


Heidi Sinclair 2012年10月10日




????海蒂?辛克萊爾從業(yè)30年后最近退休了,她曾擔(dān)任比爾與梅琳達(dá)蓋茨基金會(huì)(Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation)首席傳播官、博雅(Burson-Marsteller)EMEA首席執(zhí)行官和萬(wàn)博宣偉(Weber Shandwick)全球科技總裁。她目前擔(dān)任Bag Borrow or Steal、Bodymetrics、Concordia Coffee 和Portero Luxury的董事,經(jīng)常就創(chuàng)新、傳媒和人生等話題進(jìn)行寫(xiě)作,發(fā)表演講。

????As I cleaned out my office, I lingered over the treasures of my working life: awards, framed totems to my achievements. In the end, I left them all behind. I do not want to carry a shrine to my executive success into my new life. I am bringing the intangibles of my career with me: the ability to build and guide an organization, to create impactful relationships and to position people, ideas and entities for success. But mostly, I filled my box with the curiosity and passion that has always driven me professionally and now guides what is next in my life.

????Perhaps what has made it an easy leap for me is that I have terrific role models in my parents who retired early to live amazing, full, challenging lives. And I had a plan. I planned for this retirement financially but more importantly, I set some goals. For my plan, I broke down my life into five categories: professional (the boards, occasional projects, etc.), travel (my husband and I have a little bucket list of adventures that will take us through a least the next decade), organizational (simplifying every aspect of our lives), creative (writing, a family project or two) and finally, skills (acquiring or relearning to speak French fluently, to sail…and yes, to play golf).

????Having a long term plan made me eager to get on with it. Yet it took a push, a series of circumstances including my father's illness that said it is time to be done. Not next year. Now. So I am shoving off boldly, but not bravely.

????Heidi Sinclair recently retired after a 30-year career that included serving as Chief Communications Officer for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, CEO for Burson-Marsteller EMEA and President of Weber Shandwick Global Technology. She is on the board of directors for Bag Borrow or Steal, Bodymetrics, Concordia Coffee and Portero Luxury and frequently writes and speaks about innovation, media and life.

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