


Jolie Kerr 2014年01月16日

????“清理書桌節(jié)”(National Clean Off Your Desk Day)快樂!這個節(jié)日降臨于新年伊始,是一個清理辦公桌的極好時機(jī)。讓我們一起來辭舊迎新吧!









????Happy National Clean Off Your Desk Day! Falling, as it does, so early in the new year NCOYDD lands at a great time for getting your desk tidied up. Out with the old, in with the new!

????Here are a few tips to get you on your way to a cleaner work space.

????Out with the old: The first step to cleaning up your desk is to get rid of any trash that hasn't yet made it into the wastepaper basket. The focus of this task should only be on trash; if you've spent more than 10 seconds considering whether or not to keep something, put it down and move on. For now you'll want to pitch or recycle those piles of napkins, plastic cutlery, pens that no longer work, scribbled reminders from months past -- anything that rightly can be called garbage. Out that stuff goes. This includes anything that you may have tacked to a bulletin board.

????The next step is to exert control over your papers and files. If you've got large stacks of papers or files, sort by them project or subject matter, and review what's there in a systematic way. Recycle or, if sensitive in nature, shred any papers that you no longer need, being sure to remove staples, sticky notes, or paper clips before you do so.

????If you're organizing a home office, or if you keep personal files at work, and aren't sure what papers you need to hold onto and for how long, consult this guide to managing household records.

????File your papers: Now that you've got the papers you need or want to retain organized in stacks, you can determine what kind of storage you need for them. Procure the appropriate supplies -- file folders, binders,desktop letter trays -- and file those papers away.

????For ease of identification, label the folders clearly.

????To make accessing them as easy as possible, documents relating to current projects should be stored in a desktop file sorter; look for a style with slots on an incline, which allows labels to be easily seen. Files for completed projects that need to be retained can be stored in hanging file folders in a drawer or filing cabinet or in binders on a shelf.

????Clean up and cluster your desktop accessories: With the files in order, it's time to turn your attention to your desk accessories -- including electronics -- and the work surface itself.

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