


Patricia Sellers 2013年03月14日





????梅耶爾拒絕公開討論她新推出的人事政策——就在上上周,我批評了她宣布禁止在家辦公的聲明。有幾個事情值得關(guān)注:這個政策只會影響到雅虎1%的雇員。梅耶爾準許有特例。(她和負責人事的執(zhí)行副總裁杰基?雷瑟斯在過去一周一直在審核申請。)經(jīng)理們?nèi)绻M糇∧切┍憩F(xiàn)優(yōu)異的遠程辦公人員,在特定情況下將允許下屬在家工作,或者支付安置費用,把這些人員安排到雅虎辦公室工作。隨著上上周百思買(Best Buy)宣布正在按雅虎的做法調(diào)整公司政策,針對梅耶爾決定的憤怒情緒開始消退。

????Sandberg, 43, and Mayer, 37, were friendly but not close to one another at Google, in part because they worked on different sides of the company. Sandberg was all about money and scale—building the global sales and operations teams that has helped make Google a financial machine. Mayer, an engineer's daughter who has a Masters in computer science from Stanford, joined Google straight out of grad school in 1999. The company's first female engineer, she worked 100-hour weeks directing the look and feel of the products, enjoying pretty much every minute of it.

????Both women dreamed big. But while Sandberg quit Google in 2008 to become Mark Zuckerberg's No. 2 at Facebook, Mayer stayed, trusting that great work would propel her inside the company. Admittedly a shy geek, Mayer told people that she views a career as "a step function: When you're ready to take the next step or take on more responsibility, you should start doing your job at the next level. The promotion will come naturally." Her philosophy may have been na?ve, since Mayer got sidelined in her last couple of years at Google. Last summer, when Yahoo's board was looking for a CEO, she was pregnant and ready to step into a big new job.

????Sandberg, who famously leaves the office at 5:30 pm most days to go home to her two young children, is a proud feminist. She adores Gloria Steinem, leans on her CEO husband Dave Goldberg to share housework, and considers Lean In "a sort of feminist manifesto." Mayer, who is only seven years younger than Sandberg but sometimes seems to be of another generation, says, "I don't think I would consider myself a feminist." In Makers, the PBS documentary about the rise of women in America, she explains that she considers "feminism" a "negative word."

????And while Sandberg endeavors to change the world, Mayer has other priorities. She is singly focused on turning around Yahoo. Well, maybe not singly focused. Her priorities, as she told me last fall: "For me, it's God, family and Yahoo—in that order."

????Mayer has declined to speak publicly about her new HR policy—and last week I criticized the delivery of her message announcing the no-work-from-home decision. A couple of things worth noting: The policy affects about 1% of Yahoo's workforce. Mayer is allowing exceptions. (She and EVP Jackie Reses, who oversees HR, have been evaluating requests this past week.) Managers who want to keep high-performing telecommuters will, in certain cases, permit some work from home or they will pay to relocate employees to a Yahoo office. As Best Buy (BBY) disclosed last week that it is revamping its policies along the lines of Yahoo, the widespread anger over Mayer's decision began to dissipate.

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