


Katherine Reynolds Lewis 2013年05月27日


????北面(The North Face)的高級公關(guān)主任杰西卡?霍利斯特永遠(yuǎn)不會忘記攀巖鎬與鞋釘釘入冰巖時發(fā)出的聲音。當(dāng)時她正與經(jīng)常攀登珠峰的知名登山家康拉德?安可一起攀登一座高山?;衾固厥且驗槌晒Φ匕压镜漠a(chǎn)品提交給了《戶外》雜志(Outside Magazine )的一個獎項,而被邀請到蒙大拿州的伯茲曼山參與這樣一次研發(fā)之旅。





The North Face

????Jessica Hollister will never forget the crunching noise of axes and crampons digging into the ice as she scaled a frozen waterfall alongside Mount Everest regular Conrad Anker. The senior PR coordinator for The North Face was invited on a research and development trip to climb near Anker's Bozeman, Mont. home as a thank-you for successfully submitting her company's gear for an Outside Magazine award.

????"You're hanging off a wall of ice. Your nose is touching the ice in front of you. You can see water trickling down behind the ice. You're so far up, it's scary," Hollister recalls. "You get the biggest adrenaline rush."

????Every year, a team of equipment and gear designers make a similar trip with athletes like Anker and Kit DesLauriers, to test out new equipment designs for North Face. But for Hollister and her colleague Lindsey Sine, a PR coordinator, it was a once-in-a-lifetime chance to join 15 colleagues camping out for three days in a snowy canyon, hiking, and climbing with the pros.

????"I feel so enriched by that experience, and I feel the impact of it every day," says Hollister, who joined a climbing gym with her husband when she returned. She and Sine can now answer questions about the company's equipment based on direct experience. Also, they understand the design process more deeply after observing designers work with the athletes in the aftermath of a day of testing out equipment in the wild.

????"You can't sit in a boardroom and talk about why it's important to get someone outside unless you're out there doing it," she says. The North Face also gives employees 10 free trips a year, awarded by lottery, to do everything from kayaking to climbing or hiking in Yosemite.

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