????尊重公共空間 ????免提電話是一種奇妙的發(fā)明,但只能把它用于一種用途:讓一屋子人都能聽到通話內(nèi)容。坐在辦公室大廳另一端的同事不需要聽到你在電話里和某位大人物的大聲交談。如果是在帶隔間的辦公室或其他沒有隔音處理的辦公場所,更應該減少這種行為。 ????如果你闖進其他人的辦公室去聊天,要注意對方的肢體語言,因為它們可能在暗示你,他非常繁忙,或者不希望被打擾。比如她正在打電話,趴在筆記本前面努力工作,或者把一根手指放到嘴前面(這是一種世界通用的信號,意思是“請保持安靜”)。如果你決定不再到其他人的辦公室閑逛,去抱怨自己有多倒霉,這會給你自己加分不少。 ????最后,把自己的個人著裝習慣和相關的噪音限制在衛(wèi)生間或自己家里。沒有人想聽到你剪指甲的聲音,也沒人想看到你剪完指甲留下的碎屑。那些吃飯大聲的人,還有不斷用筆制造噪音的人,沒錯,說的就是你們。 ????不要推卸責任 ????如果我發(fā)給你一份文件,它就正式成為你的問題。目前大多數(shù)電子郵件客戶端都有很出色的搜索功能,所以,你不需要打電話讓我重新發(fā)送一遍。別再讓我在某件事預定日期之前兩天提醒你,為什么不把它寫到自己的日歷里呢? ????當某個項目受到批評或遇到問題的時候,請專注于尋找解決方案。沒有必要解釋為什么自己沒能做好分內(nèi)的事,也不要解釋是別人的錯。“不找借口”可不僅僅是健身時的口號。 ????反饋: 你是否給自己的同事制定過新年計劃?請和我們分享。歡迎評論。(財富中文網(wǎng)) ????譯者:劉進龍/汪皓??? |
????Respect shared space ????The speakerphone is a wonderful invention that should be limited to just one purpose: allowing a room full of people to hear someone on the telephone. Your colleagues in the office down the hall don't need to hear both sides of your loud conversation with the big shot on the phone with you. This goes double if you're in a cube farm or any other workspace without soundproofing. ????When you pop into someone's office to chat, pay attention to body language that might signal that person is too busy or doesn't want to be interrupted. That includes if she's on the phone, hunched over her laptop, or holding a finger to a lip in the universal sign for "Please be quiet." Bonus points if you can resolve to stop lingering in other people's offices complaining about how swamped you are. ????Finally, keep your personal grooming habits and associated noises to the bathroom or in your home. Nobody wants to hear you clip your nails or witness the detritus that lingers after the fact. Loud eaters and incessant pen clickers, we're talking about you too. ????Don't pass the buck ????If I've sent you a document, it's officially your problem. Most email clients these days have decent search functions, so there's no need for you to call and ask me to send something again. Instead of asking me to remind you two days before something is due, how about putting it on your calendar? ????When we've got a crisis or problem in a project, let's focus on solutions. There's no need to explain why you couldn't hold up your end of the work or expound upon how everyone else is to blame. "No excuses" isn't just a fitness slogan. ????Talkback: Do you have any resolutions for your coworkers? Share them with us. Leave a comment below. |