


Laura Vanderkam 2011年12月27日

????在當今經(jīng)濟形勢下,有所發(fā)展的工作門類并不多,但有一種工作類型除外——越來越多的人稱自己為“自由人”。根據(jù)臨時員工代理機構凱利服務公司(Kelly Services)提供的數(shù)據(jù),超過40%的職場人士自稱為“自由人”,認為自己長期獨立于任何雇主,而2008年該數(shù)據(jù)為26%。這類人在不同的公司之間快速切換,通常大部分時候都是在為自己打工。





????2011年底的時候就制定出明年的旅行方案。至少提前數(shù)月確定休假時間,這樣就能在客戶服務規(guī)劃中留出空擋,,同時相應規(guī)劃好產(chǎn)品供應。蒂姆?帕金是帕金網(wǎng)絡開發(fā)公司(Parkin Web Development)總裁,該公司位于佛羅里達州奧蘭多。他說:“如果拖到最后時刻才決定去哪里旅行,你就沒辦法做好充分準備并知會客戶。這對雙方都不公平?!?/p>



????如果經(jīng)營零售業(yè),最好打消在圣誕節(jié)前就開始休假的念頭。馬克?阿賽爾斯汀與其連襟合伙經(jīng)營一家名為“開啟冒險之旅”(Uncorked Ventures)的紅酒俱樂部。他說:“我們50%的銷量往往都來自感恩節(jié)到圣誕節(jié)之間這段時間?!?010年是他們開業(yè)的第一年?!拔覀儧]有做好規(guī)劃,結果很糟。坦白地說,我們在探親和準時發(fā)貨這兩方面都沒做好。”


????Not many job categories are growing in today's economy, but here's one that is: the number of workers calling themselves "free agents." According to temp staffing agency Kelly Services, more than four in 10 workers call themselves "free agents," feeling unattached, long term, to any employer. This is up from 26% in 2008. People flit between organizations and -- often -- spend significant time working for themselves.

????There are many upsides to calling yourself boss. The downside? Every year, around the holidays, entrepreneurs learn (and relearn, as the case may be) that it's tough to take even a week or two off, let alone a longer absence, like a maternity leave or sabbatical.

????While corporations dangle paid vacation as a perk, as James Sutton, a self-employed psychologist in Pleasanton, Texas puts it, "the self-employed person pays for their 'fun' twice: the cost of the time off, and the revenue lost from not working."

????It's tempting to just keep grinding away. But that's counter-productive. Sutton claims that "some of my best ideas and marketing approaches came when my mind was refreshed and 'idle,'" and many other free agents report the same thing. Here are a few strategies for taking time off from business owners who've done it:

Plan ahead. Way ahead.

????Figure out your 2012 travel plans by the end of 2011. Knowing your vacation times at least a few months in advance lets you build that lack of availability into your client proposals and plan your pipeline accordingly. Says Tim Parkin, president of Parkin Web Development in Orlando, Florida, "last minute trips make it difficult to adequately prepare and give notice to your clients. It's unfair to both parties."

????Knowing your schedule ahead of time also lets you plan for some long days before and after, and arrange employee schedules with that in mind. Parkin notes that clients who learn of your vacation plans "might have immediate requests ('Can you do XYZ before you leave?'), which is why more notice is better."

Watch your business cycle.

????If you run a retail business, forget about starting Christmas vacation before Christmas. Mark Aselstine, who co-owns a wine club called Uncorked Ventures with his brother-in-law, notes that "50% of our sales typically occur between Thanksgiving and Christmas Day." 2010 was their first in business, "and we didn't have a real plan and ended up, frankly, not doing a good job seeing family, or getting customer orders delivered in a timely manner."

????This year, the rest of the family will start Christmas without them, and Aselstine and his brother-in-law will take off on the night of the 23rd. At that point, it's too late to get wine delivered before the 25th, and with January being a slow month for wine, they won't have to hurry back.

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