


Lauren Everitt 2013年06月20日





????本月早些時(shí)候,愛荷華大學(xué)蒂皮管理學(xué)院(Tippie School of Management)引入了一個(gè)幻燈片選項(xiàng)。申請人可以選擇在截止日期(7月14日)之前提交一個(gè)幻燈片陳述資料(想一想一個(gè)包含社交媒體內(nèi)容,猶如打了類固醇的PPT文檔是什么樣子),以代替兩篇申請入學(xué)論文。




????蒂皮管理學(xué)院或許已經(jīng)放棄了Twitter作文,但其他商學(xué)院正在采用這種方式。喬治敦大學(xué)麥克多諾商學(xué)院(McDonough School of Business) 和亞利桑那州立大學(xué)WP凱瑞商學(xué)院(W.P. Carey School of Business)都要求候選人提交一篇以140字以內(nèi)的申請入學(xué)“短文”。喬治城大學(xué)負(fù)責(zé)MBA招生事宜的副院長莎麗?休伯特認(rèn)為,Twitter的簡潔性是一個(gè)額外收獲?!癟witter的精髓在于,申請人通過簡潔而精辟的文字解釋喬治敦大學(xué)對他們真正有吸引力的地方,”她說?!八矠楹蜻x人提供了一個(gè)脫穎而出的機(jī)會(huì),那些具有首創(chuàng)精神、創(chuàng)造性地鏈接至其他資源的學(xué)生分外引人注目?!绷硗?,Twitter還很有趣味。她補(bǔ)充說:“看了一篇又一篇的申請短文之后,大家總想看到簡短有趣、別開生面的東西。”

????Applying to a top MBA program requires an applicant to churn out several well crafted essays on everything from why they want the degree to what matters most in their lives.

????But imagine if you could sell yourself as the perfect fit for your top-choice school in just 140 characters. Or better yet, imagine if you could simply link to your personal blog where you described the launch of a micro-enterprise or a backpacking trip through Peru?

????Prospective MBAs aren't the only ones who find a blog post, Tweet, or Facebook status more palatable than a dense, and often dull, admissions essay. Admissions officials at top B-schools across the country are increasingly offering alternatives to the traditional application that make those painstaking essays less important.

????For many B-schools, the flourishing admissions consulting industry has made it increasingly difficult to separate the real candidate from the carefully groomed one. To help get around the gloss of a high-priced coaching package, institutions are experimenting with ways to meet candidates in their personal worlds -- primarily via social media.

????Earlier this month, the University of Iowa's Tippie School of Management introduced a SlideShare option. Candidates applying before the July 14 deadline have the choice of submitting a SlideShare presentation (think PowerPoint on steroids with a social media component) in place of two admissions essays.

????Tippie made headlines two years ago when it piloted the application Tweet, where candidates made their case for admission in 140 characters or fewer. "We just felt like essays were getting kind of stale, and we wanted something that was current and in a place where our applicants would want to be found," says Jodi Schafer, the director of admissions for Tippie's full-time MBA program.

????Aspiring MBAs were all for it. Nearly every single applicant during the summer of 2011 opted for the Tweet "essay" instead of the traditional one. Tippie kept the program around for the next academic year, and Schafer estimates the majority of applicants chose the Tweet option. But the school scrapped this alternative during last year's admissions cycle. Many prospective students fell back on the tweet as an easy copout. Instead of pithy posts with embedded links to blogs, videos, and personal websites, the admissions committee received sparse statements and had to dig further during the interviews. "That defeated the whole purpose," Schafer says.

????Last year, Tippie introduced a mandatory image essay, where students submitted a picture or collage and explained in 350 words why it was meaningful. But the single image still didn't provide a well-rounded portrait of the applicant. So, at the urging of a student focus group, Tippie introduced the SlideShare option, which taps into social media and provides admissions officials with a more thorough sense of prospective students.

????Tippie may have nixed the Twitter essay, but other schools are now adopting it. Both Georgetown University's McDonough School of Business and Arizona State's W.P. Carey School of Business have an application "essay" that must be answered in 140 characters or fewer. For Shari Hubert, Georgetown's associate dean of MBA admissions, the brevity of a Tweet is a bonus. "It's about the applicant being succinct and being pithy and explaining what's really appealing to them about Georgetown," she says." It's also an opportunity for candidates to stand out -- those with the initiative and creativity to link to other resources can set their applications apart. Plus, it's fun. "After reading essay, after essay, after essay you want to look at something fun, different and short," she adds.

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