


Anne Fisher 2012年03月19日
格雷格?史密斯不是第一個(gè),也不是最后一個(gè)。招聘網(wǎng)站Escape the City的調(diào)查顯示,有約5.5萬名金融業(yè)人士渴望逃離華爾街。

????高盛(Goldman Sachs)前副總裁格雷格?史密斯在《紐約時(shí)報(bào)》(The New York Times)社論版炮轟老東家,令這令他的辭職事件備受關(guān)注,但史密斯絕非是唯一一個(gè)受夠了的華爾街人士。

????2010年,Escape the City(意為“逃離這個(gè)城市”,當(dāng)時(shí)指的是倫敦金融區(qū))成立,旨在幫助希望幻滅的銀行家們重新找到自己夢(mèng)想的工作。如今,這家公司已經(jīng)實(shí)現(xiàn)擴(kuò)張,挺進(jìn)了紐約,“以滿足來自華爾街的巨大需求,”負(fù)責(zé)Escape the City紐約辦事處的合伙人邁克?豪伊表示。

????最近,豪伊分析了在Escape the City網(wǎng)站上注冊(cè)的5.5萬名會(huì)員提供的數(shù)據(jù),列出了大多數(shù)員工希望逃離的前十大投行。它們是:

????1. 摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)

????2. 高盛(Goldman Sachs)

????3. 摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)

????4. 美國銀行(Bank of America)

????5. 花旗集團(tuán)(Citigroup)

????6. Lazard 投資銀行

????7. 瑞銀(UBS)

????8. 德意志銀行(Deutsche Bank)

????9. 瑞士信貸(Credit Suisse)


????豪伊列出的研究顯示,約60%的雇員表示,如果有機(jī)會(huì)重來一次,他們會(huì)選擇其他行業(yè);20多歲的年輕人中有51%已開始對(duì)自己選擇的職業(yè)道路感到困惑。豪伊本人當(dāng)年就曾從美林(Merrill Lynch)的脫逃,他和兩位合伙人創(chuàng)立Escape the City就是因?yàn)椤拔覀兊墓ぷ髁钊司趩?,不能?shí)現(xiàn)自我,沒有激情,而且我們發(fā)現(xiàn)很多都這樣?!?/p>

????當(dāng)然,也有些前華爾街人士最終跳槽到其他公司,工作當(dāng)然也要有意思得多,比如:谷歌(Google)、蘋果(Apple)和團(tuán)購網(wǎng)站Groupon等大公司都會(huì)定期到Escape the City 網(wǎng)站上尋找特立獨(dú)行的專才。

????不過,大多數(shù)不安分的銀行家們?cè)贓scape the City上注冊(cè)只為了尋找完全不同的人生體驗(yàn)。迄今為止,他們?cè)谶@個(gè)網(wǎng)站上找到的工作包括:經(jīng)營莫桑比克的一家海灘旅館,管理南極洲的一間郵局,在博茨瓦納北部主辦一個(gè)游獵營地,為紅海一家豪華的高爾夫度假村記賬,以及主持電視節(jié)目《Paradise Hunter》等。

??? 譯者:早稻米

????Erstwhile Goldman Sachs vice president Greg Smith's jeremiad on The New York Times' op-ed page marked a more spectacular departure than most, but Smith is hardly the only Wall Streeter who's had enough.

????Escape the City -- the name refers to the City of London, that town's financial district -- was launched in 2010 to help disillusioned bankers find their dream jobs. The outfit is now expanding to New York "in response to huge demand coming out of Wall Street," says Michael Howe, the partner who runs the firm's New York office.

????Howe recently analyzed data from the 55,000 people registered on Escape the City's web site and came up with a list of the 10 investment firms where the most employees want to leave. They are:

????1. JPMorgan Chase (JPM)

????2. Goldman Sachs (GS)

????3. Morgan Stanley (MS)

????4. Bank of America (BAC)

????5. Citigroup (C)

????6. Lazard (LAZ)

????7. UBS (UBS)

????8. Deutsche Bank (DB)

????9. Credit Suisse (CS)

????10. Barclays (BCS)

????Citing research showing that about 60% of all corporate employees would choose a different line of work if they had a chance to do it over again (51% of twentysomethings already have misgivings about the career paths they've chosen), Howe -- himself a Merrill Lynch refugee -- says he and his two partners started Escape the City "because we were frustrated, unfulfilled, and uninspired by our jobs and realized many others were, too."

????To be sure, some ex-financiers end up in other corporate positions -- just, evidently, more interesting ones: Big companies like Google, Apple, and Groupon regularly troll the firm's site looking for iconoclastic new hires.

????Still, most of the restless bankers who sign on to Escape the City are looking for something completely different. Among the jobs they have found through the site so far: Managing a beach lodge in Mozambique, running a post office in Antarctica, hosting a safari camp in northern Botswana, keeping the books for a luxury golf resort on the Red Sea, and hosting a television series called Paradise Hunter.

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