


Nina Easton 2013年05月13日



????我們最大的疑問仍然是——為什么?針對這個問題,目前尚沒有足夠多的調(diào)查。筆者在4月29日《財富》雜志(Fortune)上曾發(fā)表過一篇專欄文章——《美國任性的兒子們:他們?yōu)楹伟胪径鴱U》(America's Wayward Sons: Why They Can't Carry On)。讀者們對這篇文章的反饋或許能為我們提供一些符合實際的寶貴觀點。





????孤獨癥與注意力缺陷多動障礙(ADHD)癥增加。米歇爾?林恩寫道:“很可惜,現(xiàn)在只是一群社會科學家和心理學家在進行爭論。他們會急于把責任歸因于模糊的社會趨勢問題(全球化、制造業(yè)衰落等),當然還有單親媽媽和缺乏男性榜樣等。但我認為,大家不妨考慮一下,(真正的)生物科學在這個令人擔憂的問題上可能發(fā)揮什么樣的作用。許多報道顯示,1988年以來出生的那一代,是有記錄以來健康狀況最差的一代。過去二十年間,患注意力缺陷多動障礙癥、哮喘、孤獨癥、躁郁癥、糖尿病和過敏癥的人數(shù)急劇增加。2012年,據(jù)疾病控制中心(Centers for Disease Control)公布,每五個孩子里就有一個患有行為障礙或慢性疾病?!?/p>


????There is a growing consensus among scholars on the right, left, and center that the state of median-income men in America is in distress.

????They've endured a three-decade drop in earnings. Even before the financial crash, prime-age men were dropping out of the workforce altogether, and the problem has only worsened since. Meanwhile, women are far outstripping their male counterparts in the area that's most important for a 21st century global economy -- education.

????The big question remains -- why? On this, the research still falls short. So the outpouring of reader feedback on my column in the April 29 issue of Fortune -- "America's Wayward Sons: Why They Can't Carry On" -- offers some valuable on-the-ground perspective.

????The focus of that column was an MIT study showing the sharp rise in single-parent households hurts boys more than girls. Other scholars have blamed a rise in more readily available government assistance, making aid checks more appealing than paychecks. The decline of well-paying manufacturing jobs, combined with fast-paced technological change, also factors in.

????Here's what readers, reporting on what they see in their own backyards, had to say:

????Flight of fathers. There was broad agreement with the MIT study's conclusion that the rise of single-parenting has set back achievement levels. "My father was a small-time white-collar criminal that fled the country prior to a court date when I was just a few months old," Adam C. Dudly writes. "Even now, in my 30s, I struggle with laziness, sense of identity issues, figuring out who I am or what I want to be, and what kind of man I'm supposed to be ... I would have to assume most young men are not as proactive as I am."

????"While this may seem glamorous for those who admire movie stars and athletes, such family arrangements in the real world often doom children to lead lives of emotional and material privation," writes Jason DeSena Trennart. "It is a clear and present danger to the fabric of our republic. Senator Moynihan spoke honestly about this problem in the African American community as long ago as 1965. Sadly, the phenomenon of single-parent households has only grown."

????A rise in autism and ADHD. "Unfortunately, the current debate is being waged by social scientists and psychologists who are quick to blame the issue on vague societal trends (globalization, decline in manufacturing) and of course, single mothers and the lack of a male role model," writes Michelle Linn. "I suggest you consider exploring how biological (real) science may be playing a role in this alarming issue. The generation of children born since 1988 are by many accounts the unhealthiest on record. The rates of ADHD, asthma, autism, bipolar disorder, diabetes, and allergies have skyrocketed in the last two decades. In 2012, the Centers for Disease Control published a rate of 1 in 5 children having a behavioral disorder or chronic disease.

????"It is well known that neurological disorders affect boys more frequently than girls (for autism, the rate is fivefold)," she continues. "Could it be these illnesses and diseases of the central nervous system are actually affecting our economy? It is very easy to blame the lost potential of up to 20% of our youth on social stereotypes and psychology 101 blithering."

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