


Chanelle Bessette 2013年10月12日

??? 《財(cái)富》雜志的年度技術(shù)頭腦風(fēng)暴大會(huì)(Brainstorm Tech conference)匯聚了最優(yōu)秀、最聰明的科技創(chuàng)新精英?!敦?cái)富》定期把聚光燈投向不同的與會(huì)者,了解他們對(duì)商業(yè)、科技和企業(yè)家精神的看法,以饗讀者。

??? 凱瑟琳?弗雷斯博士2013年3月份被任命為IBM首席技術(shù)官(CTO)。除了培育新興技術(shù)之外,她還負(fù)責(zé)制定IBM的技術(shù)策略,同時(shí)確定諸項(xiàng)發(fā)展領(lǐng)域。我們向她提出了10個(gè)問(wèn)題,其中包括:她是否認(rèn)為企業(yè)家必需念過(guò)商學(xué)院,她愿意選擇的超能力是什么,以及她有何業(yè)余愛好。請(qǐng)大家接著往下讀,看看弗雷斯對(duì)科技、商業(yè)和錯(cuò)失的機(jī)會(huì)以及她對(duì)音樂(lè)的偏好。

1. 哪個(gè)科技行業(yè)最讓你感到興奮?


2. 企業(yè)家必須念過(guò)商學(xué)院?jiǎn)幔?/strong>


3. 你曾經(jīng)得到過(guò)的最佳建議是什么?


4. 如果你沒(méi)有從事自己目前的本職工作的話,你會(huì)做什么事情?


5. 你最大的成就是什么?


6. 你最大的失敗是什么?


??? Fortune's annual Brainstorm Tech conference brings together the best and brightest minds in tech innovation. Fortune periodically turns the spotlight on a different conference attendee to offer their personal insight into business, tech, and entrepreneurship.

??? Dr. Katharine Frase was appointed chief technology officer of IBM (IBM) in March 2013. She sets IBM's technical strategy and defines areas of growth in addition to cultivating emerging technologies. We asked her 10 questions including whether she thinks business school is necessary for entrepreneurs, her superpower of choice, and what she does for fun. Read on for Frase's thoughts on tech, business, and missed opportunities as well as her inclination toward a musical hobby.

1. What technology sector excites you most?

I find the big data [data so large that they require extra processing power, like traffic or geolocation data] and analytics space the most exciting, the notion of data everywhere and the new ability for humans to turn that data into insight. This frees us up to make better decisions. It's not just about putting sensors everywhere.

2. Is business school necessary for entrepreneurs?

I don't know that it is necessary for entrepreneurs to finish business school, but I think they should take some traditional business courses. Business is like a sport; you always need to know how the game is going to get scored. Accounting, finance, regulatory concerns -- this is how the business world scores its game, and that's important for entrepreneurs too.

3. What is the best advice you ever received?

My Ph.D. advisor told me it is very important to do good science, but it is even more important to be able to communicate it.

4. What would you do if you weren't working at your current job?

I would sing.

5. What is your greatest achievement?

I think that my legacy is the leaders within IBM that I have mentored and coached over the years.

6. What has been your biggest failure?

Fifteen years ago, I had an opportunity to present to a business strategy team, and I did a terrible job because I didn't understand how those senior executives think. I created a strategy and set of answers that were right for an audience of my peers, but not the right strategy and answers for people running a company. That kind of situational awareness is critical -- knowing your audience and asking the right questions and providing the right information your audience needs to get things done.

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