


Vickie Elmer 2013年04月28日




????布朗說,有些工作場(chǎng)所會(huì)組織“餐飲列車”(meal trains)活動(dòng),即每周讓不同的人請(qǐng)罹患癌癥的同事吃一頓飯。她說,另一種形式是購(gòu)買一種帶有揚(yáng)聲器的特殊電話機(jī),這樣那位嗓音嘶啞低弱的員工就能繼續(xù)正常接電話了。

????大多數(shù)公司的政策遵循聯(lián)邦法律和規(guī)定,其中包括《美國(guó)殘疾人法案》(Americans with Disabilities Act)規(guī)定的相關(guān)措施。2009年1月1日,《美國(guó)殘疾人法案》將癌癥納入保障范圍。數(shù)年后,公平就業(yè)機(jī)會(huì)委員會(huì)(EEOC)針對(duì)這項(xiàng)調(diào)整發(fā)布了指導(dǎo)方針。



????雇主希望留住經(jīng)驗(yàn)豐富的員工,如此一來,根據(jù)人力資源管理協(xié)會(huì)(Society of Human Resource Management)提供的數(shù)據(jù),美國(guó)國(guó)內(nèi)擁有癌癥保險(xiǎn)政策的公司比例已經(jīng)微升至34%(2008年時(shí)的數(shù)字是28%)。

????獨(dú)立研究機(jī)構(gòu)綜合福利研究所(Integrated Benefist Institute)的總裁湯姆?帕里說:“這些員工很寶貴,”而雇主常常希望找到辦法讓他們回到工作崗位。其他員工會(huì)密切關(guān)注雇主對(duì)待患病員工的態(tài)度,帕里說,“如果雇主正確對(duì)待罹患癌癥的員工,它傳遞的是一個(gè)非常重要的訊息”,可以跟許多員工產(chǎn)生共鳴。(財(cái)富中文網(wǎng))


????Still, not everyone is comfortable discussing illness at the office. Spence told of a client of hers who was a hard-working senior manager at an agricultural company. One day, she left packages for Spence and a few others before leaving for what her colleagues thought was a week's vacation. She checked into hospice and died three days later. "I was in shock when I found out. I had no idea she was sick," Spence said.

????Spence thinks employers fall into two main categories: those that follow sick leave or disability policy and laws rigidly and those that treat workers like individuals and work with them during their treatment. Many of the decisions are made one-by-one based on the employee's experience, value, and prognosis.

????"It's very personal. If an employer really likes the employee, that's when they tend to be more flexible or more sympathetic," said Kate Brown, director of support and advocacy at Lungevity, a lung cancer support nonprofit.

????Lungevity's Brown says that some workplaces organize "meal trains" where different people deliver a meal each week to a colleague with cancer. Another, she says, bought a special telephone with speakers so a worker whose voice was hoarse and dim could continue to field calls.

????Most corporate policies are based on federal laws and requirements, including accommodations mandated by the Americans with Disabilities Act. Cancer was added to the list of illnesses covered by the ADA on Jan. 1, 2009, and the EEOC issued guidelines for it a couple of years later.

????Businesses with more than 50 workers are required to give Family and Medical Leave to employees who have cancer. Under the FMLA, workers are entitled to 12 weeks of unpaid time off to care for a child, spouse, or themselves. The employer is expected to continue health insurance and hold a comparable job open for these employees.

????At Cancer and Careers, the staff is starting to hear more from employers looking to help workers through their cancer diagnosis and treatment. Sweeney urges firms to be flexible and to allow staff to work at home during chemotherapy or radiation. Some companies are creating "shared vacation pools" so that workers with extra days can donate them to colleagues battling cancer or other serious illnesses.

????Employers want to hang onto experienced staff, so the percentage of U.S. firms that offer cancer insurance policies has inched up to 34% (from 28% in 2008), according to the Society of Human Resource Management.

????"These employees are valuable," and employers often want to find ways to bring them back to work, said Tom Parry, president of the Integrated Benefits Institute, an independent research organization. Other workers are watching carefully how the employer treats them. "When employers do the right thing with someone with cancer, that is a very important message" that resonates with many workers, he said.

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