


Amanda Pouchot 2013年03月11日

????在前不久的一次工作會(huì)議上,我意識(shí)到自己居然在說:“這個(gè)主意不怎么樣,但如果我們嘗試一下……”于是我打住了。我記得,剛進(jìn)麥肯錫公司(McKinsey & Company)做咨詢顧問時(shí),我在最初的幾次會(huì)議上用過這樣的表達(dá)方式。今天,作為一名已成功創(chuàng)建公司并推動(dòng)它不斷成長(zhǎng)的人,我認(rèn)為自己肯定不會(huì)再無(wú)中生有地自我懷疑了。但這種念頭確實(shí)又冒出來了,它意味著,我認(rèn)為自己的想法并不值得討論。


????2011年《紐約客》(New Yorker)的一篇短文中,F(xiàn)acebook的首席運(yùn)營(yíng)官謝麗爾?桑德伯格表達(dá)的觀點(diǎn)與馮芙絲汀寶不謀而合。在聽完一個(gè)關(guān)于“感覺自己像騙子”這個(gè)話題的大學(xué)講座后,她表示:“我這輩子對(duì)自己都是這種感覺。”她說自己在整個(gè)大學(xué)生涯中“把人們給騙了”。在2011年的巴納德學(xué)院(Barnard College)畢業(yè)典禮上,她在致辭中稱,直到如今有時(shí)都會(huì)覺得不自信:“一直以來,我經(jīng)?!皇桥紶枴羞@種感受;我得說,絕大多數(shù)時(shí)候我覺得自己并沒有那么成功?!?/p>

????麥肯錫公司資深總監(jiān)、《杰出女性的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)之道》(How Remarkable Women Lead)一書的作者喬安娜?巴斯表示,自己職業(yè)道路上最大的挑戰(zhàn)來自于如何解開心結(jié),超越自我:“無(wú)論是過去還是現(xiàn)在,我都被一些畫地為牢的擔(dān)憂所困擾……由于愿意幫助我的人們并不了解我這種心理,他們會(huì)把我禮貌的婉拒‘不,多謝了’當(dāng)真,轉(zhuǎn)而把工作機(jī)會(huì)給下一個(gè)人——往往是個(gè)決心抓住這一機(jī)會(huì)的男人。所以,如何打破這種自我限制成了我所面臨的最大難題?!?/p>






????阿曼達(dá)?坡措特與卡洛琳?戈恩共同創(chuàng)辦了The Levo League


????At a recent work meeting, I caught myself saying the following words: "Well, this isn't a great idea, but what if we did …" and then I stopped. I remember saying such things during my first few meetings as a consultant at McKinsey & Company, but I thought surely by now -- as someone who had created and developed a company -- I would not succumb to that kind of preemptive self-doubt. But there I was, suggesting that my thoughts weren't worthy of discussion.

????At a women's conference in 2010, Diane von Furstenberg responded to an audience member's question about how to behave confidently when you are not quite there with the following advice: "Fake it 'til you make it."

????Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook (FB), echoed von Furstenberg's sentiment in a 2011 New Yorker profile. After listening to a college lecture on feeling like a fraud, she claimed, "I felt like that my whole life." Throughout her college years, Sandberg says, "I really fooled them." Addressing Barnard College graduates in 2011, she said that to this day she sometimes doesn't feel confident in herself: "All along the way, I've had all of those moments, not just some of the time; I would say most of the time, where I haven't felt that I owned my success."

????Joanna Barsh, senior director at McKinsey & Company and author of How Remarkable Women Lead, says her biggest career challenge was getting out of her own way: "I was -- and am -- plagued by limiting fears … and because my sponsors were not versed in how to interact with such a creature, they took my 'no thank you' at face value and offered their opportunity to the next person -- a man who invariably grabbed it. It turns out that the challenge of getting out of my own way was the biggest one I ever faced."

????At first I thought the concept of "faking it" was insincere, and that I would be lying to those around me. I was worried I'd be found out -- that they would discover that I don't have the skills to be doing what I am doing, or that I don't know what I am doing. I've come to recognize that these fears are irrational. But there are so many moments where I've let that little voice of doubt and insecurity take control.

????Von Furstenberg, Sandberg, and Barsh make me feel less alone in falling prey to these negative thoughts. But just knowing that these powerful women had youthful moments of doubt is not enough: How did they actually learn to not listen to that feeling and get to where they are today?

????Barsh suggests you should "remind yourself or find out what it is that you really want. Re-center yourself on possibilities ... Let go of non-mission critical tasks, accepting that you are not perfect and should not have that as a goal in mind." Sandberg's suggestion is similar: "Don't let your fears overwhelm your desire. Let the barriers you face -- and there will be barriers -- be external, not internal. Fortune does favor the bold, and I promise that you will never know what you're capable of unless you try," she told the Barnard audience.

????I'm a dreamer. I have big ideas for my company and for myself, but when it comes to action, I often hesitate, or worse, after I do something, I beat myself up over how I could have done it better. What I've come to learn is that the terrified feeling is part of being a professional, and especially part of being a female professional. I have learned to focus on what I can do one day at a time, ignoring the fear of failure. The opportunity to grow comes from taking risks, stretch assignments, and speaking up when you aren't 100% confident. There may be a few bumps, but slight embarrassment only leads to learning.

????When I begin to doubt myself, I think about my motivations for doing whatever it is I'm uncertain of. I train myself to focus on what is possible and try to silence that voice in the negative voice in the back of my head.

????Amanda Pouchot co-founded The Levo League with Caroline Ghosn.

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