


Laura Vanderkam 2013年05月30日


????在這50位女性中,有些人是沿著所在公司的艱難晉升之路向上攀爬。例如,IBM公司CEO羅睿蘭在1981年加入這個(gè)科技巨頭,當(dāng)時(shí)她才20歲出頭。僅僅8年前,羅伯遜指出了女性管理人員面臨的“荒唐”歧視,比如密爾沃基房地產(chǎn)規(guī)劃委員會(huì)(Milwaukee Estate Planning Council)拒絕把會(huì)員資格授予威斯康星第一信托公司(First Wisconsin Trust Co.)總裁凱瑟琳?克利里(她是1973年財(cái)富“最具影響力商界女性”排行榜成員),盡管她管理的資產(chǎn)達(dá)到12.5億美元,這意味著她管理著密爾沃基(實(shí)際上是整個(gè)威斯康星州)最大的信托公司。




????“女性或許能達(dá)到某個(gè)較低層級(jí)的最高職位,但她們不會(huì)攀向下一個(gè)高峰,”奧格登公司(Ogden Corp)的蒂莉?劉易斯說?!八齻儧]有受到激勵(lì)?,F(xiàn)在有了婦女解放運(yùn)動(dòng),或許她們將會(huì)受到激勵(lì)?!?/p>



????Forty years later, this seems pretty apparent. Fortune's annual Most Powerful Women in Business list can easily rank 50 women vs. the 10 on the 1973 proto-list, and as Fortune noted in its October 2012 rankings, "While there are currently 19 female Fortune 500 CEOs ... the talent pool was so deep that two of them didn't make the cut."

????Some of these 50 women climbed the harrowing ranks of their companies. IBM (IBM) CEO Ginni Rometty, for instance, joined the tech giant in her early 20s in 1981. That's a mere eight years after Robertson pointed out the "absurd" discrimination female executives faced, such as the Milwaukee Estate Planning Council's refusal to grant membership to Catherine Cleary, president of the First Wisconsin Trust Co. (and a member of Fortune's 1973 list), despite the fact that the $1.25 billion in assets under her management meant she was running the largest trust company in Milwaukee ("indeed in all of Wisconsin.")

????What's also interesting is how similar some of the issues brought up in Robinson's 1973 article are to what's rehashed now.

????Robinson dutifully informed readers that "Most of the women were able to combine careers with families. Six of them are married, and three are widows. Seven of those nine are mothers." But one key reason there weren't more women in leadership roles, Robinson wrote, is the view that careers and kids were incompatible. Indeed, "highly educated women are the ones who most frequently quit their jobs during the rearing of preschool children -- and they are presumably the women whose chances of advancement would otherwise be greatest."

????And then there's the question of ambition -- whether women "leave before you leave" to quote Facebook (FB) COO Sheryl Sandberg. "Among these highly successful businesswomen there is general agreement that women's aspirations are still far too low," Robertson wrote.

????"Women may get to the top of the heap at some low level, but they don't try to move up to the next plateau," said Tillie Lewis of Ogden Corp. "Somehow they're not inspired. Maybe they will be, now with women's lib."

????Bernice Lavin of Alberto-Culver, whose profile noted that she took off a Marissa Mayer-esque one month when her three children were born and "has never felt that running a home made her paying job more difficult," reported that the women in her sales force did a better job than the men. But, writes Robertson, "she finds lots more women unwilling to take on responsibility and unduly fearful of making mistakes. She says 'A lot of girls want to be secretaries, and that's it.'"

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