


Clay Dillow 2013年09月06日




????西格曼表示,就像很多其他專業(yè)工作都不由核心行業(yè)來完成一樣——比如廣告業(yè)和市場營銷業(yè),后者就正被大數(shù)據(jù)分析所徹底改造——大量大數(shù)據(jù)應(yīng)用工作也將外包給大數(shù)據(jù)分析和問題解決的專業(yè)公司。現(xiàn)在為了滿足這種需求,已涌現(xiàn)出了大量大數(shù)據(jù)分析創(chuàng)業(yè)公司(多數(shù)是在風(fēng)險(xiǎn)投資的幫助下建立的),包括MapR, ParStream, ScaleArc和 Cloudant。未來幾年,大數(shù)據(jù)將催生大量工作崗位,而那些能最好地滿足客戶數(shù)據(jù)分析需求的企業(yè)必將成為提供這些崗位的大本營。(財(cái)富中文網(wǎng))


????"What we're seeing now is the tip of the iceberg," Spohrer says. "You think of all the different jobs that exist today. How is all the data associated with each person's job going to change the job and the skills they need?"

????Part of this shift will simply require the retooling of existing jobs, but there is also a new class of positions and skills emerging as well, Spohrer says, positions like "chief data officer" that will become more common within existing companies large and small. These jobs won't necessarily be occupied by deep analytics-types either, but by non-data professionals educated and experienced in their chosen industry while also skilled in the use of big data tools (which, as Sigman noted above, will only become easier for non-data professionals to use).

????Existing companies will expand as they deploy more big data resources -- both human and technological -- to leverage big data to their advantage. But the space to watch isn't necessarily existing companies reorganizing to embrace big data, but the emerging big data industry where deep analytical job growth is likely to make its biggest economic impacts.

????As with so many other specialized endeavors that fall outside the purview of core business -- things like advertising and marketing, the latter of which is itself being completely transformed by big data analytics -- many big data applications will be farmed out to outside contractors who specialize in big data analysis and problem solving, Sigman says. Scores of big data startups are already emerging (largely with the help of venture capital) to meet this demand, including MapR, ParStream, ScaleArc, and Cloudant. The ones who are able to best meet their customers' data analytics needs are poised to become home to many of those many millions jobs big data will generate over the next few years.

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