎn)情境中的溝通技巧》(Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High)一書的合著作者約瑟夫?格雷尼卻認(rèn)為,在職場中保持沉默往往伴隨著沉重的代價(jià)。格雷尼認(rèn)為,在職場中,面對(duì)自己并不滿意的狀況,不與其他人當(dāng)面交涉,表面看來是一種“安全的”策略,但實(shí)際上卻并不安全。他認(rèn)為,經(jīng)濟(jì)低迷導(dǎo)致的職場沉默會(huì)使越來越多的年輕人無法獲得進(jìn)行具有挑戰(zhàn)性的、充滿情感的對(duì)話技巧,他認(rèn)為如今只有這種技巧才能帶來真正的職場安全感;也就是說,員工作為無價(jià)資產(chǎn)得到認(rèn)可所帶來的安全感。

????It's hard, given how swollen the unemployment ranks are these days, to conjure up much sympathy for those who are unhappily employed with health benefits. But even the gainfully employed have their job troubles.

????The "quits rate," or the number of voluntary leave-taking from paid positions, has been low since the economic downturn began in December 2007 and still hovers around 1.5% -- a number that most economists consider unhealthily low.

????When an economy is humming along, unsatisfied employees can quit cruddy jobs with relative gusto. They either have a more promising job lined up, or are confident they'll be able to find one within a few relatively painless weeks of pavement pounding. But when jobs are scarce, people keep showing up for jobs they don't like, perhaps never liked.

????The low "quits rate" problem suggests other side effects. Young people are often wary of approaching colleagues and bosses to discuss on-the-job dilemmas out of fear that the slightest whiff of incompetence will get them canned. (The unemployment rate for people in their 20s is nearly double that of the general population.)

????Others stay silent in the face of work situations that border on hostile because, again, who's to say that managers -- staring at a vast pool of available 20-something labor -- wouldn't rather fire the squeaky wheel and replace her with someone more accommodating of inter-office nonsense?

????I talked to an account manager at a prominent photo agency who once sat and listened to the head of HR inform her that while taking care of herself was "her decision," the company would prefer she not have to visit the doctor so often (to control a chronic medical condition), even though she made up the lost hours every time. Her three supervisors did not communicate with one another, and would not hear of other demands placed on her unless she said something -- at which point she worried whether she sounded like a whiner. A promotion was dangled and delayed for months. Meanwhile, she learned to suck her mounting anxieties up and keep quiet.

????But keeping silent on the job comes with considerable costs, says Joseph Grenny, coauthor of Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High. Grenny argues that the seemingly "safe" strategy of never confronting an unsatisfactory job situation is actually not safe. According to Grenny, downturn-induced reticence means that more young people are not gaining the skills of conducting challenging, emotionally charged conversations -- a skill he believes ultimately fosters the only kind of job security available these days; namely, the security that comes from being regarded as an invaluable asset.

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