


Anne Fisher 2012年11月30日



????除了鈔票,最受歡迎的節(jié)日福利包括不計(jì)入休假的帶薪假期(36%),食品日用品商店禮品卡(29%),以及2013年在家辦公的許可(13%)。Glassdoor職場(chǎng)顧問拉斯特?呂埃夫建議:“如果你在管理一支團(tuán)隊(duì),要提早與員工溝通節(jié)日休假政策,以便員工有足夠的時(shí)間去安排。”呂埃夫曾擔(dān)任百事可樂公司(PepsiCo)全球人力資源部負(fù)責(zé)人,并曾與人合著過一本書——《人才的力量》(Talent Force: A Manifesto for the Human Side of Business)?!叭绻闶且幻麊T工,希望在節(jié)日期間休假,則應(yīng)盡快告訴老板?!鹊较鹊谩裁磿r(shí)候都沒錯(cuò)?!?/p>



????平均有三分之一的員工(32%)表示,加薪是2013年的首要工作目標(biāo)。不同年齡段的要求也各不相同。在18 – 34歲的受訪者中,40%的人計(jì)劃提出加薪要求,其他所有年齡段的平均比例僅有27%。值得注意的是,許多員工明顯認(rèn)為,他們獲得的薪水已經(jīng)足夠高:僅有21%的人計(jì)劃努力獲得上司更好的評(píng)價(jià),只有16%的人表示他們會(huì)接受與工作相關(guān)的培訓(xùn)。



????Trying to decide how to thank your employees for their hard work over the past 12 months? Consider this: For the second year in a row, almost nobody wants to celebrate the season with a party, "even with an open bar."

????That's according to career siteGlassdoor's annual survey of more than 2,000 Americans with full-time jobs. Instead, cash tops the wish list for 73%, and the more people earn, the more they want a bonus. Over three quarters (77%) of employees with household income of $75,000 or above said they'd like a holiday sweetener in their pay, versus 67% of those earning less. And if you're considering giving people company stock instead of cash, think again: Only 9% said they'd welcome it.

????Besides greenbacks, the most popular holiday handouts include paid time off that doesn't count against vacation, mentioned by 36%, grocery gift cards (29%), and permission to work from home in 2013 (13%). "If you manage a team, communicate holiday time-off policies early so that people have time to plan," suggests Rusty Rueff, a Glassdoor workplace advisor. A former head of global HR at PepsiCo (PEP), Rueff co-wrote a book called Talent Force: A Manifesto for the Human Side of Business. "If you're an employee wanting time off during the holidays, speak with your boss as soon as possible. First come, first served usually works."

????Whatever perks companies hand out for the holidays, Rueff adds, it's smart to make clear that those goodies are linked directly to specific results. "Did the company reach its annual goals in 2012? Did a particular team or department surpass expectations? It's essential to explain what made a perk possible," he says -- partly "so people understand their hard work is appreciated and recognized," but also "because it provides history and context in case next year isn't as good."

????And speaking of next year, here's where the Glassdoor survey really gets interesting. Weirdly, 2% of those polled gave their top goal for 2013 as "helping to get boss/supervisor fired." But more important, after the holidays are over, bosses may want to brace themselves for a barrage of requests for more pay.

????On average, about one in three employees (32%) say getting a raise is their top work-related goal in 2013. That varies by age. Among 18-to-34-year-olds, 40% plan to ask for salary hikes, compared to an average of 27% in all other age groups. It's worth noting that many workers apparently think they've already earned a bigger paycheck: Only 21% plan on striving for better evaluations from their bosses, and just 16% say they'll seek work-related training.

????"As employment confidence gradually improves, it's no surprise to see employees focus on more money," Rueff notes. "Regardless of whether the economy is good or bad, take-home pay is always top of mind, and employees are sending a clear message that they want higher compensation -- not only during the holiday season, but next year too." And what will they do if it's not forthcoming? Alas, the survey doesn't say.


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