


Katherine Reynolds Lewis 2012年06月25日
















????The solution: Gain a little perspective on whether the matter is truly urgent. Batch emails. Use bullet points and the subject line to give your message some additional clarity, and proofread your emails before sending. Keep it short so that people don't miss part of your message. "If I have to scroll down to read it, this should never have been an email," says David Adams, a vice president with Adecco Group, a global staffing firm says. Instead, "have a live conversation and use the email to summarize what you discussed."

????The master of disguise

????When you want to get in touch with this shifty character, you never know which email account is best to try, or whether you'll hear from him via text, instant message, or email. Perhaps you start a conversation on email, he continues it via IM, and concludes it with a text.

????The problem: You don't want to be enigmatic in the workplace. Your contacts need to know how to reach you. It's okay to switch communications methods once, such as sending an urgent text when you leave the office and don't have easy email access. But going back and forth unnecessarily is just confusing, and makes it hard for your colleagues to review the entire thread of a conversation.

????The solution: Ask people upfront about their contact preferences and methods. Then stick to that plan, aside from the aforementioned emergencies. You might even decide as a work group on certain communications protocols, such as setting instant message status to available, unavailable, or back soon. Harvard's Leslie Perlow has helped teams boost productivity and satisfaction through simple agreements around communication. For instance, a team may agree to avoid sending or answering email after 6 p.m. at night or to designate daily blocks of time for uninterrupted work.

????The cc: abuser

????Almost as soon as email was invented, someone began overusing the cc: field. And email inboxes around the world began to clog.

????The problem: The best way to reduce email clutter is judicious sending. If you send email to more people than necessary, you're likely to receive unnecessary responses, creating a snowball effect. Moreover, some people may take offense at an overly broad distribution. For instance, if you cc: a superior unnecessarily it can inadvertently send a message of distrust. "The number one best practice is to decide, 'Who is the email for?'" Adams says. "That thought process alone will reduce the amount of emails."

????The solution: Only include people on emails if they truly need to follow the tick-tock of the conversation. For others, you can summarize in an in-person conversation or weekly update.

????Follow these rules and you'll be fine:

????1. Pick the right medium for your message. Text or IM something short and urgent. Email a longer message. Pick up the telephone for anything complex or potentially emotional.

????2. Only include people who truly are needed in a message, conference call or meeting.

????3. Consolidate your communications and use clear email subject lines.

????4. Think before you hit send.

????5. Be respectful of others' time and priorities.

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