????4.微決定應該是私人性質的。別管別人想要你做什么??_琳指出:“要想取得成效,你的微決定只能是為你設計,由你設計,根據你針對自身習慣、態(tài)度和環(huán)境的觀察而做出?!北热绾芏嗳硕枷敫牡羯习噙t到的毛病,但是“每個人遲到的原因都不太一樣?!笨_琳建議了一個方法:先把你每天離開家前要做的事匯總一下,然后在頭一天晚上把最耗費時間的一兩件事先做好。 ????5.從積極的角度來設定微決定。卡羅琳指出:“大多數(shù)人都會跟著一個積極的指令走,而不是消極的指令。如果你決定以后不吃零食了,這個信息是很讓人沮喪的?!钡侨绻憬o自己發(fā)出這樣的信息:“餓了的時候吃飯?zhí)貏e香”,那么這個目標對于一個吃貨就會變得更誘人。所以卡羅琳表示,不管你的決定是什么,一定要以一種能夠激勵你的方式展開,而不能讓你產生一種不開心或是被剝奪了某種東西的感覺。 ????6.識別誘因。我們大多數(shù)的行為都是對周圍環(huán)境某些誘因的自然反應。所以卡羅琳寫道,改變一切習慣的關鍵,就是要找出這些誘因,最大限度地利用它們。要做出一個你一定能堅持下去的微決定,就要每次把精力集中在一個誘因上——比如說你一踏進會議室,就要提醒自己不要在那吃點心。 ????7.一次只做一兩個微決定。近年對大腦的研究顯示,人的注意力和自我控制力都是有限的,因此,卡羅琳建議我們不要奢望短時間內脫胎換骨。在一個時間段內慎重限定微決定的數(shù)量,這樣能確保你的注意力和忍耐力集中在你的行為變化上,直到它成為慣性為止。一旦它成了慣性,你就可以接著實施下一個微決定。 ????不過要想把你在新年第一天決定做出的改變“嵌入到骨子里”依然需要一點時間??_琳指出:“一個微決定大概要堅持四個星期才能變得不那么別扭,真正變得自然而然則需要六到八周?!彼?,堅持就是勝利。(財富中文網) ????譯者:樸成奎
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????4. A microresolution is personal.Forget about resolutions that reflect what someone else thinks you should do. "To be effective, a microresolution must be designed for you, by you, based on observations of your own habits, attitudes, and situations," Arnold writes. For example, lots of people resolve to get to work on time, but "solving late arrival will vary by individual." One approach: Examine the entire series of actions you take before you leave home, she suggests, and start doing one or two of the most time-consuming among them the night before. ????5. Frame your microresolution in a positive way."Most of us would rather follow a positive directive than a negative one," Arnold notes. "A resolution not to snack is pretty dismal." By contrast, "the microresolution message 'I enjoy dinner so much more when I'm hungry' steers the tempted snacker toward a more gratifying goal." Whatever your resolution may be, she writes, put it in terms that will motivate you, not bring you down or make you feel deprived. ????6. A microresolution fires on cue.Since much of our behavior happens in response to cues in our environment, Arnold writes that the key to changing anything is recognizing those cues and making the most of them. To make a resolution you're certain you can keep, focus your effort on one cue at a time, she suggests -- reminding yourself as soon as you set foot in the conference room, for example, that you're not eating any cookies there. ????7. Make just one or two microresolutions for now.Citing recent brain research showing that attention and self-control are both limited resources, Arnold counsels against trying "to change too much too fast. Limiting your resolutions ensures that you have the attention and endurance to stick with a behavioral shift until it becomes autopilot ... As soon as one of your resolutions is solid and isn't taxing to maintain, you can start working on a new one." ????By this timetable, anything you started on Jan. 1 has some time left to go before it's "neurologically embedded," Arnold writes: A microresolution "will take around four weeks before it begins to feel less awkward, and six to eight weeks before it begins to feel natural." Hang in there. |