


Patricia Sellers 2013年06月28日


????艾佛森找到了依靠。而且,在過去六個月內(nèi),除了作為Facebook全球營銷解決方案副總裁應該承擔的職責外,她還一直負責Facebook的歐洲、中東及非洲(EMEA)業(yè)務。負責Facebook最重要的廣告客戶——包括聯(lián)合利華(Unilever)和可口可樂(Coca-Cola)等《財富》500強公司(Fortune 500),同時還要為歐洲、中東及非洲業(yè)務尋找能長久任職的老板,還得照料兩個雙胞胎女兒,這對艾佛森而言并不輕松。但正如41歲的艾佛森在《財富》最具影響力商界女性大會倫敦站(Fortune Most Powerful Women: London)上所解釋的,她得到的回報也是巨大的。在周一的大會上,她面對一百位女性領導人表示,臨時在倫敦任職讓她學到了很多。

1. 實現(xiàn)品牌人性化。


2. 維護公司的信譽。

????許多人指責Facebook允許發(fā)布基于性別的仇恨言論,當被問及Facebook如何應對這些指責時,艾佛森說:“我們每天在Facebook收到45億條內(nèi)容?!彼貞浧鹪谖逶路輩⒓訉殱嵐荆≒rocter & Gamble)的一次會議時,曾與美國運通公司(American Express)首席營銷官約翰?海耶斯有過交流。在那次大會上,有活動分子和廣告商向Facebook施壓,要求它進行改革?!八盐易У揭贿呎f:‘卡洛琳,給你一條建議:人們對品牌的判斷基于品牌自身做出的反應。一定記住這一點。比方說,你可以采取前瞻性的措施來應對這些問題,壓制住這些仇恨言論,執(zhí)行嚴格的政策,讓更多人對內(nèi)容進行審查,以此保護廣告商。’”Facebook聽從了海耶斯的建議。關于Facebook修改后的有關網(wǎng)絡仇恨的指導方針,艾佛森說:“沒有人,沒有任何一家數(shù)字公司能向任何人保證,即將出臺的解決方案將會完美無缺。我們正在努力接近這個目標。”

3. 互依。

????艾佛森在維亞康姆(Viacom)旗下的MTV電視臺(MTV Networks)工作了六年,當她聽說謝麗爾?桑德伯格希望聘請她去Facebook時,她已在微軟(Microsoft)履新五個月時間。當時,她們兩人并不認識。艾佛森告訴《財富》最具影響力商界女性大會的觀眾們:“我說:‘你在開玩笑吧。我可干不了這個?!铱紤]了大約30秒鐘,然后意識到,我一直都很喜歡Facebook。我在MTV的時候就一直在嘗試收購Facebook,所以我可以說是看著Facebook長大的。做出那樣的決定真的非常困難。而且有人警告我說,在那里工作將非常動蕩不安。結果證明,這是我做過的最好的決定?!?/p>


????Facebook's Carolyn Everson followed the advice of Sheryl Sandberg, her mentor, when she moved her family from New Jersey to London and took a job in Facebook's international business that needed filling.

????Everson leaned in. And so, for the past six months, she's been leading Facebook (FB) Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) in addition to doing her main job as Facebook's VP of Global Marketing Solutions.Nothing is easy when you're in charge of Facebook's most important ad clients—Fortune 500 companies like Unilever (UL) and Coca-Cola (KO)—while searching for a permanent EMEA boss and caring for young twin daughters. But the payback can be big, as Everson, 41, explained at Fortune Most Powerful Women: London. She told 100 women leaders at our Monday conference that she learned these lessons from temping in London:

1. Humanize the brand.

????When Everson arrived in London in January, "what I was surprised about was the perception of the Facebook brand," she admitted. "Clients would say to me, 'You know, the materials that you use in your presentations--the way you talk about the brand--it's just not humanizing." Jumping to fix clients' perceptions of Facebook, she directed her team to alter their pitch. "Facebook has all of the people that matter to you, where they discover what matters to them," says Everson, summing up the new, more human Facebook "sell." She also created a UK advisory board, a twist on a "global client council" that she assembled after joining Facebook two years ago. "They have really become our internal board of directors," says Everson about the advisory boards. The members are key advertisers. "I actually think it's an interesting model for all industries," she says, adding, "Every company has their board of directors. I think every person should have their own personal board of directors."

2. Safeguard your reputation.

????"We receive about 4.5 billion pieces of content a day on Facebook," Everson said when asked how Facebook handled charges that it allows gender-based hate speech. She recalled being with John Hayes, the chief marketing officer of American Express (AXP), at a Procter & Gamble (PG) conference in May when activists and advertisers pressured Facebook to reform. "He pulled me aside and said, 'Carolyn, one bit of advice for you: Brands are judged by how they react. Just remember that. If you take every proactive step to fight this, get the content down, put strict policies in place, get more people to actually review the content to protect advertisers.'" Facebook followed Hayes' advice. "No one, not one digital company, can guarantee anybody that this is going to be a perfect solution," Everson says about Facebook's revised guidelines on cyber-hate. "We're trying to get darn close."

3. Lean in.

????After six years at Viacom's (VIA) MTV Networks, Everson was five months into a big new job at Microsoft (MSFT) when she got word that Sheryl Sandberg, whom she did not know, wanted to recruit her to Facebook. "I said, 'You have got to be kidding me. I can't do this.'…I thought about it for maybe 30 seconds and realized that I had always loved Facebook. I had tried to buy Facebook when I was at MTV, so I had been watching the company from the very, very beginning." Everson told the Fortune MPW audience: "It was a really tough process to get through that decision. And people warned me that it was going to be tumultuous. But it turned out to be the best decision for me."

????This Friday, Everson and her husband and two girls are moving back to the U.S. Yes, she found her replacement. Nicola Mendelsohn, formerly executive chairman at fast-growing London ad agency Karmarama, is Facebook's new VP of the EMEA region--and a clear sign that Facebook's laser focus is on advertisers.

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