


Ji Hyun Lee 2012年10月12日


????但并不是所有人都認(rèn)同,運(yùn)用運(yùn)動(dòng)員追求卓越的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)真的能給企業(yè)帶來莫大好處。領(lǐng)導(dǎo)力和培訓(xùn)發(fā)展公司費(fèi)而思(Fierce, Inc.)的總裁兼首席執(zhí)行官哈利?布克就見過公司經(jīng)理讓團(tuán)隊(duì)成員相互競爭來提高公司利潤時(shí)遭遇的失敗。“它會(huì)損害員工關(guān)系,降低歸屬感,而且還會(huì)遏制創(chuàng)新?!?/p>


????Since success is often dependent on how people work in competitive environments, Markman says that this sort of thinking has value beyond athletics and certainly in the business world. "There are two ways to apply it. First, looking at the successes of rival companies can help galvanize motivation within a company to achieve a new goal. Second, when individuals within a company focus on what they have not yet achieved in their careers, it spurs them to want to move upward through the organization," he says.

????Not everyone agrees that using an athlete's standard of excellence is really the best solution for companies, though. Halley Bock, president and CEO of Fierce, Inc., a leadership and training development company, has seen the failures when managers pit teams of employees against one another to improve the company's bottom line. "It harms employee relations, it lowers engagement, and it stifles innovation," she says.

????Still, there is something to be said for training the mind to rethink competitive losses, and although the results may vary based on the environment, success hinges on how a person responds to his or her rivals (the internal and external).

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