


Amanda Pouchot 2012年07月09日




????女性在向權(quán)力頂峰攀登的過(guò)程中阻礙重重,而且這種阻礙不僅僅存在于最后幾級(jí)。希拉里?克林頓的前顧問(wèn)安妮-瑪麗?斯勞特的文章《為何女人依舊無(wú)法內(nèi)外兼顧》(Why Women Still Can't Have it All)所關(guān)注的女性覺(jué)得她們?yōu)榱顺杉抑挥袪奚殬I(yè)。當(dāng)然,我目前只有26歲,不會(huì)假裝明白兼顧職業(yè)和下一代是什么感覺(jué),但身為一個(gè)單親身業(yè)女性(更不用說(shuō)她還是位社會(huì)學(xué)家)的女兒,我還是可以說(shuō)我了解將來(lái)所要面臨的艱難選擇。最重要的是我明白,不要輕易評(píng)判其她女性的人生決定。斯勞特的文章和“女性空間”里的很多其她聲音也給出了補(bǔ)救措施,例如廣泛的社會(huì)變革,共同分擔(dān)養(yǎng)育子女的責(zé)任和靈活的時(shí)間安排等。



????It's a broken record at this point: the dearth of women on boards of tech companies (or on any boards for that matter); that less than 3% of Fortune 500 CEOs are women; that women make 77 cents to a man's dollar. Yes, we've heard. There are "Women's Issues" in the workplace, and they have taken a new turn in recent months. While less publicized, we know the research: Companies that are forward-thinking enough to include women in decision-making tend to flaunt better bottom lines, happier employees, and more socially-conscious businesses. That's all great, but what about women at the other companies? You know, the companies that aren't as focused on creating diverse leadership teams.

????In my first meeting as an analyst at McKinsey in 2008, I didn't speak. Afraid that I would sound stupid, I sat there quietly. I didn't believe that I had anything worthy to say, and I didn't know if anyone would care about my point of view. Where did this insecurity come from?

????Women face barriers when climbing to the top, but it's not always on those last few rungs. Former Hillary Clinton aide Anne-Marie Slaughter's article "Why Women Still Can't Have it All" focused on women who feel like they must bow out of their careers to start a family. While at 26 I can't pretend to know what it will be like to have a child and a career, I can say as the daughter of a working single mother (a sociologist to boot) I know I will face tough choices down the line. And most importantly I know the importance of not judging other women's life decisions. Slaughter's article and many other voices in this "women's space" suggest remedies like broad-based social change, 50/50 parenting, and flexible hours.

????All of those things place the responsibility on the institutions. In a perfect world, that would be enough. But cultural change often runs at a glacial pace. We need to stop pretending that getting more women to the top is going to magically happen by relying on several women asking for change and launching fiery attacks at companies that don't. Sure, it's a step in the right direction to look at how we change the institutions that employ us, but we need to shift toward collaborative conversations with businesswomen of all types. And we need to focus more on actionable solutions and skills that we can build to combat the institutional biases towards women's ascent to the top.

????The typical work-life conversations are helpful, but they exclude huge numbers of women: single mothers, those without children, and those just starting out their careers (with babies not even a blip on their radar). Focusing more on providing career strategies to women throughout their careers will set them up for success. That involves honestly discussing the approaches that work and those that fail -- beyond the usual veneer -- and without being ashamed of failure. (Nobody's perfect.)

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