


Laura Vanderkam 2013年07月30日

????有一段時間,在家工作是一項時髦的企業(yè)福利。百思買(Best Buy)的“只看成果工作環(huán)境”(Results Only Work Environment)計劃允許企業(yè)員工在任何地方、任何時候工作,曾經(jīng)贏得媒體的盛贊。美國聯(lián)邦政府接受遠(yuǎn)程辦公,部分是因為遠(yuǎn)程辦公可以實現(xiàn)緊急情況下的人員迅速組織。而且,多項研究顯示,遠(yuǎn)程辦公有助于提升工作表現(xiàn)和員工留任率。


????通過碰撞實現(xiàn)創(chuàng)新的理念正在日益流行;今年在得克薩斯州奧斯汀舉行的South by Southwest Interactive Festival嘉年華就有不少關(guān)于這個話題的小組討論,而包括谷歌(Google)和Zappos等在內(nèi)的一批公司正在重新設(shè)計辦公室,希望激發(fā)更多的不期而遇和思想碰撞。




????當(dāng)然,很多工作沒法遠(yuǎn)程完成。大部分醫(yī)療手術(shù)和牙科手術(shù)仍然需要現(xiàn)場操作,大多數(shù)老師都需要在教室里授課。但有不少信息工作不受時間和地點的限制。2013年美國人時間利用調(diào)查(2013 American Time Use Survey)發(fā)現(xiàn),擁有大學(xué)學(xué)歷的美國就業(yè)者有38%會在工作日時在家處理部分、甚至全部的工作。


????不過,在家工作也存在弊端。對沖基金公司Metropolitan Capital Advisors共同創(chuàng)始人兼總裁、《費(fèi)爾曼法則》(Finerman's Rules)一書的作者卡倫?費(fèi)納曼曾經(jīng)嘗試過在家辦公。她說:“就我而言,在家工作什么也干不好?!奔依锏墓δ軈^(qū)分較少,工作時間會被非工作事務(wù)侵占,而且孩子們——她有4個孩子——也會不合時宜地打斷她的工作。



????For a while, working from home was the hip corporate perk. Best Buy got glowing press for its Results Only Work Environment in which corporate employees could work anytime, anywhere. The federal government embraced telecommuting arrangements, in part for the ability to regroup in emergencies, and several studies showed that telecommuting had upsides for performance and retention.

????But over the past year, there's been a shift. Yahoo's (YHOO) new CEO, Marissa Mayer, famously shut down the company's telecommuting arrangements this winter. In an April speech, she acknowledged that "people are more productive when they're alone," but also claimed "they're more collaborative and innovative when they're together. Some of the best ideas come from pulling two different ideas together."

????The notion of innovation via serendipitous encounters is gaining popularity: this year's South by Southwest Interactive Festival in Austin, Texas featured panels on the topic, and companies including Google (GOOG) and Zappos are redesigning their office space to spark more chance meetings.

????Needless to say, serendipitous meetings in the elevator require being in a corporate headquarters, not in your pajamas at home.

????So, is it better to work from home or the office?

????The answer is that it's complicated, with upsides and downsides for both.

????To be sure, many jobs can't be done remotely. Most medical and dental procedures still need to be done in person, and most teachers need to be in their classrooms. But much information work isn't time- and place-specific. The 2013 American Time Use Survey found that on the days they work, 38% of employed Americans with college degrees do some or all of their work from home.

????Skipping the commute is a desirable perk, with various surveys finding a majority of people interested in the option. There are environmental benefits to taking cars off the road. One meta-analysis of 46 studies found that telecommuting was associated with more job satisfaction, less desire to leave an employer, and -- at modest levels -- had no effect on the quality of workplace relationships. In another study, researchers from BYU analyzed 24,436 IBM (IBM) employees in 75 countries to identify the point at which 25% of employees reported work-family conflicts. People with the ability to work from home and set their own hours could work 57 hours per week before a significant chunk experienced work-life stress. For those who had to be in the office at set hours, that break point occurred at 38 hours.

????But there are downsides, too. Karen Finerman, co-founder and president of Metropolitan Capital Advisors and author of Finerman's Rules, tried working from home. "For me, working from home was literally the worst of everything," she says. There were fewer boundaries, with work bleeding into non-work hours, and kids -- she has four -- interrupting at the most inconvenient times.

????As a boss, she says she understands if people need to work from home sometimes, but "it is not my first choice.

????"If there's something very timely we need to talk about right away, not having to track someone down is helpful," she says. "Serendipity is important, that interaction." She's also found that "it's hard to manage people virtually," likening it to what gets done in a classroom when there's a substitute teacher.

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